The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 379: River Bottom War

"Undead creatures don't need dinner."

Franken revealed the identity of the other party in one word, and at the same time put his right hand behind his back, and gestured to the little guys behind him.

So Kamiyu and the others calmed down immediately, and began to form a commonly used formation.

"It is often not the beast that devours human life, but their own fear and fear."

The huge creature that claimed to be the Coiled Wise Man didn't attack directly as they imagined.

"It's the same this time, how many of you can survive?"


Before Franken and the others came back to their senses, black turbid liquid gushed out from under the opponent's scales, wrapping them into black cocoons as if they were alive.

"Sink into your past memories in the darkness, and then die miserably. I will draw strength from your despair and transform into my body..."

Because Franken was swallowed into a black cocoon, the fire of hell around him was gradually extinguished. As the darkness once again enveloped the space, the coiled wise man also said in a low voice as he slowly sank into the deep water-like darkness.

At this moment, the sound of tearing fabric suddenly sounded in this space that had fallen into silence again.

Then, the cocoon at the front was torn from it, and the black cocoon shells shattered one after another, like black snowflakes falling, and flying in all directions like black butterflies.

Although there is almost no light around, the average person may be in a state of blindness in this kind of place in a real sense, but Franken is different.

Undead creatures do not rely on vision to observe and lock their prey.

What's more, the two magic eyes that Xi Wei specially installed for him also have a certain degree of night vision function. At this time, to him, the dark space at the bottom of the river is no different from the daytime.

"This is the materialized form of your spiritual power." Franken kicked the black cocoon fragments that fell on the opponent's scales. After these things were broken, they were like ice cubes placed in a warm environment. It gradually melts from the edge: "mix your own negative feelings into the spiritual power. Then pollute the spirits of others with an overwhelming 'quantity', so that their spirits are gradually assimilated by you, and then the negative factors are re-mixed into these black Among the spiritual power, you absorb the pure power, so we call it dinner. From an academic point of view, this kind of ability should not exist, this world is really incredible."

"You have figured out the basics of this trick after only experiencing it once. You are very talented."

There was some appreciation in the voice of the huge creature who claimed to be the Coiled Wise Man: "But what makes me even more curious is why you won't be affected by me?"

As an undead creature without a brain. Under normal circumstances, Franken's mental power is spread out in the form of radiation from the magic core in his mind. Normally weaker skeleton mages cast spells directly with radiated magic power as the power of magic, while more advanced skeleton mages like Franken can collect and store the radiated magic power in their brains, so the amount of magic power and magic power during battle The quality is far stronger than that of ordinary skeleton mages.

Since mental power has nothing to do with the body's spirit or matter, the other party's spiritual pollution will naturally not work on him.

"There's no need to tell you this." It's just that Franken naturally wouldn't tell the other party this.

During the conversation. He has already started.

But his goal is not to coil the wise man... In fact, according to Franken's judgment, he is not yet sure enough to defeat the opponent.

So he simply destroyed the cocoons of the little guys behind him.

Kamiyu and the others are Edric's hope, and the future has infinite possibilities. In case they are polluted by malicious spirit here, causing them any psychological or spiritual trauma, what will happen to their future development? Undoubtedly much smaller.

"Stupid mortals."

Coiled Wise Man's voice just fell. The tail of the snake where Franken and the others were sitting twitched suddenly, as if whipping them off.

Franken flashed a group levitation technique around himself.

However, I don't know if it's because the black cocoon shell has the property of absorbing magic power to prevent magic effects, or it's just that the other party interfered with his spellcasting. Only he and the four little guys escaped, and they wrapped Nero and Claude respectively. The two black cocoons fell into two completely different directions.

Because the time of being mentally polluted is not long. After breaking away from the black cocoon, the four little guys also woke up one by one.

"What an annoying dream." Kamiyu, who was the last to wake up, was the first to say something complicated.

He who lived among the philistines since he was a child has seen more dark sides than the other three, and his own spirit is also a little more complicated. So the other party's spiritual pollution caused him a lot of damage.

"I feel okay, just a little tired." Riddle waved his arm. Then he drew his wand. He was the first to wake up. He grew up with mountains as a companion, and he lived in the countryside with a pure mind, and his mental pollution did not cause any damage.

"It's not a matter of being tired at all!" Tanis shouted from behind. As the second person to wake up, Tanis was a little depressed: "Although I can't remember the main process of the dream, I don't know why it always makes me feel very tired!"

Probably dreamed about losing weight or something.

This thought flashed through Riddle's mind.

"It's not a good thing anyway."

The third Dorothy who woke up also seemed to be lacking in spirit. She didn't expect that the girl who usually looked bright and rigorous had less psychological pressure than Kamiyu.

"Speaking of which, what about Bishop Nero and that native brother of Morag?"

Riddle woke up early and witnessed the scene of the other two cocoons being thrown away before being rescued in time, so he asked Franken with some concern.

"Now all they can do is pray that the divine light of their usual faith will bless them."

Although I don't know the specific subjugation level of the Coiled Wise Man, just looking at the opponent's astonishing size and terrifying attack methods, he can be sure that he is not a good guy, and he can't be so big that he will be half-hearted when confronting the opponent to find where Nero and Claude are.

"Leaving aside Bishop Nero, isn't that native brother a believer in the Pure White Church?" Kamiyu probably wanted to ease his mood, and casually complained.

"This kind of thing is fine no matter what, the opponent is attacking, be careful not to die."

Franken opened several protective barriers, but this kind of solid defense that does not hurt the sword is no different from foam plastic in front of the opponent's black light beams. It is easily pierced by a blow. If hit by this kind of attack If it is not enough, then it is almost necessary to see Marx, and it is still too late for rescue...

ps: Well, there is another chapter to follow...

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