The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 984 My dad is Beifeng

If we were to rank the top 10 most terrifying monsters in the world, there would undoubtedly be a place among them. ☆→,

The reason for the birth of Divine Abomination has not yet been determined. Some people believe that Divine Abomination is a high-dimensional existence that failed to become a god. Some people think that Divine Abomination may be a product born from the corpse of a fallen god. Some people even think that Divine Abomination is the result of a fallen god. Descendants.

However, it can be determined that this kind of monster has some relationship with the 'gods', because all the gods have a certain degree of divinity. This is also the most terrifying thing about them. If there is not enough mystery, all attacks in the world will be harmful to them. It's all invalid.

Gods have an astonishing enthusiasm and persistence in causing disasters. Mainstream magic circles believe that they are keen on destroying the gods' creations to vent their dissatisfaction with the gods. The purpose of doing so is still an unsolved mystery.

Almost all gods are twisted and terrifying, and they are very willing to spread their distortion and terror into the world to create panic.

There are not many occurrences of divine evil on the main material plane, and there is only one record of large-scale sightings of divine evil after the Great Migration.

It is said that the godly creature fell from another space to the main material plane accompanied by lava and lightning. As soon as it touched the ground, the environment within a radius of hundreds of kilometers centered on it changed.

Originally there was a lush grassland, but after the evil appeared, the grassland was instantly wiped out. Rivers of red lava were everywhere, and the pungent smell of sulfur filled the air. The originally sunny sky was also covered by thick clouds. Only the purple evil thunder occasionally moved through the clouds.

And the place where it came happened to be the pasture of a relatively powerful empire at that time. That empire was completely unaware of the power of the divine evil and sent a large number of troops to conquer the opponent. As a result, it entered the land polluted by the divine evil. Not long after, the whole army was wiped out...

In the end, the empire that had been suffering from bad luck for eight lifetimes also perished because the divine contamination spread throughout the country.

The entire eastern plains were in panic. But even the combined efforts of the three major forces at the time were unable to fight against the Abominations. Just when the top human beings gave up on direct confrontation and began to discuss whether to conduct a second great migration to avoid the pollution that was still spreading from the Abominations, An accident happened.

For the wall of law on the main material plane, the existence level of that evil being is too high. It is like throwing a mouse into a spider web, not only unable to stick to the mouse. Even the net has a hole, so the wall of law collapsed, and the evil god fell out of the main material plane, and God knows where in the void he fell...

By the way, the reason why the other party is called 'that evil being' is because if you give the other party a name, that name will be endowed with some kind of spell-like power due to the divine nature of the evil being. Once it is called out, If the person calls the other party's name, he will be immediately contaminated by the god's divinity. Whether he will become an irrational monster or simply disappear into ashes. It all depends on the physique and will of the caller...

All in all, the gods are basically a group of shocking monsters. Even based on Xi Wei's experience, the only people who can directly confront the gods are the Ozarks at the ancestor level, except for the gods themselves. Even the Demon King in the Abyss could only be beaten when he came. For the same reason, Xi Wei was definitely no match for the evil being.

If the twisted existence coming over the sea is really an evil being. I'm afraid Xi Wei will have no choice but to give up the mission immediately and take his group of people to escape back to the academy first.

At this time. The murmuring white dragon seemed to be going crazy and struggled desperately in the barrier. Regardless of being beaten up and bruised by the defensive weapons activated by the Third New Endymion of the Great Sorcerer City, it still wanted to break through the barrier. Escape from the wall.

This is completely different from the calm and even indifferent look of the other party before.

"Do you want to kill yourself?"

Xi Wei turned back and looked at the murmuring white dragon.

Compared with the majestic appearance at the beginning, the Yayu White Dragon is now much more embarrassed. There are blue blood marks all over the body (The Yayu White Dragon has blue blood because it has evil dragon blood), and there are scales in many places. It was also shattered, and every time it collided with the barrier, fragments of dragon scales would fall off the body. Under the reflection of the sun, it looked like white light spots flying around it, accompanied by blue blood. It gives people a desolate and beautiful feeling.

"Let me out, human being!" Blue blood began to overflow from its mouth, and it seemed that its internal organs were slightly damaged by the forced impact on the barrier: "What is your purpose, a soul tool? As long as you let me go now Go out, it doesn’t matter if I give all my soul tools to you!”

Xi Wei was a little surprised by Bai Long's words: "Are you kidding me?"

The other party would rather offend the entire Eastern Plains to collect soul tools, but now he is just going to compromise by being imprisoned by himself?

Not only that, but its crazy behavior after seeing that suspiciously divine creature was also strange.

"If you don't believe it, we can sign a contract...whether it's a dragon blood contract or a dragon soul contract. The Dragon God is above me. As long as you release me quickly, I will never break my promise!"

Xi Wei took a deep look at the other person, and then suddenly asked: "What does that monster on the sea have to do with you?"

"..." Bailong remained silent, obviously not wanting to answer Xi Wei's question.

However, after a few seconds of stalemate, it probably realized that the initiative was in Xi Wei's hands, so it could only sigh and said in a deep voice.

"She's my mother."

Not only Xi Wei, but also Raven and the others who were not far away almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

The parents of the blabbering white dragon are a white wise dragon and an evil dragon whose bloodline purity is higher than that of the white wise dragon.

Leaving aside Bai Xianlong, although evil dragons also look strange, they are still dragons after all... Does your dragon grow up to have such a trait of having internal organs turned out?

"My father is an evil dragon with a sheep's head..." the babbling white dragon said slowly.

"Could it be called Bei Feng?" Xi Wei suddenly interrupted and asked.


Because the sheep-headed evil dragon Beifeng was quite famous, the babbling white dragon didn't care that Xi Wei would call out his father's name.

"Wait a minute, if your father is an evil dragon, shouldn't your mother be a white wise dragon?" Xi Wei looked at the deformed monster on the translucent screen again. For example, it is said that the shadow of Bai Xianlong is so beautiful that he can be ranked among the top three in the dragon clan. (To be continued...)

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