The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 391 You saw a title

When they opened the door, they found that there was another person in the room besides the powerful magician who had only watched from a distance in the previous battle, and the ghost girl who brought them in.

It was a man they were very familiar with, wearing a long-tailed hat and holding a noble title, the White City Guard Chief who was usually out of reach even for them.

"No, you can't do that!"

At this time, the head of the guard, who was always aloof on weekdays, had a panicked expression on his face: "Morag is the property of the empire, and it is me... Even if you are a demon-seeking sage, you can't enjoy its control without permission!"

"I've already contacted the King's Council. His Majesty the Emperor of the Horngolat Empire, that is, Lord Bart Joseph, the Chairman of the Council, has also agreed to use this as the location for me to open the new school district of the Academy of Magic."

The magician looked indifferent. Without seeing any movement from him, the small drawer on his desk opened automatically, and a letter with the wax seal of the King's Council inside flew to the desk like a dove, waving from both sides.

"If you don't believe me, you can read it yourself."

"No, it's impossible!"

After flipping through the contents of the letter, the chief guard screamed as if he had been greatly stimulated.

What an idiot.

Peter and Howard cursed secretly in their hearts at the same time.

The opponent is an existence that can kill even that kind of monster. A master of this level must be an existence that no matter which empire is trying to win over. Now, it is really a good deal for the king's council to be able to show favor to him with only a worthless garbage city.

It seems that the Chief of the White City Guard has been domineering for too long. Even the brain has been broken.

"Okay, now are you going to go out by yourself, or should I throw you out?"

The rather young-looking magician looked at the somewhat hysterical guard chief and asked jokingly.

"You must have forged it! I don't believe it!"

"Pay attention to your words, mortal!" The young magician touched the brim of his hat, and the expression on his face turned slightly cold.

"Absolutely, I'm going to report you to the Mage Association!"

The chief guard clenched the letter paper in his hand and walked quickly to the door.

"Offended my dignity, do you still want to go?"

The magician's cold voice gave Peter and Howard a chill, and then they saw a terrifying scene that they would never forget. The head of the guard started from his feet. It's like being eaten by countless bugs that are invisible to the naked eye. Gradually being nibbled upwards.

The heart-piercing scream made even the two who were used to seeing blood feel a little unbearable. In the end, there was not a single hair left on the floor, only the brightly colored feather on the long-tailed hat that showed signs of the original owner's existence.

"Okay, the annoying guy is gone, now let's talk about the two of you."

Xi Wei glanced at the two who were silent. A small sheaf of parchment and a crystal was taken from the drawer.

"Peter Jean, the contemporary leader of Windmill. And Howard Ivester, the boss of Heihe. Right?"

The two nodded hurriedly, for fear that their slow movements would make the other party dissatisfied.

Although he had lived a bloody life before, he was already prepared for death. But the way of death just now was really terrifying... and I don't know if it was because of magic, even if his head was eaten by creatures invisible to the naked eye, it can be seen from the expression on the face of the guard chief that he still Without death, you can still feel the pain...

This kind of scene that life is worse than death scared the two big guys.

"Very well, Morag should be under the full control of the two of you now." Xi Wei ignored the two people who were even slightly trembling, and lightly slid his fingers across the parchment, and a wonderful phenomenon appeared on it. pattern, and some small dots are constantly moving.

The two ground snakes recognized it immediately, it was the map of the central area of ​​Morag...

"Give me a record of all the population of Morag in the shortest possible time. Names, occupations, ages, and orphans are also required. Don't miss it." After throwing the map in his hand to the two of them, he continued to use a somewhat sinister The tone said: "These maps will be centered on the location of the crystal, showing the surrounding people and terrain, as long as you press your hand on the small dots, you can record text, as long as one person's information is entered, other maps will also Automatic entry, it will be much faster if someone divides the labor and cooperates. If you can complete it within a time that satisfies me, there will be benefits waiting for you. But if I find out that you dare to cut corners, I don’t need to explain the consequences, right? "

"That's natural, we understand."

The two all-powerful bosses nodded again in a hurry.

"That's good. Feite, see off."

Xi Wei didn't bother to talk to them, and let the silent ghost girl lead them away.

After the ghost girl left with the two, the head guard who had just died suddenly appeared in the room again.

And 'he' had a girlish clear voice when he opened his mouth: "How is it, how is my performance?"

"The acting was terrible."

Xi Wei opened his mouth without hesitation and said, "The vocal cords are the vocal cords. Can you explain to me why he can still scream after his neck is eaten?"

"I don't have a vocal cord, but I can talk!" As he spoke, the guard changed into Fett's appearance: "But I didn't expect you to use this method to intimidate those two guys."

In fact, after receiving the notice from Xi Wei and the letter from the King's Council, the real head of the guard had already left Morag secretly and headed for his new fiefdom. The one just now was just transformed by Feite using the ability of the three sages.

Whether it's the conflict or the death of the last guard chief, it's just Fett's acting skills.

The purpose of this operation is only one, and that is to give Peter and Howard, the two local snakes, a disarm. At least from the results, the effect of this purpose is very perfect.

By the way, it was Star who also used the transformation ability of the Three Sages to take them away now.

"Morag is different from the Huulian Empire. Although they may feel that I have rescued them for a while, the distrust of human nature accumulated over the years is not so easy to get rid of, and the violent atmosphere of the weak is not so simple. Exactly. So instead of fighting with the other party in the open and in the dark, it is better to use strong means to frighten them from the beginning. These desperadoes are actually a model of bullying and fearing the hard. They will naturally succumb to opponents who cannot win even if they try their best. "

Xi Wei explained to the girl with a smile: "For the students, we must use righteousness and kingly ways to influence them to lead them on the right path; for these evil ways, we must give both kindness and force. The reason why I didn't cancel the thunder cloud ring outside is not only to make others In addition to charging the magic pool in the third school district, it is to give those Morag residents a sense of majesty and mystery."

"Then how do you plan to manage these residents next? Four hundred thousand people is not a small number..."

Feite asked with some concern.

"Make the best use of the situation, there will always be a way."

Xi Wei spread his hands, expressing euphemistically that there is no good way for him now.

Morag is different from ordinary cities. If ordinary lower-level cities are still mixed with fish and dragons, then Morag is purely a gathering place for all kinds of miscellaneous fish.

Whores, drugs, gangsters, thieves, liars... These scumbags in other cities filled almost every corner of Morag.

As countless prisoners were sent to the city because of the laws of various countries, the city gradually became rotten.

Even Xi Wei didn't have the power to purify people's hearts. At best, he could only delay the city's decay through some minor details.

"This city needs a major blood change and even a major cleansing." Xi Wei scratched his head with a bitter expression on his face: "This is not what I'm good at."

"If it really doesn't work..." After hesitating for a while, the ghost girl opened her mouth to say something.

"No, neither can you, Feite." Xi Wei presciently denied her words: "You are too kind, and it is difficult to make a real and clean judgment in this situation... It seems that we need someone who can calm down." An assistant in the face of all harsh realities."

"... the third person of the Three Sages?"

The girl smiled self-deprecatingly, and suddenly her face changed, and she reported to Xi Wei anxiously: "I just received news from the main school district that the orc army has begun to invade Huolian and its surrounding countries, Ellie It appears that Sha's home town has also been attacked, and she has flown home on a stinging falcon without telling anyone else!"

"What?!" (to be continued...)

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