The Dean Has Arrived

Original text Chapter 368 ghost disease (part 2)

"Oh, the one you're talking about is called ghost disease."

The owner of the tavern "Honey Jar" wiped the wine glass in his hand, and casually said to Franken and the others who were sitting on the bar.

Because the protective clothing was too eye-catching, Franken asked them to take off their protective clothing and put them away when they were about to enter the tavern, pretending to be a bold traveling businessman.

As for the prevention of the epidemic - Franken's research over the years is not for nothing, a few small magic amulets have a better preventive effect than protective clothing.

"Ghost disease? Why haven't I heard of this disease?"

Because Franken's tone of voice is not normal, so this kind of negotiation is carried out through Kamiyu... In other people's eyes, it seems that Franken, an old businessman, is training his heir to treat others. , and there is no great sense of violation.

"Naturally." The tavern owner put down the polished cup, took two plates of barbecue from the waiter, and put them in front of Franken and the others, and continued, "Because this disease only occurs in Morag. "

As he continued to explain, Kamiyu and the others understood this strange disease.

As Franken guessed, ghost disease is indeed a special disease that appears because of the source of the plague.

In Morag, except for those traveling merchants who stayed for a short time, they would almost always be infected with a certain degree of disease after staying for a long time.

The manifestations of the epidemic are divided into three types. One is the most common and most likely to appear to outsiders (generally criminals). They have high fever and vomiting in a short period of time, can’t eat or drink, and finally die of dehydration in pain. Because the corpses of the dead were twisted and blackened, it was also called the Black Plague.

The second is more common among the aborigines in Morag, because the symptoms are only strange green spots on the body, so it is also called green spot disease (when talking about this, the shopkeeper opened his sleeves and gave They look at their own half green arm). The disease spreads over time, and some precious medicine or powerful magic can effectively suppress it, but it cannot eradicate it. When the area of ​​the green spot exceeds half of the whole body, that person's death will be approaching.

It is worth mentioning that after death, the corpses of patients with green spot disease have a certain chance to become plague walking corpses, so no matter what their status is before they die, they will be cremated equally after death.

The third is ghost disease.

In the early stage, ghost patients look like normal people... In fact, about 30% of the residents in Morag look good. But in fact, 29% of them are infected with the hidden black plague, as soon as the time comes, they will die immediately, and less than 0.10% of them are infected with this strange disease called ghost disease .

After the ghost disease enters the onset period, part of the patient's soul can leave his body, but apart from himself, only magicians and creatures with spiritual vision can see it. I don't know the reason, but when the soul of the spirit body is separated from the body due to ghost disease, it can still touch the object, as if it has an entity. And whenever the soul is damaged, that person's body is damaged as well—for reasons that are still unknown. Of course, no one in Morag will study the reason inside...

As the disease spreads, more and more parts of the soul of ghost patients can leave the body. After the connection between their soul and body is completely severed, these ghost patients will die suddenly, and the soul will also consume too much power during life. And to dissipate, even becoming a ghost species is an extravagant hope.

"In short, if the guy you met really has ghost disease, and it is so strong, it is estimated that he will have a few days to live."

With this sentence as the end, the tavern owner turned around and continued his work, leaving Kamiyu and the others staring at each other.

"What do we do next?"

Although there were not many people in the tavern, Dorothy still deliberately lowered her voice and asked.

"There are quite a few people who know Mo's Laxi River. Let's ask for directions later."

Franken didn't hesitate.

Perhaps it is because undead creatures are naturally more rational. For him, the main purpose of coming this time is to get rid of the source of the plague. If possible, he can find friends he knew in Morag when he was alive. In addition, what the city has become, and what happens to other patients with diseases in it, has nothing to do with him.

Although Riddle and the others seem to have a little objection, they have neither the ability to solve the source of the plague, nor the method to treat the residents of Morag, and they can only silently share two pieces. The taste is very bad, but the price is lower than outside. The average price of a barbecue three times more expensive, and then followed Franken out of the Honey Pot Tavern.

After having his wallet stolen by children younger than Kamiyu and the others, robbed by several scrawny adults, and being picked on by some very vicious-looking Heihe members, Franken They finally asked the way to the main road of the Moshi Laxi River.

After running to the alley and putting on the protective clothing of the Baicheng guards again, they arrived at the main river channel smoothly.

The river is very wide, and the water in the river looks black and has a feeling of oil. But Franken and the others knew very well that this water was full of terrifying curse power.

There are many reefs or building remains in the shallows along the river. On those reefs or broken roofs out of the water, a group of creatures that looked like goblins, but with scales, webbed paws, and folds like straw hat brims on their heads were squatting there, Lazily basking in the few sunshine in this pit city.

"That is the magical creature Prag, a distant relative of the red hat. They generally live in swamps and feed on poisonous mushrooms and miasma. They are not aggressive in themselves, but they will use words and actions to mock those who pass by the swamp or Creatures, let them fall into the trap. Fantastic creatures with very bad personalities."

Tanis, who had taken Monster Ecology as an elective, reported the identities of those little creatures in detail.

"That's right, it is said that the Qiyao Mage Association has already removed these guys from the regulations on the protection of magical creatures. But now is not the time to discuss this. What we have to do is ignore those guys and look for the source of the plague..."

Franken nodded too, confirming what Tanis said.

"Professor, look!"

At this time, Dorothy pointed to the river. Several people looked in the direction she pointed, and found that the man who had escaped from Franken was sitting on the bank of the river with his knees folded, throwing stones into the river sullenly, startling a piece of Pragg, making them look like toads They fled in all directions. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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