The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 371: The Poor Monk Comes from the Middle Earth Tang Dynasty (mistake)...

"Long time no see, Your Excellency the Chosen One."

On the prayer platform of the cathedral, the current Pope Nicholas of the Pure White Church is wearing a white sacrificial robe, a crown representing the status of the pope, and a scepter that is probably made of platinum or similar metal in his right hand. With a solemn expression on his face, he greeted Xi Wei.

Behind him is the huge floor-to-ceiling stained glass window of the cathedral. Countless pieces of brightly colored window leaves form a huge image.

If nothing obstructs it, it can be seen that it is an abstract pattern of a winged figure flying away like the sun in the sky.

It's just that from Xi Wei's perspective, that person was just blocked by Nicholas. At first glance, it looked like a pair of Baroque-style painted wings spread out from the back of this rather elderly pope.

"Well, Your Excellency the Pope is well." Xi Wei clenched his right hand and placed it in front of his left shoulder, and saluted the other party as a mage.

On the left and right sides of the prayer platform, there were several young priests standing. Judging from their clothes, the archbishop in white was the lowest rank present.

"We are very clear about what you mean. The Holy See will soon dispatch ascetic monks to investigate in the Angola Mountains. At that time, we will ask your academy to assist us."

Nicholas casually mentioned the purpose of Xi Wei's visit this time, obviously he had more important things to say.

"That's natural."

Although Xi Wei didn't want to cause trouble at this time, if he turned around and left now, it would be like slapping the Pure White Church in the face. What's more, the other party has so readily agreed that he will make corresponding actions, showing enough respect for himself, of course he has to show the same sincerity.

After all, if the two forces are not affiliated, and one of them always asks for unilaterally without paying any price, the relationship between the two will never last long.

Xi Wei just wanted to be an ally of the Pure White Church, not a subordinate institution.

"Actually, you came at the right time. Our church has just discovered an amazing fact." Nicholas said seriously: "You should have heard of the territorial plan that was implemented five years ago, right?"

"Well, there was a lot of trouble at that time..."

Xi Wei nodded of course.

Territorial plan, the full name is Pan-Human Race United Alliance Territory Expansion Plan.

Human beings have lived in the Eastern Plains for generations since the Great Migration. Even though the land in the Eastern Plains is still more than enough for the residents, the newly promoted nobles have discovered that through the alternation of generations, most of the land in the Eastern Plains has been lost. been divided. There is no room for oneself to intervene.

As the number of new nobles without fiefdoms increased, this conflict between land and owners became more intense.

In the end, a certain emperor of the empire, who couldn't stand the constant whining and crying of his nobles, made a proposal when he participated in the king's council.

‘Now that all our land has been divided, why don’t we just get some new land? '

Therefore, based on this proposal, it was perfected and initiated. It is the territorial expansion plan of the Pan-Human Race United Alliance.

The Eastern Plains is in a very awkward geographical position.

The hills to the north of it were the territory of the orcs. In the eastern plains, human cavalry and magicians could completely torture the orcs, but once they entered the mountains, the situation was completely reversed.

To the south of the eastern plain is the ancient forest sea. Leaving aside those forest elves who are not friendly to humans, the monsters in the forest alone are enough to wipe out the human army seven or eight times.

The eastern plain is at the easternmost point of the mainland, and further east is a vast sea. It was once claimed that there was a land beyond the sea. But so far, no one who has dared to go to sea to find that piece of land has returned. On the other hand, a lot of them were found in the offshore island chains.

It's just that the place where the birds don't shit is not so much a fief for the new nobles, it's better to say it's a place of exile...

And finally the west.

The situation in the west is more complicated, but generally speaking, it can be divided into two large areas.

The northwestern side is disconnected from the Angola Mountains, and the place that looks like a natural step is called the cliff of the West Land. By the way, the height difference of these so-called natural steps may have reached more than 100 meters...

And because none of the scouts and adventurers who went to investigate at that time came back, the Westland Cliff was also designated as a high-risk area. And now this area has become the territory of the Timothy En Dark Alliance.

The southwestern part is just a slightly sloping desert, and other places are relatively normal—in fact, humans entered the eastern plain through this gap. In the Holy See's "New Era of the Holy Code", this gap leading to the eastern plain is also called the Hope Sand Sea.

It's just like the island, no nobleman would want his fief to be drawn in the desert...

Because of the territorial plan. After several battles between humans and orcs, but without any actual benefits, the plan was completely shelved.

"Is there any new variable now?" Xi Wei frowned slightly and asked Nicholas.

Nicholas nodded to a white-clothed archbishop on the right that Xi Wei didn't know at all, and the other party took out a scroll from his collar, walked up to him and put his hands on it, and presented it to Xi Wei.

Although watching the archbishop in white who everyone respected outside carefully hand over things like a servant can greatly satisfy his vanity, Xi Wei also knows that the more solemn the other party's actions, the more serious the matter this time will be. higher.

So he also became a little more solemn, took the parchment roll from the opponent's hand, and slowly opened it.

"This is..." Xi Wei's eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Although the territorial plan has been put on hold, some superficial behaviors are still continuing because there are no clear regulations." Nicholas said slowly under Xi Wei's surprised eyes: "Half a year ago, several junior members of the Qiyao Mage Association When the magicians routinely inspected the Hope Sand Sea, they found a human corpse inside. Although the corpse was already rotten due to the climate conditions of the desert, they found a map from the corpse. "

He pointed to the map in Xi Wei's hand: "What you are holding now is the extension of that map."

On the parchment, although it was very simple, there were quite a few figures with regional characteristics drawn on it. In addition, there were many lines and some strange characters on it.

Ordinary people may never see this kind of characters in their lifetime, but magicians who have studied ancient magic books all know about it—this is the language of ancient humans!

And what is drawn on this piece of parchment is the map of the west of the eastern plain that cannot be reproduced by the entire human society today!

"Could it be..." Xi Wei had some guesses about it in his heart.

"That's right, maybe..." Nicholas seemed to have read Xi Wei's mind, and continued, "Perhaps the ancient human beings are not extinct, and our compatriots still exist in Middle-earth!"

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