The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 311: The Faint Moon and the Elven Treasure Tree (5)

As a branch of summoning, the Dragon Alliance can summon dragons that inhabit various elemental planes and are willing to trade with humans to the main material plane.

According to the cost of summoning dragons to the main material plane, this magic is divided into three-ring magic, which can only summon young dragons or sub-dragon creatures. The oath alliance, and the five-ring miracle magic that can summon those BUG-like ancient dragons and special dragons, is a super-advanced dragon oath alliance that only exists in legends.

Xi Wei used the Four Rings Dragon Alliance. Depending on the adult dragon to be summoned, the cost of this magic and the magic power required for summoning were also different.

The sapphire dragon belongs to the gemstone dragon species of giant dragons, and its presumed subjugation level is between 28 and 30. It is a small type of dragon among giant dragons. It has strong physical attacks and is good at earth elemental and spiritual magic.

The most important thing is that the cost of summoning them is very cheap, as long as some not particularly valuable glass stones or sapphires are enough-although dungeons are not produced, these two minerals are not very rare in this world, so the value is not high, West Vie even has a bunch in stock for summoning...

"Human, this job?"

After the spherical magic circle disappeared, the blue light did not disappear, and the gem-like scales on the sapphire dragon's body shone charmingly even in this kind of sunny weather.

It opened its crocodile mouth full of sharp teeth, and asked in a low and hoarse voice.

"After a while, I will delineate an area, please use magic to sink it into the ground!"

Xi Wei replied briefly, his hands continued to be stretched out, and the khaki magic light flickered between him.

Second ring earth elemental magic? Wall of Ooze.

Obviously, it was only using flowing ooze to block the second-ring magic of other people's attack or defense projectiles, but the effect that Xi Wei had activated at this moment was extremely astonishing.

The mud was like a fountain, rising straight up tens of meters from the ground, enclosing the crystalline forest area that was almost the size of an ordinary town and still spreading like a wall!

"The reward you gave is only enough to sink this ten meters underground, human!" The sapphire dragon looked at the area surrounded by the soft mud wall and growled.

The crystallization soon spread to the wall of soft mud, and Xi Wei also maintained a state of outputting magic power, abruptly propping up the soft mud with extremely low plasticity to nearly 100 meters, which has far surpassed the soft mud. The scope of the second-ring magic of the wall can originally be achieved!

Xi Wei didn't look at the expression of the sapphire dragon - in fact, he couldn't understand the expression on the ugly face of the dragon that was no different from a reptile.

While continuing to maintain the soft mud wall, he yelled loudly at the money-greedy dragon: "I will pay extra for the reward later. As for now, let me sink this thing as deep as I can!"

"As you wish, rude human!"

The sapphire dragon clicked its mouth, spit out a circle of sonic dragon breath to smash the crystals that were about to cross the wall of soft mud, and then opened its huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

Obviously the mouth didn't make any other movements, but countless syllables quickly came out from the depths of its throat.

I saw that the crystallization that was still spreading non-stop seemed to stagnate in an instant, and the surrounding walls of soft mud that had been half crystallized collapsed. Immediately afterwards, the area surrounded by the wall of ooze was like soft dough, and was 'swallowed' by the surrounding land in the blink of an eye.

"Dragon language magic, multiple spellcasting... Tsk, it is indeed a giant dragon. Even the sapphire dragon, which is also called the weakest gemstone dragon along with the amethyst dragon, is terrifying to humans."

"Irreverent human beings, don't say unnecessary words."

Well, it looks like dragons have pretty good hearing, too.

Xi Wei shrugged innocently.

The sapphire dragon was similar to a reptile, but because it was a giant dragon, its eyes glowing with ice-blue magic light stared at Xi Wei, like a giant python staring at its prey, making it creepy.

However, it probably felt that the chances of winning were not very high in a conflict between itself and Xi Wei, so it snorted coldly and continued, "Don't be too happy, the strange magic-like effect just now hasn't stopped."

I wouldn't have to work so hard if that thing would stop so easily.

Xi Wei ignored the giant dragon's gaze as if he was about to eat people, and secretly slandered.

"Sure enough, even if it is the effect of crystallization, if it does not appear on the surface, the crystallization will continue."

Then he took out the previous parchment from his pocket, as if he wanted to continue recording the newly acquired information, but after realizing that the quill was not brought, he could only scratch his head helplessly, and stuffed the parchment back.

"Mr. Edric!"

At this time, as an elf swordsman, he was completely unable to help in such a large-scale attack, so that Winter, who had been playing soy sauce, finally spoke: "The crystallization has begun again!"

Because the forest area that was crystallized before has all disappeared, and now the crystallization can only start from the beginning, which also makes Xi Wei's next work much easier - he created more than a dozen high-rises around the starting point of crystallization The high wall of ooze increases the area that needs to be crystallized, and slows down the speed of crystallization in disguise.

"What's the current situation of the Arclight Tribe?" After finishing these, he even had the leisure to ask Winter about other things.

"It's still migrating, but it hasn't run out of the forest area that spreads like crystallization!"

Wen Te quickly climbed up a tree, looked around for a while, and then replied to Xi Wei. It's just that the condescending Xi Wei has already seen it - after all, the moon tree with a magic destroyer on the top of the tree is too obvious in the forest.

"Things don't seem to be going the way you imagined, rude human being."

Seeing Xi Wei's expression, Sapphire Dragon said in a slightly mocking tone. It looks like this guy has inherited the small-minded personality of most dragons.

"There is no way, Wen Te, you go to inform the tribe and let them migrate south."

Xi Wei said to the anxious Elf Elder.

"What? But not only are there no other elf tribes there, but in terms of the radius of other crystallized forest areas, it is much farther away from the dangerous area than the current west direction..."

Wen Te had no idea why Xi Wei said that, and the expression on his face became a little suspicious.

"I'll explain to you later, if you believe me as a human being, please do as I say now." Xi Wei glanced at the sapphire dragon who was sneering ("Hehe, stupid human..."), seriously Said to Elf Elder.

"...Well, I am willing to trust you, Mr. Edric."

Wen Te also nodded solemnly, with a figure like a swallow, lightly jumping on the tree towards the place where the tribe is.

Xi Wei glanced at his back, took out a card, put it to his lips and said, "All the main guns are loaded, and prepare according to the plan", then looked at Sapphire Dragon again: "The agreed reward will be doubled." , now join me to stop this thing from spreading."

"Deal, rude human being."

"Work hard, greedy dragon." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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