The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 350 j... Annan, I am no longer a human being!

There are not many people in this organ city, only those weird monsters.

In addition to the teapot they encountered at the beginning, Xi Wei and the others encountered along the way such as "huge scissors entangled in black thorns and walking around with thorns as legs", "the body looks like a rhinoceros assembled with bearings , but the head is still a smoking pipe-shaped giant', 'a disc-shaped mysterious flying object that is pieced together with square iron sheets, and its body is full of rivets'.

Xi Wei even saw a paperclip covered in black mud, like a slug yiyàng leaving a black wriggling trail on the ground"" novel.

Now the two of them are hiding in a pipe that is similar to a sewer, but there are no traces of water. Compared to wandering around outside, it's still relatively safe here.

"Heh..." The girl covered her mouth with her hands and yawned a little, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

Probably because the city was built on lava, many difāngs in the castle did not lack orange-red light sources. In the light outside the tongguo, the girl could see that Sylvia was still carving Shime's back on the wall.

"Is it okay to just sleep for a while? It should still be early morning outside now."

Hearing the movement behind him, Xi Wei continued to draw the map that Ziji had memorized after he entered the building, and at the same time persuaded him casually, "Why don't you sleep more, I will have to rely on you to seal the thing later."

"It's okay, I didn't sleep long in the sanctuary."

After a big stretch, the girl's expression looked much more refined.

"I haven't slept so deeply for a long time. Although in the dream Xiaocui always thought that the tentacles were burned and complained to me..."

Did Xiaocui refer to the green dragon that almost turned into a barbecue?

For some reason, Xi Wei, who thought of sauerkraut, complained in his heart, and then continued with his work.

"Is it useful for you to draw this? We shouldn't have explored this castle much?"

The girl's interest mǎshàng shifted to what Xi Wei was doing.

"According to my estimation, to be precise, we have explored about one-fifth of it." Xi Wei took a step back, looked at Ziji's masterpiece and nodded.

It can be seen from the newspaper-sized map that a lot of things are missing. Even the one-fifth map (in Western Wei) opened by Yijingyijing still has a lot of difāng that they have completely explored.

"Then isn't this kind of thing useless if you draw it?"

The girl was discouraged for a while.

"No, there are many shihou. Even if we don't run the complete map, we can get a lot of information that can determine success or failure. The key depends on our observation and reasoning ability."

Xi Wei, who had been trained by various disgusting maze dungeons for more than half a year, had already mastered the skills of dealing with this terrain, and quickly sorted out useful things from the existing information.

Xi Wei drew a fan-shaped arc in the upper left corner of the map, and put a five-pointed star in that corner: "Only in this area will we encounter those weird creatures... That's why we came in at the beginning nàme Jiudu méiyou the reason why you encountered them."

"You mean. Are there shime things being guarded by them?" The girl was innocent but not stupid. mǎshàngmingbái understood Xi Wei's meaning: "Could it be the seal carrier we're looking for?"

"Who knows, but there must be something in that direction." Xi Wei put the dagger back into his pocket without changing his face under Elilia's worried eyes: "How about it, do you want to take a risk and try it? "

"Well, sure!"

After unifying opinions. Xi Wei led the girl in that direction again.

Although there are constant dangers along the way. However, after Xi Wei's deliberate avoidance and methods such as diverting the tiger away from the mountain took effect. They still approached there without any risk.

Followed by successive traps and various puzzles.

The traps here were all for nothing for the tried and tested Xi Wei, and many of the puzzles were slightly difficult, and the two worked together to barely pass them. After unlocking the last code lock similar to Sudoku within a very short time limit, he came to the center of that area, which is actually the center of the entire castle, in a room under the huge clock tower.

Different from the steampunk and weird gothic buildings outside, the decoration of the room is like a little girl's bedroom, very sweet and warm, full of fairy tale color.

"Here... hǎoxiàngméiyou's remaining seal carrier?" A certain holy lady who was ready for bloodletting wandered around the room for a while and said doubtfully.

In the room, there are two inclined tables on each wall, which are somewhat similar to small bar tables, and there are eight in total in the room. Only on the sloping platform on the left side of the eastern wall was a suitcase that seemed slightly familiar to Xi Wei.

It's also worth mentioning that this room doesn't seem to be affected by the forbidden magic domain, which finally made Xi Wei feel relieved that the gǎnjiào who couldn't keep losing his magic power was really not good.

"Mr. Edric, there seems to be writing on the crystal chandelier in the center of the ceiling."

Just when Xi Wei was hesitating whether to open the suitcase to see the shime inside, Elilia pointed to the exquisitely crafted crystal lamp on the ceiling and cried out.

"It's a rune, but it's the first time I've seen it engraved on a crystal. On a carrier with good translucency, won't the runes on both sides interfere with each other..." Xi Wei narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand slightly, and His magical power was transmitted to the crystal lamp along with his jingshén.

So the magic lamp, which was originally decorated like a cluster of crystals on the ceiling, began to bloom in a different color.

Failed again...

The old voice echoed in the small room, startling the two of them.

However, Xi Wei soon discovered the nature of this voice: "hǎoxiàng is the voice of the owner of this castle recorded before the crystal lamp."

Is artificial life really impossible to achieve?

Whether he was talking to himself or asking others, the old voice continued.

Life is the greatest treasure bestowed by the gods on this world. After all, we are not gods, so can we only do this?

"Could he be talking about alchemy life?" Xi Wei touched his chin: "Alchemy life existed in the last era... so this difāng is just a product of this era?"

The sound didn't stop because of Xi Wei's guess, it just continued to play.

Is this the limit of humanity? Is it because of this boring limitation that we cannot surpass the gods?

With a trembling old voice, fǎngfo spoke of the desolation and pain in Ziji's heart.

Not reconciled, I am not reconciled! Ruguo said that the limit of human beings is here, nàme Annan, my best friend, I am no longer a human being!

Hearing what was said here, Xi Wei subconsciously looked at Elilia, and then he realized that only he knew that the one they sealed was the existence named 'Annan'. To be continued...)

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