The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 380: I am Human

The small church was surrounded by people.

"Finally caught that witch!"

"Now I can sleep in peace."

"I have long felt that something is wrong with her. There is no one who always hides at home."

"You don't know, the last time I saw this woman in the cemetery, I knew she was not a good thing!"

"Oh, poor Kreslin has lost his mind to this woman."

A little boy stood frowning in front of the hustle and bustle of the crowd. He was wearing a bulky priest's uniform. Although it was obvious that the priest's uniform had been made smaller, it still couldn't erase the unfit feeling between it and the boy.

The fact is also true, little Nero always finds it quite difficult to act while wearing this dress.

‘If it weren’t for the burden of this dress, maybe I could also join the witch hunting team! '

He had this idea when he was rejected by the church's witch hunting agency.

He has proud assets. Although this is just a church in a remote town in the eastern plains, he has a magical talent and affinity for the Holy Light that those of his age in the sanctuary do not have, which makes his magic path almost impossible. smooth road.

Of course, he didn't know that the Witch Hunting Agency stipulated that members must be over 18 years old-after 18 years old, they would almost pass the second stage of middle school, and they would not do some random stupid things on the spur of the moment.

This time, the witch hunting agency is not arresting witches, but witches. Of course, ordinary people should not be able to tell the difference... For them, they are not human beings anyway.

A witch does not refer to a female magician, but is similar to a demon warlock, who pursues the existence of evil power.

They summon abyssal demons, breed evil creatures, and refine cursed potions. He likes to use living people to do various cruel human experiments, and even takes the initiative to have sex with demons as a way to gain power.

To put it simply, they want to abandon their human bodies and become monsters.

If witches are acquired monsters, then witches are born monsters.

The formation of the witch is very accidental. Some powerful creatures like to leave their own seeds on young girls (usually virgins) in some ways, for example, the Nightmare Lord will do this work in the girl's dream...

Then because of some reasons or if the girl reaches a certain age and has not been deprived of her virginity (so many places have regulations on the right to the first night), the seeds have a certain chance to germinate... The form of expression is that the girl is pregnant before marriage.

The purpose of these powerful creatures' actions is still unknown, but what is certain is that the girl gave birth. A witch with special powers.

Of course witches are not 100% harmful.

The current number one power, the Far East General, one of the four generals of the Horngolat Empire, is a dragon witch. She possesses the power of an adult dragon. Although she has no magical talent, she can resist most of the three-ring magic. Ordinary weapons did little harm to her. She once created a miracle of leading hundreds of cavalry from the siege of 170,000 troops by one person, and her reputation shocked the entire eastern plain.

Little Nero looked at the witch whose hands and blades were pierced with wooden stakes and nailed to a cross. No matter how you looked at it, she was just an ordinary girl, and she was very puzzled.

Because he was dissatisfied with the witch hunting agency's refusal to recruit him, he secretly followed them to see how they hunted witches.

The results surprised him.

The girl lived in a dilapidated thatched cottage. Even the door was only an irregular board, which fell down as soon as it was pushed by the people of the hunting agency.

And the girl's body was dragged out by them without even a little resistance. She was baptized with stones and rotten eggs by the commoners along the way, and was finally crucified.

Follow the protocol of the witch hunt. After being nailed for a day and a night, at noon tomorrow, use a basin of holy water (usually the holy water of the fountain of baptism, but this church is very poor so it only uses the holy water of the washing water) from head to toe. In the end, she was going to be sent to the stake, and burned with the cross stained with her blood.

night. As the adopted son of the priest of the church, Nero came to the church after getting permission from the gatekeeper after bribing him with food.

"Isn't the witch very powerful? Why were you arrested so easily?"

He approached the witch and asked strangely.

The witch's dry and forked long hair hung down from the cross, covering her face, and there was a half eggshell hanging on it.

After a while, just when Nero thought she was dead, she spoke softly in a hoarse voice.

"Because I'm human."

"Liar! I've seen the hunting agency's arrest warrant! You are not a human being, but a dead swamp witch who has inherited the power of the dead swamp master's curse!" Nero exposed this woman without hesitation.

The Lord of the Dead Marsh is the Dragon Lizard, with the dual blood of dragons and shadow creatures. It is powerful and tyrannical, with a cruel and easy-to-kill personality. Its favorite thing to do is to drag humans, animals and animals into the Dead Marsh, watching them drown helplessly. appearance.

According to incomplete statistics from the Mage Association, the number of people who died at the hands of the Lord of the Dead Marsh has exceeded the total number of humans who died at the hands of other sub-dragon creatures.

From this, we can see how he felt when he learned of the appearance of the Dead Marsh Witch in the Pure White Church.

So even if the hunting agency would not take the initiative to harm the witch under normal circumstances, this time it will directly arrest the other party and burn her to death.

As for the mood of the Lord of the Dead Marsh—let alone whether he will recognize this human daughter or not, even if he wants to fight the Pure White Church, you have to at least crawl out of the swamp, right? At that time, it will not be that it seeks the Pure White Church to settle accounts, but how the Pure White Church will encircle and suppress this monster who dares to leave its home field.

"No, I'm human..."

I don't know if it's because she hasn't touched the water all day, but the girl's voice sounds like her hair that lacks moisture, frizzy.

"You're a monster! A monster! A monster!"

Nero cast a ball of light, and when he blew away the opponent's hair, it illuminated her cheeks—the place where the girl's delicate skin should have been, but now it was densely covered with thin scales that made people feel goosebumps. The eyes with green benevolence and black background are even more chilling.

Then, the memory forks. Nero suddenly felt that in front of him was no longer the one who sobbed softly all night because of his words. The girl who finally died screaming in the flames.

But another kind of existence.

A horrified smile appeared on her terrifying face.

"That's right... I'm a monster."

Following her words, the dry hair wrapped around Nero's right hand like a snake.

Nero was startled, and subconsciously touched his waist, but found nothing.

"But you don't have the right to say I'm not? Because aren't you going to be a monster too?"

Following her words, Nero found that his body had changed.

The hands began to look unreal, and the golden hair lost all color and became pale and pale. Wing-like derivatives spread out on both sides of his head, which looked like wing-shaped ears.

It was as if something had been pulled out of his body and rested on his head. As this feeling became stronger, he also saw a ring appear above his head.


Is this the effect after using the Angel's Holy Grail?

No, none of those white-clothed bishops had this characteristic, they just became more magical and more photophilic...

"Stop making excuses. In fact, you want to abandon your identity as a human and gain power and rights, right?" The girl grinned, her white teeth turned into jagged canines, and her tongue was like a thickened snake Nobuko, there was a weird fork in the previous section.

"It's not... I..."

For a moment, Nero really didn't know whether he valued the identity of this human being, so he could only stand there dumbfounded.

"Don't let the memories of the past bind you anymore... Hurry up and follow your heart, abandon everything human. Then ask for everything you want!"


Nero was silent. The reason why he was hesitant about this choice was not only the influence of Fleur, but also the scene he faced when he was a child.

"I'm human..." The witch in the memory cried out her tears, but she couldn't even wipe her face.

'I'm not a monster...' even in the face of death. She also didn't want to become a monster from the bottom of her heart, so that the power of the bloodline was not activated in the end.

Is human identity really that important compared to life?

Rather than die there, it is better to accept the identity of inhumanity. Wouldn't it be better to continue living?

So... stop being a human being and become a higher level existence!

"……don't want."

Following Nero's soft words. The grinning girl had a surprised expression on her face.

"If I abandon my most important things because of power and rights, then I will definitely abandon other things next time for stronger power and rights." Nero looked at her calmly: "I would like to be human, Even if I die, I will die standing upright as a human being!"

——Cave at the bottom of the river——

Nero opened his eyes, and he could feel that because of his own determination, not only did the divine light not go away from him, but it became more closely connected with him, so that he was obviously trapped in a small and dark cocoon, but he still Can see everything around.

He could see that his right hand had been wrapped in layers of black matter, and he had lost even a little feeling. It might have been absorbed—the reason why he felt his right hand being grabbed in the illusion just now should be the reason.

"Since you never forget the holy grail of my angel, I will give it to you!" He tore off a few black threads that were still very thin with his left hand, took out the ampoule containing holy water from his pocket, and bit it off with his teeth. The plug, then using the front end as a needle, directly inserted into his right hand which was wrapped in those black substances!

In the next moment, under the action of the angel's holy grail, the black matter surrounding his right hand suddenly expanded, but surprisingly, it did not explode or be destroyed, but began to shrink, and finally replaced Nero's right hand, becoming A fuchsia, a new right hand with a leather texture. On the back of his hand, the magic power converted by the silver 'angel's holy grail' still flows, giving people a feeling of a mixture of sacredness and evil.

Then, as if guided by the divine light, Nero closed his eyes and swung his new right hand violently, only to see the black and silver magic power entangled with each other, forming a huge light blue palm phantom, destroying the black cocoon with one claw Exhausted.

The phantom of the devil's hand continued unabated, leaving four deep scars on the tail of the snake in front of him, and the foul-smelling black-purple blood spurted out immediately.

Even if it is a huge coiled wise man, the power of this strike is enough for him to bear.

"Phew! You hurt me, maggot!"

The pain caused it to tear off the calm mask just now, revealing his ferocious face.

The green mist disappeared in a flash, and the four wounds stopped bleeding quickly, and then quickly recovered. If it weren't for the pool of blood on the ground, no one would have been able to see that it was injured there.

"What the hell are you!" it roared as it looked at Nero's faintly glowing right hand.

"Cardinal Nero, the thirteenth organ of the Pure White Church." Nero drew his dagger backhand with his left hand, and raised his right hand at the same time: "It's a human being!"

ps: The second update is complete! sleep……

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