The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 310: The Faint Moon and the Elf Treasure Tree (4)

It was none other than the Elf Elder Wen Te, whom Xi Wei was familiar with.

At this time, his attire was very different from before. The original robe was woven from linen and the unique plant fiber of the ancient forest. Now, for the convenience of movement, only a small hem was left, and the upper part of the robe was twisted into a In the shape of a hemp rope, it wraps around Winter's waist, revealing the green tulle bodysuit that outlines the elf's strong and fit figure, and a metal ring shoulder buckle with exquisite workmanship, which is both ornamental and protective.

Judging from the short sword and scimitar on Wen Te's waist, he is not a nature singer or forest ranger that is common among elves, but an elf swordsman.

Unlike human magic swordsmen, elf swordsmen do not value the performance of their weapons. Compared with magic weapons, their outstanding magical talents make them pay more attention to their bodies.

Another difference is that the swordsmanship of the elves is completely different from the swordsmanship of the magic swordsmen fighting on the battlefield. Instead, it is more like the foil swords that human nobles mainly use for competition and viewing, except for the bonus of natural magic. In addition to the powerful power of this kind of swordsmanship...

Therefore, these elf swordsmen, who are as beautiful and dangerous as dancing, have another name in the bard population-elf sword dancers.

The weapon pinned to the left of Wendt's waist is similar to the Stratao short sword of the late sixteenth century on Earth.

This weapon, which is less than forty centimeters long, is more like a dagger than a dagger to humans, and only assassins can use it. But in the hands of elves, this weapon can exert extremely terrifying power. The sword body is slender and easy to draw out and hide. The four-edged sword body can intensify the power when piercing. The sharp and sharp sword tip can ignore most defenses, penetrate horny armor or penetrate through the gaps in metal plate armor. in……

On the right side of his waist is a weapon similar to the Boskilij machete in the early nineteenth century on Earth.

Unlike the short sword, which mainly focuses on stabbing, this knife is obviously more inclined to the function of slashing. Whether it is the deep curved blood groove on the back of the knife, or the false edge formed by the widened head of the knife body, they are all designed to increase the power of slashing and killing. This weapon largely makes up for the lack of attack power of elves' daggers. , It also allowed the elf sword dancer to have a great reputation no less than that of nature singers and forest rangers in the hundreds of years of changes.

Obviously, these two weapons well reflect Winter's aesthetics as an elf.

Not to mention the shape of the Streitow dagger, which is similar to a cross-like handicraft, even the half part of the Boskilije scimitar has complex decorative patterns. The tongue of the cross guard not only helps to The blade is more firmly fixed to the hilt, which itself also complements the ornamentation, giving the coat of arms an even more ornate look. In addition, the carefully polished pistol-shaped hilt also gives people a very precious feeling.

It should be said that it is an elf... The two weapons except the one on the hilt, the meaning is similar to 'Made

_In_China’, the emblem representing the Horngolat Empire’s military workshop, there are almost no maintenance errors or other defects.

"Elder Winter, what happened?"

After signaling to the little leprechauns in charge of the bridge to 'close the shield temporarily', Xi Wei jumped onto the deck. Went, who didn't even know that he almost bumped into the shield of the magic ship stupidly, asked.

"The forest area next to the tribe suddenly began to crystallize. If it develops at that rate, it will soon endanger the tribe, so we have decided to move away from here. The three moon trees have all been uprooted and are moving to another nearby The tribe marches."

Elder Elf took a breath, looked at Xi Wei who was holding Alice, and replied with a serious face: "I'm here to inform you and Miss Fleur, but Miss Fleur is not here now... Also, if possible, Mr. Edric, do you want to watch the crystallization process of the forest area with me? Maybe it will help solve the mystery of the mutation."

"No problem, I'm also curious about it. Please lead the way." Xi Wei nodded politely.

After the Elder Elder jumped out of the magic ship, Xi Wei gestured towards the bridge with the gesture of 'open the shield again, ready to set sail at any time'. Then he put Alice with flushed cheeks in his arms back on the deck, continued to maintain the levitation technique, and left the Sky Destroyer with Winter.

Originally, Xi Wei wanted to fly directly to the scene of the incident, but Winter didn't have magic that could fly, and elves didn't like to share magic with others, so he could only follow Winter honestly. Get down from the moon tree to go to the destination.

However, just as they reached the ground, an elf dressed as a forest ranger hurried over and reported the situation to Winter in Elven language.

"I think we have to hurry up." After hearing this, Winter's face became more serious: "I don't know why, this time the crystallization spreads very fast, maybe the Moon Tree will be caught up!"

Plants will be harmed by crystallization. In other words, if the Moon Tree is caught up, it may only become a giant crystal sculpture for the elves to visit...

Losing three fertile moon trees at once was undoubtedly a blow to the forest elves, whose population was already very small.

It is precisely because of this that Winter will show that dignified expression as if he is facing an enemy.

"You want to stop it, you want to slow down the spread of crystallization?"

If the crystallization could really be stopped, there wouldn't be so many forest areas that look like that now.

Looking at Wen Te's expression, Xi Wei roughly guessed what the other party was thinking.

After the crystal is destroyed, it will soon be covered with a new layer, which is thicker and harder than before. But no matter how fast this 'soon' is, it will take time to fix it. As long as the existing crystal regions are constantly destroyed, so that these crystals can only be repaired continuously, maybe it can really slow down the speed of its spread.

"Are you willing to help us?" Winter didn't answer, but asked rhetorically. But this rhetorical question undoubtedly acquiesced to Xi Wei's guess.

"Just now, my student did something wrong, so this should be regarded as an apology." Xi Wei, who was suspended in mid-air through the levitation technique, scratched his hair and looked into the distance.

Wen Te, who was standing on the ground, couldn't see it, but Xi Wei could clearly see that a forest area not far away was performing a scene similar to the ice-covered things that are common in American disaster movies. scene. Whether it's the forest, the ground or the shrubs, they all turned into crystallized creatures in an instant... and this phenomenon is still spreading towards where they are at an extremely fast speed!

"Besides, the purpose of my coming here is to help you elves."

With that said, Xi Wei stretched out his palm and sprinkled a few pieces of sapphire. Using the sapphire as the base point, a spherical magic circle composed of countless runes and lines emerged in the space in front of him. Through the dense rune lines emitting faint blue light, one can barely see a black shadow appearing in the spherical magic circle, and the black shadow is still growing rapidly——

"Dragon Alliance? Sapphire Dragon!"

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