The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 372 Sorry, I don’t know what chapter name to face at this time...

Grad swallowed a large chunk of black cheese and licked his fingers contentedly.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing is not something that low-level people like him can enjoy. But a few days ago, I just stole a lot of money from a peddler, so I was able to be so extravagant.

Morag is not a friendly place, and the thieves who live at the bottom of the city class are one of the most unwelcome objects. God knows when those people from Windmill and Black River don't like one, they will die It's hard to guarantee.

Therefore, when they have money, they will not choose to save it, but spend it recklessly, spending the money in the shortest possible time.

Randomly wiping his saliva-stained hands on his dirty cloth clothes, Gerard, who had already started to have green spots on his face, took out a cloth bag from his chest and weighed it, and heard the crisp and pleasant sound of coins colliding inside. It looks like there are quite a few more.

He grinned, revealing his jagged, yellow teeth covered with tartar, and laughed.

The money was enough for him to spend lavishly for half a month.

After stuffing the purse back into his collar to prevent being fished out by his peers in troubled waters, Grad was thinking about which brothel to go to at night and which prostitute to call, while reaching out his hand to open the leaky wooden door of his house.

Then he hit the street.

To be precise, he felt that his body suddenly became extremely stiff, and he couldn't even bend his joints.

Even though he was terrified and wanted to shout subconsciously, he found that his mouth seemed to be covered with an invisible cloth, and he couldn't make any sound except for a slight hum.

"Is there really no problem here?" Instead of him opening the door from the outside, it was a skinny middle-aged man in mage robes and a cowboy hat on his head. What frightened Grad was that the eyeballs of this middle-aged man seemed to have a life of their own, turning in two different directions, and on his temple, there was another eyeball that looked like a screw no matter how you looked at it. things.

What kind of monster is this guy? !

"This is a den of thieves, as long as you can subdue him, it will be fine."

The next person who entered the room was indeed Grad's acquaintance, Claude? stan. The big boy who kept fantasizing about leaving Morag.

"No problem, he won't fart for at least thirty-six hours."

The thin middle-aged man said without emotion.

"Professor, there are still girls here, please don't say such vulgar words." A thin, girl's voice sounded immediately.

Then entering the room were four children who looked about ten years old. These children look white and tender, and they are not residents of Morag at a glance. In this city, if their peers are not born with a good birth, they are all thin and dark, like hemp sticks.

"I think there are other things to talk about before this, right? Why did you subdue others without saying anything..."

One of the chubby-looking little boys said.

"Of course it's because it's too troublesome to subdue if the opponent is prepared."

The skinny middle-aged man replied without hesitation: "Thieves are different from ordinary people. They are sensitive and agile. When they are prepared, unless they can cast spells instantly like the dean, they can only pass through the big one." A range of attacks can guarantee a certain hit—you don’t want to be bound by my group confinement technique, do you?”

"Anyway, I'll drag him aside first...I still have something to ask you guys later."

Claude said something in a deep voice, and dragged Gerard, who was still unable to speak or move, to the corner, and put on a pose like a monkey facing the wall in thought.

Then he took the bag of money in his arms away.

...As expected of someone who has lived in Morag for so long.

Because he couldn't see each other's appearance, Grad could only judge who was speaking by their voices.

"Where's the priest?" This is Claude.

The priest should be talking about the new dignified priest on Xizhen Road. I heard that that guy has gathered a group of believers in Morag. Maybe he has cheated a lot of money from those stupid believers. It's better to be a magic stick than their sleazy activities. If you cheat money, they will still treat you respectfully...

"The priest has gone back to the church to pack his things." The extremely emotional voice was undoubtedly that of the strange thin middle-aged man: "But he also heard you when you said the address, and he should be here in a while... After all We are all accomplices."

"The culprit, please don't be so complacent..."

The crisp boy's voice is easy to recognize, but I don't know which of the three boys said it.

"Don't worry." The thin middle-aged man's voice sounded again: "I was very careful, I didn't kill those who found us. I just let them sleep for a while."

"No, I don't think you can be reassuring at all for offending the White City Guards, Windmill and Heihe all at once!"

Claude's voice sounded very helpless.

If it wasn't for his inability to move, Grad would have stretched out his hands to dig his ears, wondering if he had heard it wrong—offending all the three major forces of Morag in one breath... This guy definitely doesn't want to be in this city Are you confused?

At this moment, there was a sound of opening the door.

"Ah, Bishop, you are here."

The thin middle-aged man's voice immediately revealed the other party's identity.

"...Father, why do you look so embarrassed as if you just had a fight with a group of Pragers?"

Claude's startled voice also sounded.

"Do you think it's easy to get rid of the guys who follow behind without controlling the dead hand!"

A new male voice sounded, and it seemed that this should be the priest they were talking about.

"All in all, this way we, Morag's official wanted criminals, are all here. Come on, let's applaud."

The unemotional beating voice of the skinny middle-aged man sounded again, but there were almost no responders.

"It's not a happy name at all."

A boy's voice sounded, and this voice was probably the little fat man who spoke before.

"We didn't gather here to listen to your cold jokes." The priest's voice sounded very tired: "Anyway, Professor Franken, you should also be open and honest about what you said just now. right?"

This kind of atmosphere always feels like the other party is going to tell some secret.

Although Gerard was still uneasy, his natural curiosity made him prick up his ears.

Then he heard what the skinny man said next.

"of course."

The other party paused and continued.

"The purpose of our trip is to completely solve the source of the plague that plagued the city of Morag." (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!)

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