The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 351: Original Eight Clans

"Failed again..."

The old man let out a long sigh.

The years have left indelible marks on his body, and the original short blue hair has turned pale at some point.

His time is running out.

In front of him is a 'failure'.

The exposed bones, the organs that are still beating with the heartbeat, the nerves and blood vessels that are glued to the flesh, and the terrifying appearance that makes people unable to connect with 'people'.

"Is it true that artificial life cannot be realized?"

The old man covered his face, and muddy tears slipped from his fingertips: "I just want to see my daughter again, can't this be okay!"

At the old man's feet, a black bulldoodle (large dog breed, similar in appearance to an enlarged Labrador) stood up, wagging its tail and licked the old man's finger.

"Only you are still by my side, only you are still by my side, Annan."

The old man sniffled, patted Bullard's head, and cheered up again: "I've been working hard for twenty years... I can't just give up like this!"

But the reality will not change because of people's will.

After experiencing failures again and again, the old man finally realized sadly that he could only create monsters between the living and the dead.

"Life is the greatest treasure given to this world by the gods. We are not gods after all, so can we only do this?"

He resentfully kicked the pile of things in front of him that had to be mosaiced to be seen by others, and the panting old man sank back to his seat.

"Is this the limit of human beings? Is it because of this boring limitation that we can't surpass the gods?"

The old voice trembled, as if expressing the desolation and pain in his heart.

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!"

Then, he raised his head as if he had made up his mind. The flash of determination in his eyes made the black bulldog whine anxiously.

"If the limit of human beings is here, then Annan, my best friend, I will stop being a human being!"

The old man gave up his human life and emotions and transformed himself into a lich.

While his lifespan was greatly extended, he also lost his original goal without feelings.

So it began to mass-produce those monsters between life and death, and relied on them to capture a dwarven dungeon and let them rebuild it according to its requirements.

As a monster that has lost its sensibility, a lich is more than a general art. Greater appreciation for gears, springs, and clocks that work meticulously.

As soon as the clockwork city was completed, the Lich executed those dwarves who had their own thoughts and might cause 'variables' without hesitation, turning the city into a dead city-oh no, the city There is only one life.

That was a black bulldoodle named Annan.

I don't know if it's the consciousness of the previous life or other reasons. The lich has not yet done anything to the big dog beside it.

After doing all this, the Lich began to study artificial life again.

Create life, something that even the greatest alchemists of this era failed to do, but ordinary human mothers did.

So the Lich decided to change the method: if the life cannot be artificially manufactured, then use the finished product for secondary processing.

There are legends about the creation of the world in the scriptures of the Pure White Church - the original god created the world and perfected a series of rules, according to his own appearance. Want to create a new life.

But he felt that this was not good. If everyone looked the same, wouldn't it be difficult to identify them?

So he deliberately modified several parts of each of his creations, and finally formed the most primitive eight lives. And these eight lives also developed their own population based on themselves. This is the legend of the "Original Eight Clans".

What the lich does is imitate the Creator. Killed eight newborn babies for the pure life force extracted from them. And his obsession and feelings during his lifetime were used as the basic raw materials to create eight dolls representing the original eight races.

They represent the dragon clan (the dragon clan in the original eight clans refers to the ancient dragon species) 'El Batleyn', 'Garugantia' representing the elves (high elves, extinct), and the night demons (Extinct, one is said to be the ancestor of pure-blooded vampires) 'Stephanie Meyer', 'Floris' representing the dwarves, 'Oke' representing the orcs (generally referring to the king orcs with Beamon blood) , 'Angel' representing angels, 'Dave' representing demons, and...'True Red' representing humans.

——Clock City Center Room——

"The recording of the crystal lamp was interrupted?" The girl looked at the crystal lamp that had stopped working in wonder.

"Well, it seems that it has been disabled for too long." Xi Wei didn't stop transmitting magic power to the crystal lamp until then.

Although the girl didn't know the use of the lich in the story to create these puppets that can't be regarded as real alchemy life due to her lack of experience, but Xi Wei was different. He almost guessed the other party's thoughts in just a moment : "That lich...does she want to create a god!"

As he spoke, he walked towards the inclined platform to the east.

"God-making?" The saint Elilia was confused: "If you mean that he imitated the actions of the gods... because what he created can only be regarded as a reference, so it won't have any effect?"

"It's not the Lich himself, but the dolls it made. You should be more familiar with the rituals of magic than I am." Xi Wei stopped in front of the suitcase on the inclined platform, and turned to look at the girl : "It is recorded in the holy scriptures that 'the gods created the original eight races by referring to their own images and making certain modifications'. In other words, each of the original eight races has a part of the characteristics of the creator."

He looked at the incumbent saint with a serious expression on his face: "Then, if we let them decide the outcome through fighting or other means, and let the winner get the god parts of the loser, then what do you think is the final outcome?" What will happen to the winner?"

"Being promoted because you have completed the ritual of 'becoming a god'... No, if there are not enough ritual conditions..."

As the saint of the church, the young girl who received systematic divine arts education immediately began to consider the possibility of this ceremony. It didn't take long for her to rub her brows and said uncertainly: "No, the uncertain factors are too large. No, even if this ceremony is successful, that puppet will not be upgraded to a god, at most it will only become very powerful. And all of this must be based on the detachable parts of the god you said."

"Of course the parts of the gods can be disassembled." Xi Wei inspected the lock on the suitcase and replied absently.

"Why are you so sure?"

The girl frowned, as if she was very dissatisfied with Xi Wei's performance of insisting without seeing the real thing.

"Because among the eight dolls, 'True Red', which represents human beings, is in my academy."

"Huh huh huh—?!"

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