The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 382: Bresso Dejia

Xi Wei's heroic appearance naturally made everyone in the battle focus on him

"Human, I admit that you are stronger than them, but with this level of strength, you want to defeat me... It's not that simple even in a dream."

Even the gigantic creature calling itself the Coiled Wise One said with a thunderous rumbling

Nero took the time to wipe off the sweat with his left hand, while his right hand tried his best to support Franken who had just burned a lot of soul power and seemed powerless.

He also estimated in his heart that Xi Wei's strength as a high-level magician is indeed a level higher than that of Cardinal Ji, but now that Nero has received the power of despair and holy water through his right hand, his strength is no longer the same. Now Even though he is still weaker than a senior high-level magician, he is no longer as elusive as before.

Just like what the wise man Coiling said, if Xi Wei was really just an ordinary high-level magician, it would be almost impossible to defeat the wise man who was almost harmless

Now we can only place our hopes on Mr. Edric's status as the legendary Chosen One.

Xi Wei didn't show any expression of fear in the face of the coiled wise man who was stronger than himself. Isn't it because his combat power is stronger than ours, and it's not like he hasn't seen a strong man...

He was still relying on emptiness to control the sky, looking coldly at the huge creature whose body was half submerged in the water, and said in a cold voice: "Perhaps it is true for those who don't know your details."

I don't know if Xi Wei is born with the talent to put on a show, or because of time and after countless battles, he now has a sense of majesty that comes naturally without words.

If it wasn't for a big bird that was about to be clean not far behind him, looking desolately at the black feathers slowly falling around Xi Wei, this scene would have been perfect... From the point of view of the four little guys Full of longing and reverence, you can see it with the eyes of little stars

"The bottom line? Do mere human beings want to know my real body? Your joke is not funny at all."

"I don't think so, Bretholdja"

"Why do you know that name!!!"

Xi Wei dusted off his pointed wizard hat and smiled


Edric College. Sophia's Room

"So as soon as Xi Wei's news came back, you buried your head in the book again?" Feite sighed deeply, covering his forehead with a helpless expression

"You, look, I've been on the bed all the time, anyway, I have nothing to do and it's normal to read a book..."

Sophia immediately explained in a panic: "It's not because of Xi Wei's request that I feel happy to have something to do!"

"I haven't asked anything yet..." Feite stared at the dead fish and looked at Sophia who was holding a book with a new cover in his hand and was dancing and explaining what he said.


"So what happened to him this time?"

Probably because he knew that Sophia would not change what he said no matter what, Feite simply gave up blaming the other party and asked

"He asked me to look up the part of the mythology of the last era that might have happened in the Morag area." Sophia raised the book in her hand: "These are pan-myths compiled and bound by the students during the last southern forest incident." Shi, I didn’t expect to use it again so soon.”

"So did you find anything?"

"Well, although I'm not very sure about the specific location, but several mythological systems have slightly mentioned an event that happened in that generation. I think it is very likely that it happened. Bresso Deja' Story"

"Oh, I seem to have heard about that story before I was alive."

Feite peeled an orange-like fruit with the hands of a magician, put it in front of Sophia's bed, and tried hard to remember it with his chin resting on his head. Unfortunately, her brain had disappeared for many years, no matter how hard she tried, there was only a layer of haze. Impression: "I remember the story that the monsters living in the ink sea ran to the land and were surrounded and suppressed by humans, right?"

"'re half right." Sophia said with a wry smile, "The Tide Monster of the Black Sea has the ability to control tides and tsunamis. Unique Legendary Creatures"

"Speaking of which, many creatures in the last era were unique." Feite folded his hands, nodded as if agreeing with something, and the ponytail kept fluttering with her movements: "I don't know what they are. How it was born and reproduced, I remember a student writing a thesis on that"

"Then I hope he can pass the dissertation review."

Sophia casually echoed a sentence and then continued to talk about the story: "However, Brethodeja is different from the evil snake. It thinks that its wisdom far exceeds that of the evil snake whose way of thinking is closer to that of a beast, so it always appears on the sea. , ask the sailors and sailors on the ship strange questions one after another. If the sailors answer correctly, it will leave things like pearl coral. If the answer is wrong, it will call a tsunami and make all the crew members become the belly of the fish. dessert"

After a pause, Sophia continued

"It's just that Bresodejia didn't expect that his spiritual power would be weaker than the evil snake he despised. After the Lord of Plague appeared, it was affected by the opponent's ability to manipulate snakes, and abandoned the ink sea where he lived. Land, help the demons make troubles At that time, the home ground of human heroes and celestial armies was still in Middle Earth, and there were no strong people in the east, so that countless eastern creatures became bait for tsunamis and tides.”

"Then what happened to this guy in the end? Did he go to Middle Earth and be killed by a human hero?"

Fett asked impatiently

Every successful magician has a heart full of curiosity, even if he has been dead for five hundred years...

"In the end, the natives of the eastern plain asked for help from the human army, and the human army, which was fighting against the main force of the demons, couldn't get away, and finally only sent one person over."

"That must be a very strong magician!" Feite guessed

"No." Sophia shook her head.

"A very strong fighter, then? Like Ignion the Dragonslayer?"

"Not right"

"What kind of person is that?" Feite asked puzzled

"It is said in the myth that the person who came to the Eastern Plains was an ordinary person who did not even know magic and had a weak body"

"How could someone like that have won the Tide Troll?"

"Of course not by beating." Sophia turned the book in her hand to the page with a bookmark, and handed it to Fett: "The person who defeated Bresoldja relied only on human wisdom. Jia gambled three times and won Bray Solderja's body, soul and the tidal orb that was the source of its power. Finally, he destroyed the orb and let the aborigines who had been ambushing for a long time swarmed up and killed Bray, who had lost all his power. Suo Dejia" (to be continued...)

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