The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 369 Digression: This world is not round...

Because the matter is so important, although Xi Wei still went out on the Falcon this time, he did not spare any magic power on the way to bless the Falcon, which was already extremely fast, with all kinds of magic. When he came back to his senses, he had already reached the edge of the sanctuary. The feathers of the giant eagle that looked majestic, like a magnified sea dongqing, had lost a lot of its feathers at some point, and it looked like a bald eagle. Hairy pheasant...

Fortunately, Xi Wei had already contacted the sanctuary with long-distance communication magic on the way, so he wouldn't be shot down as an intruder or ufo or something.

Xi Wei didn't bother to wait for the Falcon to land, so he directly performed a feather fall technique and jumped off its back, floating slowly to the ground.

Not long after, Fleur heard the news and came to welcome him on behalf of the Holy See.

"You're too vague in communication magic."

It might be because of the familiar relationship with Xi Wei, the girl complained to him as soon as she came up: "And with your magic attainments, why is that communication still intermittent?"

Nonsense, try making a phone call at a speed close to the first cosmic speed without a windshield, that stupid bird almost flew out of the earth, okay...

Xi Wei slandered in his heart, but didn't say it.

"I have come to explain this. Is His Holiness Pope Nicholas there?"

Following behind the girl, he immediately asked straight to the point.

"Not only His Majesty the Pope, but also His Majesty Tesla, His Excellency the Archbishop, and a group of elder-level bishops have arrived, and are waiting for you in the cathedral now."

The girl gave him a complicated look. Said meaningfully.

"...I see." Xi Wei understood it.

Although the orc invasion is a major event for the Huolian Empire in the border area, but in terms of the area affected by the war, I am afraid that the group of barbarians have not even defeated one-tenth of the eastern plain, so they will have to unite in the pan-human race. The coalition forces of the alliance ran back in despair. Except for the first invasion war, when the orcs caught humans by surprise, this truth has been verified several times in history.

In other words, for the three giants of human power, the King's Council, the Qiyao Mage Association, and the Pure White Vatican, it can only be regarded as a big deal... especially the Pure White Church wèizhi is close to the south. The last time the orcs invaded, the Pure White Church had just pulled up a new crusader to go to the battlefield, and the combined army of the King's Council and the Mage Association had already finished sharing the spoils and returned home...

And several high-level officials who hold real power in the Pure White Church are waiting for him. Except for the orc invasion notified by Xi Wei. I'm afraid there are some other meanings in it.

What the girl said just now was to remind Xi Wei of this point.

As one of the top leaders of the Holy See, it is very rare for a girl to be able to do this.

The place where Xi Wei landed was not far from the cathedral, and soon the two of them came outside the solemn cathedral.

"Aren't you going in?" Xi Wei looked at the girl who stopped at the doorstep. asked some surprised.

"My grade is not high enough to attend this meeting." Fleur stared at Xi Wei seriously: "Anyway, you should be more serious. Don't be rude in front of them."

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

Xi Wei smiled slightly, turned and pushed open the door of the cathedral.

morag penitent church

The Penitent Church was also the site of a groundwater explosion a few years ago. Because of the lack of materials. Even after the Masters Association took action to solve the flood, this dilapidated church has not been renovated, and it still maintains the dilapidated feeling that it will collapse at any time.

At this time, at the front desk of this church, a man wearing a bishop's robe and a mass belt emitted a holy and warm white light from his hands.

As the white light wandered throughout the church, believers who came to worship felt a sense of belonging and security from the bottom of their hearts.

It is good for people, but it can lead to dependence if you take too much. This is the characteristic shared by most buff-type holy magic.

Therefore, the man did not release this holy aura for a long time, and soon stopped, and began to preach the manuscript of the Gospel in his hand.

When the chapters of the day were finished, he watched these newly established believers leave the church one by one.

It wasn't until he was alone that the man breathed out as if exhausted, and slumped down on the 30% decayed wooden chair.

He is Cardinal Nero.

Originally, according to his grade, it was impossible for him to be sent to a place like Morag to preach, but because he faced a dilemma when he was in the sanctuary, he decided to go to some remote places first. A place to think about for a while.

The main danger of Morag's plague comes from the curse in it, and Nero, who came from the Holy See, is a good hand no matter in dealing with the disease or the curse, so even in a place like Morag that is dubbed a plague cage, he Not scary either.

The fact is the same, he even drew a group of believers in this barren land by virtue of his own holy magic...

Opening the drawer of the front desk, the general church will put a copy of the holy scriptures or a cross in it to show the belief in the divine light. This church should be placed in the former, but after being soaked in black water, those papers had already become moldy and rotted, and Nero threw them all away. At this time there was only a small ampoule in the drawer.

Through the transparent bottle, you can see the silver liquid inside.

Nero sighed for a long time, put the bottle back in the deep drawer, and looked up at the ceiling with many holes.

The fifth type of holy water, the 'Holy Grail of Angels'.

Can improve physical fitness and increase photophilicity.

This is a symbol of the Holy See's promotion to become a white bishop, and it is also one of the most precious things in the sanctuary.

But Nero, a member of the sanctuary, knows more than ordinary people.

There is only one price for using this bottle of holy water.

That is to abandon the identity of a human being and live in this world as a semi-spirit.

The holy spirit is the general term for photophilic creatures in the heavens, and the most representative ones are angels.

And the 'Holy Grail of Angels' is a prop that allows users to gradually move themselves closer to that kind of creature.

Although almost all people in Sanctuary are proud of being a half-holy spirit, Nero doesn't think so.

Is it really okay to just abandon your human identity like this?

He's not the only one to take issue with that.

There was another person in the sanctuary who had a grudge against this, and finally gave up the chance to become the archbishop.

That is the holy silver sword Ji Fulei. Because she rejected the opportunity to become the bishop in white, the girl left the choral team and voluntarily went to the Knights. With her own efforts, she made a series of achievements and was promoted to Knight Commander within three years. .

However, the Knights are only a subsidiary of the Sanctuary after all. Even the Knight Commander of the Knights Templar is not as good as the White Clothes Bishop in terms of rank.

Did the girl regret her previous decision? Should I walk the path she once walked?

Nero's mind was in a mess.

"Forget it, let's go for a walk..."

Finally, he sighed heavily and decided to go out to relax. (to be continued...)

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