The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 602 Let's paddle our oars, a small boat... um, a battleship?

Xi Wei...or Edward Alphonse's selection was beyond the expectations of all the students, but it was a matter of course for him.

Originally aliased as Edward, he mixed with the students just to participate in this operation.

Because Edric was only going to send second-line students this time, most of the students who set off with Xi Wei this time were a bit unfamiliar.

The ones I am most familiar with are Sylvain Ravenla and Juno Daisy, the two little girls with their mage's retinue.

Seeing them standing with their mage followers Donald and Jon, Xi Wei couldn't help but feel emotional.

"...Sure enough, we should control the problem of puppy love in the academy."

"Alphonse, what are you talking about?"

Just as Xi Wei was muttering, Vincent, the teacher who led the team this time, also came over.

He is one of the teachers recruited by Edric College after the last Great Magic Festival. Although he is nearly fifty years old, he is only at the level of an intermediate magician, but he has extraordinary experience and rich experience as a traveling mage. With experience and sophisticated skills, he is also good at teaching magic knowledge. Currently, he is mainly responsible for the key courses of actual combat and survival in the wild.

If it wasn't for his lack of qualifications in Edric College, it wouldn't matter if he was accepted into Edric's senior management.

Although he didn't know that Edward Alphonse was the dean, before that, Sophia also revealed to him that this transfer student was actually a secret weapon prepared by the academy, so he would rather Instead, he was not as wary of Xi Wei as those students.

"It's nothing, I just suddenly remembered something."

Xi Wei immediately put on a docile smile and said to this middle-aged man with gray temples.

Probably because of the pressure of living alone in the wild, Vincent's appearance is much older than his actual age. He looks about sixty or seventy years old. Coupled with the weather, he is quite hale and hearty. A feeling that grows stronger with age.

It was precisely because of this that he chose to join the Academy of Magic. While obtaining a stable source of income to continue magic research, you can spend your old age in peace.

"Although I know that you are the trump card of this college mission, the cooperation with other people is also very important. Since I am the teacher leading the team, it is also my responsibility to bring you all back safe and sound. That..."

The old man chose his words carefully.

"I understand." How could Xi Wei not know what he was thinking, it was just because he was afraid that he would disobey the command because of his identity as a secret agent of the academy: "If nothing special happens, under normal circumstances I will follow your instructions order to act."

While this sentence expresses his attitude, it also implies that if any accident happens, he still has the right to act on his own.

Vincent also heard Xi Wei's implication, but he was already mentally prepared, so he just nodded his head as a tacit consent.

subsequently. Vincent went to the other students again. Although he deliberately lowered his voice, Xi Wei could still hear their conversations. In short, Vincent just told the students not to deliberately provoke the 'transfer' students' topics.

After a little preparation, the group was ready to go.

When the number of travelers reaches a certain number, you can apply for the use of the magic ship, which is considered an unwritten rule in Edric. This time, because of Xi Wei's relationship, he directly obtained the 'Light of Hope', one of Edric's three strongest magical warships.

This made many students who had never boarded a magical battleship very excited.

"This is really...unbelievable..."

I don't know when he reached an agreement with Juno Daisy, and Jon, who became the squire of the mage, stood on the deck of the magic ship, leaning against the side of the ship, looking at Morag who was gradually shrinking and moving away, and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "A few months ago, I would never have imagined that I would stand in such a place and look down at the earth."

"Me too." Donald, who was sitting in the shade of the deck enjoying the cool while maintaining his magic sword with cotton swabs and nettle oil, said with a smile: "half a year ago, I was just shivering in the boot camp. Ordinary people who feel confused and afraid of their own unknown destiny, never thought that one day they would be able to become a member of the Edric School of Magic—although this is largely due to the one I serve.”

"At least you are still a soldier with your own human rights. At that time, I was just a slave who couldn't even fill my stomach."

Jon was overwhelmed by this.

"Speaking of which, don't you take care of it? Your machete?"

Donald heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked Jon, "If this bottle of nettle oil is out there, it can be sold for as high as a gold coin. If you want to use it, I can lend it to you. Of course." No rent is required."

"Thank you for your kindness, my soul tool does not need maintenance." Jon shook his head and refused. He pulled out a part of the purple long knife that was stuck on his lower back, and the glazed blade glistened in the sun. It didn't feel like a murder weapon at all, but more like a fascinating handicraft.

Anyway, to most people in Edric, the fact that he has a soul tool is no longer a secret. So it doesn't matter if you say that now.

And I don't know why some of Edric's students can be exempted from the ability of the soul tool, so in the minds of Edric's students, the soul tool is just a "slightly more advanced magic tool", and the status is not as high as outside the academy.

"It's really good. But it's also very interesting for me to maintain weapons." After admiring, Donald carefully inserted his magic sword back into the scabbard.

This sword was given to him by Xi Wei back then, but now that it has been strengthened by Xierwen many times - most of the credits the two of them earned from their missions have been invested in this sword - it has already changed from excellent to Infinitely close to treasure-level good things.

"Are you satisfied with your life now?"

Jon also inserted the soul tool back into the scabbard, and asked Donald very suddenly.

"Of course I am satisfied." The boy responded with a sunny smile: "There are all kinds of miraculous things happening in front of me, and there are many unknown things waiting for me to explore..."

He blushed slightly as he spoke, but he continued: "There are people I value who are with me and accompany me through all of this...Although there will be some unpleasantness occasionally, but I can't imagine that there will be more than this. happy."

Jon froze for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: "Then I really envy you...Although I also want to enjoy this kind of life, at least for now, I still have something to do..."

The appearance of his sister and his lover before death kept appearing in Jon's eyes, which made his hand holding the handle of the knife burst into blue veins and trembled slightly.

Sitting behind the mast, the current Xi Wei sighed from the very beginning.

The appearance of the soul tool has indeed changed the fate of many people, but he has never regretted his choice.

Although some people become obsessed with great power after obtaining soul tools and then fall, and perhaps some people lose their lives or things they cherish because of the value of soul tools, but at least before that, they are indeed suffering. Struggling on the line of survival, or repeating a life like a walking dead that I can't even feel whether I am alive.

He did create this ritual-like situation, but he would not intentionally push forward the ritual, but let everything go step by step, slowly moving forward with the wheel of fortune...

PS: I suddenly found out that there was a problem in yesterday's duel process. Shifan of the Six Samurai cannot appear on two cards at the same time... Well, it will be no problem to switch to Hui Zhan. Because Chapter V cannot be modified, so everyone will just wait and see...

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