The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 273: Ixo School of Literature

The loud noise and the flickering flames pierced the night in the western city of Hohenheig.

The explosion occurred in a luxurious hotel named Maple Leaf Forest. The patrolling magicians rushed to this hotel quickly, and left the hotel with the same swift action after learning what had happened.

"Joe, the compensation for the loss of the hotel will be deducted from your scholarship." A black-haired boy with single-rimmed glasses said coldly.

The room he is in now is in a mess as if it had just been ravaged by a tenth-level typhoon. Various unknown fabrics, pieces of wood and metal fragments were scattered all over the floor, and there were black radial charcoal on the floor and walls. mark.

Fortunately, Maple Leaf Forest is a high-end hotel in the magic sanctuary of Hornhag, and the building itself has a good resistance to magic, so even if an explosion of this level occurs, except for the deformed windows, the room itself has no damage. Too much damage—otherwise the cost of repairs could be multiplied several times.

"Tsk, I see Saul, you are always so long-winded."

A young man whose whole body had become pitch-black responded in an impatient tone, and at the same time scratched his hair that had become an afro with his right hand in great displeasure. This action caused a puff of smoke to rise from his head as if it was on fire, and at the same time, the jet-black hair also revealed its original color, which was a flame-like crimson.

"Even possessing a demon can cause this kind of explosion. You better go back to the academy quickly, Kid Sparkle, so as not to embarrass our Exosman Academy at the evaluation meeting."

A fat man with a triple chin was lying on the bed, with naked contempt on his face, he sneered mercilessly.

The bed he was lying on was the only intact piece of furniture in the room. If you look carefully, you will find that the bed is the center and the surrounding ground and walls have no scorching marks at all. It is like an isolated island and the surrounding This kind of messy scene is incompatible.

Obviously, at the moment of the explosion, someone used some kind of magic to defend.

"Shut your mouth, Piggy Fisher! Otherwise I don't mind sending you back to your mother's ass!"

Joe, who was in a bad mood, was like a powder keg, which exploded when he was poked by the fat man.

"As No. 7, you dare to challenge me, No. 1?" The fat man sneered, his three-tiered chin trembling with the smile he deliberately showed: "If you can do it, come on, you bastard!" head!"

Joe drew out his wand, and the red magic light and sparks flickered on the tip of the wand, and the fat man also stretched out his hand, and the ice-blue magic light shrouded his hand like mist, and the atmosphere followed the two. The personal confrontation suddenly became tense.

At this time, an earthen wall appeared between the two of them out of thin air.

"Stop it all. Otherwise, I will notify the assistant teacher Nanxi!"

Sol pushed the single-rim glasses that were about to slip off the bridge of his nose, and stopped the two of them with some headaches: "Do you still think that there will not be enough gossip materials for the Goddess Pravda next month!"

Seeing that both of them were reluctant to release the spellcasting state, Sol snapped his fingers and canceled the earth wall built by elements, which was a very mana-consuming earth—although with his level, it is considered to be local materials, so that the ground changes It is not impossible to form a wall, but if you do this in the Maple Leaf Hotel, I am afraid that the three of them will be kicked out by the angry waiter...

"Speaking of which, Joe, what's the matter with you? Searing enchantment is not an advanced enchantment, so it shouldn't be difficult for you. Why did you make such a big mistake?"

Perhaps because they were afraid that the two people who were incompatible with each other would fight again, Sol simply started the conversation himself.

"Tch, I was tricked by that old man at the tail of the mouse!"

As soon as this was mentioned, Joe, who had turned into an afro, became furious. He gritted his teeth and said, "He actually sold it to me as embers and dust!"

The fat man on the side continued to sneer and said, "You can't even tell the difference between embers dust and fire crystal powder. Have you learned alchemy for nothing?"

Joe didn't bother to explain, and threw half a bag of unused powder the size of his fist to the fat man.

"He mixed other things in it, and the appearance is exactly the same as that in the book, and I can't tell it apart at all. If it wasn't for the magic power in Yaojing being activated suddenly during the experiment and I felt it, I don't even know where it is. Something went wrong!"

Fatty Fisher picked up a handful of powder, and after careful identification, his ridiculously short eyebrows gradually frowned—even he, who is the No. Can't tell the difference between the two!

"Joe, don't bother with Rat Tail."

Saul saw that Joe's mood was a little unstable, so he warned him casually: "You know the rules."

A magician is synonymous with knowledge. After purchasing all the alchemy materials or spell-casting materials and leaving the store, if you find something wrong, you can only blame yourself for lack of knowledge and fail to recognize it. You can't blame the store. This is what magicians do. Proud, it's a customary rule in the magic world - of course, if you buy a certain material in large quantities, it's two things for the shopkeeper to adulterate it.

"Of course I know the rules!" Joe replied irritably. It is because he knows that he is so irritable.

At this time, Fat Fisher suddenly narrowed his eyes, which made his small triangular eyes even smaller: "Speaking of which, do you remember when Foolish Joe was buying embers, there was a The behavior of the students in the other academy is a bit strange."

When he said this, both Sol and Joe recalled the other people who were in the tail of the mouse at that time, and their strange behavior at that time also emerged from their minds again.

"Could it be that..." After a long while, Sol expressed the conjecture in the hearts of the three: "Did they realize that what Joe bought was not embers and dust, but fire crystal powder?"

"I haven't seen the emblem of that college, so it shouldn't be a famous college."

Joe recalled the school badges on Kamiyu and the others, and after comparing the prestigious schools he had investigated in the school, he looked a lot more relaxed: "If they hadn't been cheated, they probably belonged to the school that specializes in alchemy."

"Is that really the case..."

A subtle sneer appeared on Fisher's face. With extraordinary perception, he had already noticed something at the tail of the mouse, so he immediately thought of Kamiyu and the others——an academy with even school uniforms that are high-level magic items is really only the kind of school that even evaluates Will it be a waste wood academy that you can't pass?

I'm afraid that another college with a profound heritage has appeared in a place unknown to them, the famous high school. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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