The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 985: Bailong’s Past

A sound soul resides in a sound mind and a sound body. △↗,

For most magicians, this somewhat aphoristic sentence is not unfamiliar.

It is said that the source of this sentence is the legendary mage Aesop from the later period of the Mythical Age. Under what circumstances did he say this sentence, who escaped the catastrophe that caused countless heroes to mysteriously disappear in the Mythical Age? There is no way to verify it, but there is no doubt that this sentence is still one of the principles for the magicians of this era to study the soul.

When a person's spirit and body are distorted to a certain extent, his soul will naturally no longer be so pure, but will begin to get sick along with the spirit and body.

One of the most common examples is the walking corpse controlled by a vampire.

So, when a person's soul is distorted to the extreme, will his spirit and body change?

Regarding this issue, academic magicians have had a long debate. However, because the research on souls in this era is not in-depth, and there is no method to conduct corresponding experiments, the answer to the question is still unresolved.

But now Yayu Bailong's mother has solved the mystery of this problem based on her own situation.

According to Yayu Bailong, his mother was raped by a sheep-headed evil dragon.

The White Xianlong is synonymous with knowledge and rationality. It also has a strong affinity for light. Its affinity for sacred magic is second only to their close relative, the Holy White Dragon. However, the Goat-Headed Evil Dragon is a messenger that spreads chaos and disorder. The combination of the two will cause considerable damage to Bai Xianlong, who is far less powerful than the sheep-headed evil dragon, both physically and mentally.

However, Bai Xianlong's tragic experience did not win the sympathy of the residents of Long Island. Instead, she was defiled by the sheep-headed evil dragon. The Dragon King at that time nailed her to the cliff of Long Island with orichalcum nails and showed her to the public for three years, which intensified again. The trauma to her soul and body.

It was during these three years that she discovered that she was pregnant.

Three years later, the Dragon King said that if she was willing to abort her child with the sheep-headed evil dragon. Just allow her to stay on the island.

But Yaoyu Bailong's mother rejected him, left Long Island with her body as if she might die suddenly at any time, and found a small island to live on her own overseas.

The pregnancy period of the dragon clan is extremely long, and Yayu Bailong is one of the best. His mother Bai Xianlong took a full thirty years to give birth to him, and during these thirty years. The babbling white dragon has been unconsciously devouring his mother's soul because of his innate physical problems...

When Yayu Bailong was born, his ancestor traveled through time and came to him. At that moment, the power of time recollection made him see all the sorrow and suffering his mother had experienced. From that moment on, his young heart The seeds of hatred were sown.

When he had the ability to act independently, he said goodbye to his mother and began his own revenge plan.

But being immersed in hatred, he did not realize that his mother was getting weaker and weaker, thinking that as long as he could avenge his mother. His mother will be happy.

However, when he killed many giant dragons and was looking for the whereabouts of the sheep-headed evil dragon Beifeng, his mother finally reached her limit.

The first thing he lost was his eyesight, and then his body also lost the ability to move. The pain suppressed in his body by the dragon's tyrannical magic suddenly burst out, and both his mind and body were instantly twisted to the limit.

Then the monster was born.

Different from the gentle and beautiful appearance of his mother, she was extremely ugly and devoid of any rationality. A monster that exists only to destroy.

If it weren't for Yayu Bailong, he happened to have obtained a soul tool called the Pendant of Regret during his previous journey of revenge, which can advance a person's state for three days. I'm afraid he is about to fall into a dilemma where he is helpless.

Although it was very painful for Yayu Bailong to watch his mother fall into madness again and again, in order to save his mother, he had to start trying to collect soul tools, thinking that as long as he could unlock the mystery of the soul, he could save her. own mother.

But he didn't expect that he would encounter a tough guy like Xi Wei at the last moment, forcing him to not even have time to use the pendant of regret for his mother again.

After Xi Wei removed the barrier. The murmuring white dragon soared into the sky, flying towards his mother who had turned into a monster, and then used the Pendant of Regret on the monster.

But unlike before, nothing happened this time.

His gentle mother did not come back.

"how come?!"

The murmuring white dragon dodged the monster's attack in panic. Somewhat overwhelmed.

"Soul tools also have limits." Xi Wei had also arrived at this time. He looked at the monster that was still getting bigger, and his voice became a little heavier: "Not only that, the regret pendant is rewinding the time of the target creature. When the pendant of regret is used, the current state will be recorded. The more times it is used, the higher the level of recording will be. When the endurance limit of the regret pendant is exceeded, the suppressed state will suddenly burst out. …”

He turned around and looked at Bailong, who seemed to have lost the ability to move. He summed it up in one sentence: "Your mother can't come back."

"Shut up! I won't believe it..."

"It's your business whether you believe it or not. I'm just stating the facts." Xi Wei didn't get angry because of Bai Long's words. Instead, he continued: "Soul tools are not convenient props. Every soul tool is given to someone." People bring unlucky things.”

What Xi Wei said was not wrong. People who hold soul tools will have some misfortune to a greater or lesser extent, but the degree is not the same.


The murmuring white dragon looked at the monster heading towards Hernocent and fell into silence for a moment.

Xi Wei looked at the babbling white dragon, and after a while he sighed: "If you can't do it, then let me do it... No matter what, I won't watch her destroy Hernocent. "

Although the monster that looks a bit like a god is inextricably related to the Whispering White Dragon, after all, the other party is not a soul tool holder, so Xi Wei can naturally intervene.

It would be better to say that after knowing that the other party was not the kind of god who was so impressive that even he needed to stay away, Xi Wei finally felt that his labor was finally put to use...

"Wait a minute!" The murmuring white dragon stopped Xi Wei who was about to go down. While flapping his huge dragon wings, his expression was complicated and silent for a few seconds. Finally, a look of determination and sorrow appeared in the golden dragon eyes: "Please Don't do anything... let me let mother calm down." (To be continued...)

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