The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 377: The World Under the River

"Glory Strike!"

As a creature living in swamps and shallow water, Prager moves very slowly on the ground, which directly leads to the fact that Nero and the others do not have the bad scene of being surrounded by Prager as they had expected.

After casually knocking a Pragg into the air with a divine magic of judgment, Nero looked around the situation.

Franken was even more relaxed than him, as if he was wandering in the courtyard, ignoring the inferior spears thrown by Prager, and easily knocking Praggs into a daze with superimposed magic, pulling Go away at least 50% of the hatred.

The four little magicians from Edric Academy also worked in pairs, skillfully cooperating. Even in the face of multiple Pragers, he didn't show a trace of panic. Reminiscent of those trainee priests in the Pure White Church who grew up in the sanctuary, had no experience of tempering but had an inexplicable sense of superiority, and always looked at people with their noses, Nero felt the personal love for the Pure White Church for no reason. sense of crisis.

And Claude, who worried him the most before, did not fall into a hard fight unexpectedly. Claude, who grew up in Morag, has long been dodged because of various crisis points, not to mention the clumsy Pragg, even a magic swordsman wearing a metal plate armor and holding an epee. It is not necessarily possible to beat him.

And between deflecting, shifting and dodging, Claude can still take the time to use daggers or ghost spirits to hit those dark little things hard once or twice, although it may not be able to break through the opponent's scales and cause substantial damage , but it has already made these naturally timid creatures start to act timidly - even if they are charmed, the instinct of the creatures is still better than the commands after the charm.

"What should I do next?"

He casually smashed a Pragg who wanted to sneak attack, and Nero asked Franken who seemed a little absent-minded, but kept blasting the screaming Praggs behind him to the ground: "This There seem to be a lot of Prags in the river, so it's impossible to clean them all up, right?"

In that case, no matter how idiotic and slow the guards of the White City were, they would have already arrived... To be honest, Nero didn't mean to fall out with the king's council because of Franken and the others.

"Look first before talking. I don't know why, but I always have a feeling that we are being watched."

Franken temporarily stopped casting spells, twisted the screws on his head with his right hand, and scratched his chin with his left hand, thinking while running along the river beach.

"So you also feel this way." Nero raised his eyebrows, and with a sword he slashed Pragg, who was sneaking close to him, and flicked the long sword, which was still shiny and without a gap: "But I just used I tried to detect evil, and within a radius of 500 meters, there seems to be no other creatures except these guys."

"No other creatures?"

After Franken asked a question, Nero realized something was wrong.

Although the Moshi Laxi River is polluted by the source of the plague, the river itself is still very rich in products. In reality, about 30% of Morag's residents depend on this great river for their living.

It's only autumn now, and it can't compare to the vitality of spring and the prosperity of summer, but compared to the dead winter, there should be a lot of things like fish and shrimp. But now even a neutral unit has not been detected, which is obviously wrong.

I'm afraid I either fell into some kind of trap on my side, or the other party interfered with Nero's detection of evil.

In the former, his own group became the shackles in the urn, while in the latter, the opponent's strength far surpassed his own. Either way, it's not a good thing.

"I suspect that the one who is watching us should be the guy who charmed these Praggs."

After uttering his inference, Franken continued to start a series of bombings, so proficient that Nero couldn't help but wonder if the guy stopped just now because he was too smooth to bomb...

"No matter what the identity of the other party is, if we don't know where that guy is, we can't do it at all, right?"

Nero gets right to the heart of the matter.

"Regarding this point, the other party's real body is 100% underwater." Franken superimposed group confinement three times, and finally controlled those Praggs, regardless of their desperate struggle like dying frogs, He said: "For some reason, my sensitivity to magic fluctuations is different from ordinary people, so I can guarantee that the magic fluctuations controlling these guys come from underwater."

Immediately he looked at Nero again: "Bishop Nero, do you have any way to breathe underwater?"

"The life extension in holy magic should have this effect...but I can only bless one person at most."

Nero blushed and said with some embarrassment.

Life continuation can be regarded as the magic of the fourth ring. As the name suggests, using this kind of magic that is usually used to extend a person's life as an oxygen tank is really extravagant to embarrassment.

It's just because it's magic near the fourth ring, and it's not easy to cast. This isn't a sanctuary where even the air is filled with holy magic. Nero can only barely use it himself, it's absolutely impossible. Bless others.

"That's no problem. Get ready, everyone, we're going into the water!"

Franken yelled.

Because the number of Prager had dropped to a certain level, and the new batch of enemies hadn't arrived yet, the little guys easily retreated from the battle.

Nero blessed himself with a life continuation, and then he felt himself being dragged by the mage's hand and thrown directly into the icy water.

Opening his eyes, he could vaguely see that other than himself, everyone else was wrapped in a huge bubble.

Although because of the life-continuing effect, it's fine even if you don't breathe for a short period of time, but how should I put it... Nero suddenly felt like he was being played.

Before he could figure out whether he wanted to go to Xiwei after this incident was over? When Edric protested his staff's behavior, the increasing water pressure suddenly disappeared, and he felt as if he was thrown from a height of several meters, and he was in a state of weightlessness instantly .

Fortunately, Franken had no intention of throwing Nero to death, and immediately used a group levitation technique for everyone.

"This is... the bottom of the water?" Kamiyu looked around the dark surroundings curiously.

"Probably enchantment or something."

Except for Nero who was coughing, everyone else did the same.

There is no water in this space, and the inverted water surface above their heads is like a ceiling, which looks extremely magical. The surroundings around them looked very dim because there was no light, as if something was lurking, which made one's heart palpitate.

It wasn't until they hit the ground that they realized something was wrong.

Although the touch under their feet was very hard, the extremely regular ups and downs clearly told them that they didn't fall to the ground, but fell on some huge creature! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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