The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 390 Welcome to Edric Third School District

"Isn't this the leader of the windmill, Peter Jean? I didn't expect to meet you here."

Wearing a pure black suit, a black gentleman's hat with a white ribbon, and a civilized stick under his armpit, the man showed an unpretentious expression of surprise on his face, and reached out for a handshake.

If it wasn't for his fat body to a certain extent, this attire alone would make people think that he is an old gentleman or even an old nobleman of the upper class.

But Peter Jean didn't relax at all. In fact, the guard behind him had already reached into his clothes and grabbed the iron handle of the magic dagger.

"Put away your tricks, Howard, I don't have the confidence to survive after shaking hands with you, the current boss of Heihe."

He sarcastically said without hesitation.

Although the other party looks innocent, both Peter Jean and the guard behind him know that the other party is not only a hidden magic swordsman, but also his personality is elusive, let alone shaking hands with him Well, maybe if he gets a little closer, he can find a way to kill himself.

"It's a pity, I admire you for being able to keep the windmill in order in your early twenties." Howard withdrew his hand, and the regretful expression on his face didn't know whether it was from the heart or just superb Acting skills: "I thought that after the death of old Wisely, Morag would be in the pocket of our Heihe, but I didn't expect there to be such a talented genius like you as a dark chess player."

Wisely Jean was the previous leader of the windmill, during his tenure. It completely overturned the original power gap between Fengche and Heihe, and forcibly doubled Fengche's power several times. If Howard hadn't assassinated the previous boss of Heihe later and fought wits with him for decades with his own talent, Heihe would have ceased to exist long ago.

It's just that once Wisely died, the windmill plummeted, and at least half of its territory was annexed by Heihe. In the end, he broke out suddenly, and Peter Jean, who claimed to be the illegitimate son of Wiseley, began to deal with Howard. Although the current windmill is still at a disadvantage, at least it is much better than before, and this is because there are many old people in the windmill who are dissatisfied with Peter and keep dragging their feet!

"Windmills will not be submerged by the Black River. Besides, it seems that the blackness in the water of the Morag River is about to fade..."

talking. Peter looked at the huge hanging city on the Moshi Laxi River, which exudes a great sense of presence to the surroundings all the time.

"If the communication between the two is enough."

Without waiting for Howard to say anything else, a somewhat cold voice inserted into their conversation.

Both Morag's bosses turned their heads and looked at the figure who appeared at some unknown time.

It was a translucent figure in the shape of a girl. At this time, the girl's pearl-colored face was a little impatient: "Then I will take you up there."

ghost? !

Both of them (actually, three of them) saw the astonishment in each other's gaze no less than their own.

As the leader of the two largest forces of the Morag Aboriginals. Naturally, they couldn't go to this kind of place to meet and chat with a full meal and nothing to do. In fact. The one who called them to the Moshi Laxi River. It was the messenger sent by Xi Wei.

Could it be that the hero who defeated the giant monster and purified the entire Morag was actually a Necromancer?

Immediately, they habitually chatted in their hearts: If they inform the Qiyao Mage Tower or the Pure White Church...

But soon they put aside this unrealistic idea.

Regardless of whether the Mage Association and the Pure White Church will fall out with an extremely powerful magician because of their small place. The strength of the opponent alone has already made them jealous, especially the necromancer who is good at cursing. Ultra-long-range curse killing a few ordinary people is as easy as eating for those who are neither human nor ghost.

Seeing that the two of them had stopped arguing, Feite didn't stop there, and waved lightly. The two of them felt their bodies lighten in vain, floating up into the sky like a balloon, leaving only Peter Jean that guard.

Although they have experienced ups and downs in Morag, and the two have been intriguing for many years, it is the first time they have encountered Morag without a magician, and the only chance for them to dispel the magic is Just the magic items that come every time the traveling traders come to Morag to sell their wares.

They looked at the dark cloud rings around them and the electric arcs jumping between the clouds with some excitement and some trepidation. They had no doubt that those electric arcs could easily turn themselves into a piece of coke.

After passing through the outer cloud ring and feeling that they seemed to have broken through a thin layer of air bubbles, their eyes suddenly opened up.

An extremely majestic palace stands tall in the sky. Compared with looking at it from a distance, this kind of close observation can make people more awed by its magnificent shape and amazing size.

"It's really incredible!" "It's like a masterpiece of a god!"

The two people who were attracted by this extraordinary landscape admired in unison.

Even Morag's top figures, who had no chance to leave this pothole city in their entire lives, naturally couldn't see a more magnificent and majestic building than this palace.

Feite glanced at them indifferently, and then continued to lead them closer to the huge palace.

At this moment, the green eye with golden vertical pupils on the spire on the top floor of the palace suddenly shifted its gaze to them. This small movement naturally scared the two ordinary people in high positions.

Fortunately, that eye soon looked away, and when they calmed down, they found themselves in a cold sweat inadvertently.

Soon, Feite brought them to the gate of the main palace.

The gate of the palace is more than 30 meters high. No matter how you look at it, it is made of pure metal. It is cold and shining, but at the same time, people can't help admiring its weight. At least this kind of iron gate measured in tons cannot be opened by the joint efforts of Peter and Howard. of.

Feite didn't intend to try whether the power of his mage's hand could push open the iron door, but just knocked on the stone statue of the Cyclops on the right side of the door, and the statue stood up by itself, with the iron chains on its body jingling. Without even looking at the two dazed Morag bosses, they walked towards the iron gate with the momentum of the earth shaking and mountain shaking, and then easily pushed the two doors open a gap enough for a dozen people to enter.

Peter Jean couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and gave the Cyclops a large amount.

I don't know the crusade level, but no matter how you say it, it must be at least level 20... I don't know if the armed forces of my windmill can beat this monster.

Of course, the final estimate of the situation is not very optimistic.

And Howard even set his sights on another statue, which was an adult dragon.

Thanks Maud, the god of cunning, at least it's not real.

Howard just muttered in his heart, and he felt that the stone dragon looked at him and made his scalp tingle.

Forget it, don't think too much about this weird situation.

Not daring to stay longer, the two of them quickly followed the Feite ghost girl who was floating in front, as if she had no intention of waiting for them at all, and just led the way on her own. Fortunately, her phantom physique with divine magic makes her body always emit a faint white light, which is very easy to distinguish in the slightly dim interior of the palace.

There are obviously many crystal chandeliers inside the palace, but they were not turned on for some reason, but Peter and Howard were not bored along the way.

Just from the doorway to the stairs, they saw four groups of creatures with completely different races.

And the ever-changing interior space in the palace made them feel a little overwhelmed.

Peter, who has done some research on assassination, can't even grasp the direction of the stairs he is walking on. These damn stairs will fly around in small sections and combine to form stairs leading to different places. It's more than five paragraphs. Ordinary assassins, not to mention successfully assassinating their targets, would be stunned just by encountering these inexplicable stairs.

Finally, after a series of not-for-heart adventures, the two of them came to a double wooden door.

"This is the end." The ghost girl did not open the door, but passed through the door and disappeared inside, leaving only one sentence: "The person who wants to see you is here, come in."

The two guys who were not living together outside looked at each other, and stretched out their hands to push open the door... (to be continued...)

ps: Sorry, the update is a bit late today...

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