The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 378: Coil, Wise Man

"Is everyone okay?"

Franken summoned a dark flame emitting a faint blue light around him, illuminating their surroundings.

Claude had a look of lingering fear, while Nero, who had coughed dryly, yelled directly.

"Could you be the first to say something like this in the future!"

On the contrary, the four little guys looked indifferent, as if they had already adapted to this sudden drastic change.

"Before the quarrel, I think there are more things we should care about?"

Kamiyu's warning brought Nero back to his senses, and he looked at the soles of his feet again.

Under their feet are fine and dense scales, and the cylindrical body is like a mountain winding forward, extending into the darkness beyond the reach of the fire.

It seems that they should be on a giant python.

"Speaking of which, isn't using bright magic in such a dark place to point the enemy where we are?" Then Nero complained.

"Anyway, the opponent should have spotted us when we passed through the water barrier. Compared with the enemies who live in darkness all year round, it is not good for us if we don't guarantee our vision. Moreover, I guess the goal of our trip should be in the hands of the opponent. , so instead of us looking for it, isn’t it easier to wait for it to be delivered by itself?”

Franken explained to Nero.

"Isn't it too risky to do this for an uncertain guess?" Nero still seemed unrelieved.

As a cardinal rather than a gambler, his previous behaviors were based on safety.

In his opinion, after knowing that there is an enemy whose strength is unknown, but at least seemingly difficult to deal with, what he should do is to leave here first, and then go to the sanctuary. The worst thing is to go to a nearby church to find helpers and come back again. sexual solution.

"It's no longer speculation." Franken took out a jade plate from his arms. The color of the detoxification crystal on it changed drastically: "The source of the plague is approaching us rapidly."

As if to verify what he said, the next moment, the snake-like body under their feet suddenly began to wriggle violently.

Claude was caught off guard and fell two somersaults on it, and almost fell directly from the snake, but fortunately, he hugged the ground covered with scales so he was not thrown out. The four little guys squatted on the ground cleverly, lowering their center of gravity, and there was no such tragedy as Claude.

As for Franken and Nero, one is a skeleton mage who engraved a lot of simple but practical magics such as feather fall and levitation on his bones, and the other has been trained in the Knights Templar, and his actual combat results are also good. knight. Faced with this situation, his strength, which was much higher than that of the other five people, was immediately manifested, and he still stood firmly on the snake that started to coil up.

But they didn't show a relaxed expression, but looked at the darkness not far away vigilantly.

Although it couldn't be seen clearly, in the darkness, something huge raised its head.

The air also became humid. And there was an unbearable smell of water.

As the number of ghost fires increased, the area shrouded in light finally touched that thing.

It was a half-human, half-snake creature. Its appearance was a bit like the naga occasionally found along the coast, but it only had two arms.

However, in addition to its huge size, this creature has one of the most different things from Naga - its lower body is not a snake tail, but like an octopus, it has eight colorful and huge snake tails extending around.

Its body looks terribly decayed. In many places, even exposed muscle fibers can be seen.

And on its forehead, there is a basketball-sized bead exuding an unpleasant firefly green mist.

found it!

Franken and Nero thought of this at the same time.

Immediately, Franken crushed the jade plate in his hand into powder.

A circle of halo popped out from under his feet towards the surroundings. When it touches others, it forms a milky mask over them.

"Enchantment?" Nero, who majored in this kind of thing, immediately recognized the quality of the mask on his body.

"The erosion effect of the source of the plague is terrifying, so it's better for you to have more protection."

Franken's two magic eyes were already staring at the creature's upper body at the same time, and his attention was also highly concentrated. Just casually explained to Nero: "Of course, this thing has another effect..."

Before Nero asked. A voice interrupted their conversation.

It was the huge enemy in front of them speaking in jerky Shumen language, which made people's eardrums buzz.

"Poor dinner, welcome to the cave of the coiled wise man."

——Outside of Sanctuary——

Xi Wei sat on the hair-shedding Falcon, inspecting the angel halo he had just acquired.

What's interesting is that this thing was actually recognized as equipment by the system, and it was a treasure-level equipment--even the academy system didn't have much equipment of this level.

It's just that apart from Ji's 'magic defense +233' and 'sacred magic damage reduction', no other attributes can be seen. It is useless to take a few pieces of intermediate identification crystals. It seems that you need advanced identification crystals to do it.

It's just that Xi Wei's only high-level identification crystal happened to be used up two days ago when identifying the attributes of the secondary equipment...

In the end, he could only regretfully put the halo back into the storage box, and at the same time revise his sub-plan for the evening, making a special trip to the sub-side where the identification crystal is easy to drop.

Although he has already taken over the task entrusted by Elilia, but because he still has no clue, he does not plan to change his itinerary in the future.

"Now let's go to Huolian Capital." He patted the Falcon's back and gave it a simple instruction: "Don't worry, just fly slowly this time."

Now that the Pure White Church has agreed to send scouts to the Angola Mountains, the purpose of this trip has been achieved. Neither the Mage Association nor the King's Council needed to go to ask for help, so Xi Wei planned to go to Huo Lian's palace to discuss with Her Majesty the Queen and take Ejielin back to Edric.

In the end, it was natural to go to the Angola Mountains to confirm where the orcs were going to start.

At this moment, the purple gem on a brooch worn by Xi Wei on the outside of the mage's robe suddenly burst, leaving only a blurry mark.

"Did something happen to Franken?" Xi Wei made a decisive decision and gave the order to the falcon again: "Target, Morag!"


The Falcon, who was connected with the master, immediately uttered a clear eagle whistle that resounded through the sky to express his understanding.

"Sorry to make you lose your hair again."


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