The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 272 First Arrival at Hornhaig

"Teacher, I remember that Hornhager has an air ban, right?"

Alisa asked Xi Wei strangely: "Is it really okay for us to swagger in in the airship?"

This time, besides Xi Wei himself, there were four class monitors and three little girls from the black class who went to the college evaluation meeting as representatives of Edric College, a total of eight people.

Xi Wei led the team, while the remaining seven people were dedicated to participating in the evaluation project. After all, among the students, the strength of the seven of them can already be regarded as outstanding, and in the last few days of the Tower of Trials, they also worked together, which is much better than those combinations that still need to be re-tuned.

There were still three days before the opening of the appraisal session, but Xi Wei had already brought the students to Hohenhag by airboat.

"It's okay. I have the right of immunity. If I add the invitation letter, the magicians stationed in the gatehouse will let us go."

Xi Wei expressed no pressure on this. The facts were just as he said, he didn't even show the invitation letter, and the guarding magicians respectfully let him go just because of his Second Class Merlin Medal.

When Hornhager's magnificent city body was gradually revealed in front of everyone, those little guys forgot their worries about the assessment of the evaluation project, and were shocked by the scene in front of them. Even Tio's little face, which was neither flattered nor humiliated, showed a surprised expression.

Although Edric College, as a college established on an empty island, can be called miraculous in itself, the college castle with a huge contrast between its exterior and interior fully renders the mystery of the college. But in terms of grandeur and size alone, Edric College is far better than Hohenheig, who can squeeze into the top five even in the entire eastern plain city. It's still too far away.

Of course, comparing a college with a city is inherently unequal. It's just that the most magnificent building these little guys have ever seen is Edric College, so they subconsciously make comparisons.

Xi Wei took a panoramic view of their expressions and didn't say anything about what was going on in their hearts. He just let the little demon Woda land at the designated place and let them disembark.

The reception staff of the Mage Association had already received the news of Xi Wei's arrival from the gate tower, and sent people to greet them early.

After exchanging pleasantries with the reception staff for a while, Xi Wei and the others arrived at the guest house where the group will live for the next period of time.

Because Xi Wei also wanted to set up a college beacon in the guest house. So he simply gave a few little guys a little pocket money, and drove them all out on the grounds that they were familiar with the terrain.

Although not as good as Golovito, Hornhaig's magic and alchemy business is still very prosperous. There are a lot of messy things for sale, so it's good to let these little guys go out to see the world, anyway, the academy beacon will be built soon, and they can naturally contact themselves if there is anything wrong.

But Xi Wei obviously worried too much. The law and order in Hohenheig is still very good. It wasn't until dinner time that the little ones returned to the guest house contentedly, and began to tell Xi Wei about their experiences outside.

"When we first arrived at the shop called "The Tail of the Rat", we were worried at first whether we would be cheated and buy fake alchemy materials. After all, we were only doing experiments with alchemy materials in class before. , Professor Sophia didn't specifically teach the method of discernment." Since the placement banquet. Kamiyu got closer to Xi Wei a lot. He danced and said to Xi Wei: "I didn't expect the authenticity of those alchemy materials to be so obvious that they can be seen at a glance! Their method of counterfeiting is too clumsy. Already!"

Xi Wei seemed to be listening seriously, and nodded with a smile.

In fact, he also went to Sophia's class.

The girl did not explicitly mention how to distinguish the authenticity of alchemy materials. However, when she asks students to do experiments, she will focus on the characteristics of those materials. And let the students play with the real thing. In this way, students who have become accustomed to it over time will naturally be able to recognize fake materials at a glance - just like letting a person keep playing with real banknotes, if one day he is given a counterfeit banknote, he will definitely You can recognize it by touching it.

It’s just that this kind of education method can only be used by Edric. After all, not every school has a college store that can get such a large amount of precious alchemy materials...

"Speaking of which, we met students from other colleges in "The Tail of the Rat." Kamiyu said with indifference: "They claimed to be students from the upper college, and their attitude was very arrogant. In the end, even Ember Mote and Huo Yaojing The powder can't be separated, and the shopkeeper cheated six gold coins for nothing."

Xi Wei asked curiously, "You didn't deliberately expose it, did you?"

Although it is a customary rule that there are fakes in the alchemy material store, not only the store owner, but even the deceived magician will feel unhappy because of the damage to their honor if they are exposed face to face.

After all, as a magician, the most important thing is 'magic literacy' and 'knowledge'. If people point out their lack of knowledge in public, except for some open-minded magicians, most wizards will feel resentment, especially those young and energetic, who feel that they must be the next great magician in their worldview student of the Academy of Magic.

As for money? How can a student who can enter a high-ranking college be short of such a little money...

"What Riddle wanted to say, but I stopped him." Little fatty Tanis had been unable to get in the way just now, and now that he finally had a chance to show his face in front of his idol, he raised his hand and said almost immediately.

"But Kamiyu laughed at that time, and those people may have noticed it." Dorothy said with some hesitation.

"That's fine."

Xi Wei waved his hand to make the little guys feel relieved: "As long as you don't wear it in person, if they dare to trouble you with Kamiyu's smile, I will let them remember it from the depths of their souls." The fear of Edric College."

Xi Wei doesn't like to take the initiative to cause trouble. Many times he will take the initiative to avoid trouble when encountering trouble, so as to prevent the situation from becoming more troublesome. But now he is representing his own academy. If someone really dares to bully them without any reason, then not only is it not a trouble for Xi Wei, but he can also be used to show off and promote himself. College opportunity!

"Teacher, dinner is ready."

After chatting for a while, Alice came to inform that dinner was ready.

Although the guest house has its own chef, Alice just took a look at the chef's cooking skills, and immediately decided that she would be in charge of the meals for everyone in Edric College during this period...

"Okay then, let's go eat first." So Xi Wei followed suit and announced the meal amid the cheers of the little girl Tiou.

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