The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 603: Two people from Ixo School of Literature

Shakespeare Minnick Academy is a magic academy with a long history.

Even in terms of history alone, it is not much inferior to St. Doragon College, and it is a veteran high-ranking college.

It’s just that compared with St. Doragon, which has the support of the superpower Horngolat behind it, the dean of Shavon Minik College has passed down from generation to generation that no external forces should be allowed to interfere with the life of the college. It is necessary to train students The idea that purity as a magician is the first priority.

In fact, they did all adhere to this concept, and thanks to this concept, Shawn Minik can be regarded as the first-class in terms of teaching quality and student strength, but the college itself can only always Dismal business...

However, it is also an old and strong school. Shakespeare Minnick College itself is established in a forest, rich in animal and plant resources, and has a certain degree of protective measures around it. Artificial plants that have been integrated with the background forest vegetation can be seen everywhere in the forest. The building also speaks volumes about the college's long history.

It’s just that at this time, these buildings were temporarily requisitioned as garrison places for visitors from other colleges, and the original majestic castle of Shavonian College had disappeared at this time, replaced by a dark, devil-like grinning castle. A huge hole like a big mouth that makes people jump in fear.

"Sure enough, we came a little too early?"

The male magician with fiery red hair leaned impatiently on a large oval-shaped rock covered with moss, and said impatiently with a bitter face: "It has been three days, and the conscripted Magic Academy just came. Less than half of them... It is simply incomparable with the Great Magic Festival some time ago."

If you look closely, you can also find traces of artificial excavation on the big rock.

"Ever since the Edric College that turned out to be a high-ranking college, the influence of the Qiyao Mage Association has been gradually weakening... The last time this happened was that St. Doragon used an artifact as a reward to hold the top twelve During the Magic Tournament, unfortunately I was not born at that time."

A black-haired boy with glasses and a thick magic robe sat on a branch of a purple maple tree beside the boulder, and replied casually while looking around.

"Speaking of which, Edric Academy hasn't been called up yet, right? Do you think they will really openly disobey the call-up order of the Qiyao Mage Association this time and not send people here?"

The red-haired mage asked with interest.

"It's hard to say. In theory, if Edric College doesn't want to break with the Qiyao Mage Association, it should respond to the call this time. Besides, Shawn Minik was originally on the list of the 21st School Joint Exchange and Visit Conference. If the other party After their disappearance, they didn’t even express anything, which will inevitably leave a bad impression on other high-ranking academies. But after all, they are only a supernova academy that has been established for less than a year, and the students’ school age has not exceeded one year. Even if they don’t come There are also good reasons for not giving the Mage Association a chance to make trouble... so whether they will come this time or not should only be judged by those in power at Edric College."

The black-haired boy spoke for a long time. He spoke eloquently and clearly. Immediately afterwards, he warned the red-haired boy: "Besides, Joe, let's talk about this kind of thing ourselves. Don't go outside and talk nonsense, you know, those guys in Hornhag are not much bigger than beans .”

"I know Sol, I'm not an idiot."

The red-haired magician waved his hand: "Speaking of which, it should be my turn to watch the wind, right? Change me soon, the assistant teacher Nanxi won't allow us to run around, I'm almost bored to death."

Originally, the Mage's Eye of Watching Feng was competent, but their teaching assistant thought that the exploration of that tiankeng might start at some point, and a little more magic power in unknown areas would be a better grasp, so Watching Feng It's better to do this kind of thing directly, and save some magic power.

Anyway, there are members of other magic academies stationed around now, so there is actually no danger. The act of watching the wind is more symbolic than practical, and it is only used to remind the students of Ixowon ​​not to Let go of your vigilance about your surroundings.

"Understood, but don't patronize peeping at the residences of other colleges while you're up there. I won't explain it to you if you get shot down by them."

Sol took off his one-sided glasses, wiped them with a silk towel he didn't know where, and jumped directly from a tree more than ten meters high. When he was about to fall to the ground, the air became restless and turned into The updraft caught him firmly and he landed safely.

On the other hand, the red-haired boy Joe can only use his hands and feet to climb the purple maple tree like a monkey.

"Look out, if you perform well, maybe the assistant teacher Nanxi will give you permission to travel."

Sol, who was standing on a thick layer of dead leaves, shouted to Joe who had already climbed to the top of the tree nimbly.

"I know!"

The red-haired boy also replied without hesitation.

At this time, something seemed to move in the direction of the corner of his eyes.

Qiao, who was ranked among the best in combat ability in the Ixo School of Humanities, had sharper eyes than ordinary people, so he immediately noticed something was wrong there, and stared there intentionally or unintentionally.

Then, as expected, he saw two short khaki figures disappear into the grass.

"Did you see anything?" Saul immediately asked when he noticed that his junior in the book had a strange expression on his face.

"I don't know, but judging from the back, it should be a goblin."

Joe blurted out.

Saul was speechless for a while.

As the aborigines of the eastern plains, most of the goblins have integrated into human society, and most of them are doing some dirty work that humans are too lazy to do. This also makes them removed from the list of subjugation levels compiled by humans in a short time .

Even so, there are actually some wild goblins living in wild jungles or wastelands, still living an uncivilized life.

It's just that the fighting power of goblins is really too weak. Even a farmer with a hoe, as long as he is brave enough, it's no problem to overthrow a goblin. In addition, even when goblins were listed in the crusade list, there was no record The strength of a single ordinary goblin is why many magic swordsmen and magicians jokingly call it "a crusade against level 0 creatures" - "You are as weak as a goblin" is a common saying that is used for cursing people - Goblins only become a threat to humans when they are well equipped and mounted some beasts.

"Joe, be more serious!" Sol frowned.

"I know I know... but I always feel that those two goblins are a bit strange..." The red-haired magician shook his head in doubt: "Well, it's probably just my illusion." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature , the novel is better and updated faster!

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