The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 383: Can the Dark Game Be Started Without the Millennium Item? !

"Judging from your reaction, I seem to be right"

Xi Wei looked at the coiled wise man majestically, and at the same time, with his left hand behind his back, he was manipulating the dean's certificate, and sent a retreat order to Kamiyu and Franken.

Although Xi Wei felt that he couldn't beat the opponent with hard power, but the combat power between them was not too different. It was not that simple for the Coiling Wise Man to defeat Xi Wei. Fighting, helpers with too much difference in strength will make them unable to use their hands.

Besides, Xi Wei didn't have the confidence to protect them in the melee, so he directly issued an order to retreat

"So what if you know the name?" Coiling wise man seemed to have calmed down from the initial surprise, staring at Xi Wei with his two cloudy and lifeless eyes, and said in a deep voice, "Know what I did before I was alive." Strength will only make you more desperate!"

"Actually, I've always been curious about why the Necromancer who directly caused Morag's tragedy chose this place as a poisoning place."

In order to delay for a while, and at the same time try to irritate the other party, let him become agitated and reduce his judgment and increase his winning rate, Xi Wei simply started to act as a commentator, and even used the wind element to spread his voice to reduce the chance of winning. The volume gap: "After all, Morag is not an important city in the Eastern Plains, and it is not considered a wasteland for special undead experiments. The former can better observe the effect of the plague, and the latter can reduce its own danger. Morag However, Ge does not have the characteristics of the above two at all. The population of the city is relatively low, and many of the surrounding cities have churches run by Qiyao Mage Tower or Pure White Church. The act of seeking death has puzzled me for a long time.”

Not only the Coiled Wise Man, but even the panic-stricken White City guards and the Morag residents who had tried to escape from the inspection station all stopped their movements and stared blankly at the man in the sky. The figure unconsciously listened to his words

Although Kamiyu and Franken have already begun to retreat along the route pointed out by Claude, they are also paying attention to the situation on the battlefield.

"So, what conclusions have you drawn, human?"

Coiled Wise Man seemed unaware that Franken and the others had started to retreat, he didn't even look at it, but stared at Xi Wei with great interest

"Not long ago, our Edric Academy helped the forest elves to fight against a part of the projection of the Plague Lord. Although the battle was won, it also made me wonder if the legendary Plague Lord had really died. died... After all, among the seven demon kings, it is the most difficult to be completely wiped out."

Xi Wei also had a tacit understanding and continued to talk to it without squinting: "So after that, we re-investigated the past myths and legends, and I found a very interesting little story."

"In the myths of the centaur and the Kate clan, after the Lord of Plague was defeated, a person who claimed to be the God of Moses imprisoned a ray of the Lord of Plague's soul with a broken spherical gem, and this person suddenly appeared After that, it never appeared in the myth again.”

Anyway, the other party didn't know the truth, so Xi Wei also started talking nonsense. This story does exist, but the collection of books in Edric College is not so rich that even the Centaur group, which is not friendly to humans, and the Kate clan, which is still incomprehensible. The myths are all recorded. This knowledge is all from Xi Wei's lv5 mythology after being force-fed by the system.

"According to the current human historical records, gemstones meeting the two conditions of 'spherical' and 'broken' have appeared in mythology. There are only three amethyst balls that were broken when the great prophet Mirja predicted the weakness of the Seven Demon Kings. The Eye of Morne, the ruby ​​Endymion red stone inlaid on the gemstone sword that was destroyed when the gem hero Sislet defeated the Lord of Death, and the tidal orb that you were tricked and destroyed by the wise Merlin"


For a moment, the whole Morag became dead silent except for the sound of gurgling water.

Then Xi Wei slowly expressed his final guess

"At that time, your body had already turned into a bone, but for epic creatures, even if they were robbed of their original power, or even hacked into pieces, it would not be a problem, so you formulated a method to revive your own body...for example Using spirits such as despair and sadness as a source of power, the existence of spiritual elemental creatures is revived, but this method requires a lot of this kind of spirit, so you started the next plan... You used certain methods to create Or seized a human body, and used his broken tidal orb to deceive the soul of the Plague Lord, and then transformed it into a magic item with both plague and curse." Xi Wei's gaze also moved to the green orb on the forehead of Bretholdja

"Although I don't know why your avatar didn't appear until modern times, but at that time is the most critical part of your plan, pretending to be a necromancer to poison Morag, and the source of the plague is embedded in you , so no matter how you investigate, all the Mage Association and the Pure White Church can find are symptoms of the plague."

"Then you fought with a weak mage in a village near Morag...Of course, you wouldn't kill that mage with such a flawed method of being killed directly by the opponent, and make it into a creature with the power of life. The skeleton of memory, and exposed his flaws to him, and let that clone be killed by him. In this way, all traces and clues left by you will be interrupted here, and will no longer exist. Morag, the purgatory on earth, is underground, sucking the continuous negative spirit from above, so it’s enough to revive it, right?”

"very good inference"

After the Coiled Wise Man listened to Xi Wei's words in silence, he couldn't help puffing up his palms. The violent palm wind made Xi Wei's slightly loose mage robes fly away, and he even had to hold down his wizard hat to prevent being caught. wind blows away

"Although more than half of them are just guesses without any evidence, as a humble human being, I am surprised that I can guess to this extent."

As soon as the words fell, a piece of the originally solid wall collapsed suddenly, and the turbulent tide gushed out of the gap like a galloping horse, but was immediately blocked by an invisible force, preventing Morag from changing from the underground world to underwater world

"However, I hate smart humans the most, so come play a game with me." Coiled wise man grinned, showing his sharp fangs like sharks: "The bet is the life of everyone in this city..." (to be continued...)

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