The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 63: Visitors

"The address is correct, it is indeed here..."

Xi Wei carefully checked the address of the banquet on the back of the invitation, and then looked up at the hotel in front of him, which was even more luxurious than the castle of the castellan just because of the facade: "It's surprising that the goblin can hold a banquet in this kind of place." Rich."

This is also the first time Alisa has been to this kind of place, but it may be because of the large number of people. Compared with the casualness of looking around in the castle, she seems a little embarrassed now.

On the contrary, Tio, who was pinching the corner of Xi Wei's robe, remained expressionless.

"Ah, dear mage, you are finally here!"

Just as Xi Wei was about to step onto the wide and long stairs at the entrance of the hotel, a short figure stumbled over from the upper door. Because of its short legs, it seemed that it was running extremely hard.

"Sha Sangsang has been waiting for you for a long time, hurry up, please come inside!" the goblin panted and wiped his shiny forehead, and hurriedly said.

Its fat and ugly face was full of submissive expressions, which made Xi Wei feel a little strange.

It's normal if it's just to please. After all, I am a mage, and I have a life-saving grace for it, so it's not surprising that I want to please myself. But this fear-like expression is too strange... I didn't grow up to look like I was going to eat people.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Could it be that this is also the conspiracy of the lord's wife and the others? Xi Wei raised his eyebrows lightly. On the surface, he was calm, but secretly he was on guard. However, it would be too impolite to conclude that there was a fraud just by the other party's expression, so Xi Wei followed the goblin into the hotel slowly. .

Speaking of the banquet, it was obvious that Xi Wei and the goblins could not be the only participants. In fact, there were already many people in gorgeous dresses in the hotel lobby.

However, judging from the prints of various chambers of commerce on the chest or back of those dresses, the fat goblin invited only merchants from ordinary chambers of commerce.

This is normal, and Xi Wei didn't intend to see nobles or anything at a banquet held by a goblin merchant - those guys with eyes above the top discriminate against commoners who are humans, let alone goblins.

Among such a group of businessmen, Xi Wei, who was wearing a mage's robe, and Alisa and Tio, who were as cute as dolls, immediately became their focus.

After Sha Sangsang welcomed Xi Wei and the others in, businessmen kept coming up to talk to them, but Sha Sangsang cleverly declined them.

This further made Xi Wei feel that this fat goblin had some intentions.

The hotel hall occupies a huge area, even larger than the banquet hall in the castle. It was obviously impossible for only a hundred people to fill up such an empty place, and soon Sha Sangsang took Xi Wei and the others to an empty corner.

"F-Master..." After arriving at the corner full of decorative bonsai, the goblin stammered and said, "A-Actually, I invite you to come here today... because someone wants to talk to you... ..."

Are we finally getting to the point? Xi Wei remained silent, waiting for Sha Sangsang to continue, wanting to see what kind of medicine was sold in his gourd.

"If, if possible..." Sha Sangsang looked to one side of the corner, and Xi Wei followed its gaze, and found that there was actually a staircase leading to the second floor. Because of the cover of the bonsai branches and leaves, he unexpectedly None found.

What will be there? Powerful magician or magic swordsman? Or some kind of alchemy trap?

Xi Wei frowned, no matter what it was, it would not be a good thing for him.

"Master!" Seeing Xi Wei's hesitant expression, Sha Sangsang mustered up courage from somewhere, and said resolutely, "Don't worry! This is definitely not a bad thing, Sha Sangsang can use the freedom of his own clan to swear! "

Xi Wei looked at the serious expression on the fat goblin's face in surprise. Slick goblins don't like to swear. Although this does not mean that the oath they swear must be true, it also adds a little flavor to its words. credibility.

After thinking about it for a while, Xi Wei gave Alisa two small balls. They were sonic bombs and flash bombs. The former could be used to inform Xi Wei of what happened outside, while the latter could be used to make the little girl They have the ability to cope with some things.

And he himself walked into the stairs cautiously-in any case, he didn't want Alisa and Theo to accompany him on the adventure.

At the end of the stairs is a door. Judging from the door plate, it seems to be a place like a hotel staff room, but at this time, the one behind is definitely not a hotel staff.

Xi Wei opened the door carefully. The action of opening the door did not trigger any traps, and then he pushed the door open.

The staff room is very small, and the furnishings inside are also very simple - against the backdrop of three white walls, three dilapidated sofas, a low coffee table and a wardrobe are all the furniture.

But it was the two people sitting on the sofa that caught Xi Wei's attention at the moment.

It was a girl about twenty years old and an old lady who looked sixty or seventy years old, a very weird combination.

"Xi Wei Edric?" After spotting Xi Wei who was peeping at the door, the girl in a goose yellow dress asked first.

"Who are you?" Xi Wei walked into the room slowly, and he was not surprised that the other party could say his name... After all, he was the one they called to see.

And compared to the young girl, Xi Wei always had the feeling that the old woman next to her who didn't have any fluctuations in magic power was more dangerous.

"Before introducing yourself, could you please close the door first?" the girl said with a smile.

Xi Wei hesitated for a moment, but he closed the door as promised. Only then did he realize that half a magic circle was drawn on the door and the wall next to it. The total amount is comparable to the amount of knowledge of a high-level magician, and it can only be recognized that the effect of this magic circle seems to be sound insulation or the like.

"In this way, you don't have to be afraid of others eavesdropping." The girl stood up generously, and held out her hand to Xi Wei: "My name is Evan Jielin, Evan Jielin Huolian. Nice to meet you, Xi Wei Mr. Edric."

"Well, me too, Yiwen... eh, Huo Lian?" Xi Wei just wanted to hold the girl's hand, but he froze like that: "Prince...His Royal Highness?!"

Evan Jielin seemed to enjoy Xi Wei's reaction very much. With a smirk on her face, she held Xi Wei's hand and shook it, then let go and sat back on the sofa.

"That's right, the one in front of you is Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess of the Huo Li'an Empire." At this moment, the old lady said, "As for the old man, he is not a well-known person, so let's not mention it."

Why did Her Royal Highness the princess of a country suddenly appear in front of me? This is too much to expand!

After staring blankly at Evan Jielin for a few seconds, Xi Wei suddenly realized that it was too impolite to do so, so he immediately lowered his eyes.

As for the possibility of pretending to be a princess... Just kidding, who would pretend to be His Royal Highness when they are full and have nothing to do, because they think life is too comfortable and want to die.

"Mr. Sharon, you are too self-effacing." The girl smiled and pointed out the identity of the old lady: "If you are not famous as the head of the royal priest of Huolian, then there is probably no celebrity in the entire empire except your mother. .”

"Sharon...the head of the royal priesthood..." Xi Wei thought about these two names in his heart, and then a name immediately appeared in his mind.

"Are you Mrs. Sharon Long?" he asked cautiously.

"You are His Highness's guest today, so you don't need to be so reserved." Mrs. Sharron smiled kindly, but she didn't deny the name.

How could he not be restrained in front of the only great magician in the Huolian Empire! Xi Wei nodded tremblingly.

No wonder he has always been sensitive to magic power but he can't sense the slightest fluctuation of the opponent's magic power... It's all because the level difference is too much!

"Um... what is the two of you looking for me today?"

"I have two things going south this time." The girl started to talk to herself as if she wanted to whet Xi Wei's appetite on purpose: "One of them is to investigate the sudden appearance of gnolls in Noeg s reason."

Xi Wei suddenly realized that when the gnolls besieged Tio, he took care of a group of them. Later, when the gnolls appeared near Horadur, he also passed by the scene of the incident and found the only survivor Sha Sangsang, then it is normal for the princess to come to find out about the situation.

As for how the other party knew that he had dealt with those gnolls... Presumably there was the great magician Sharon, so it was not surprising to find anything from that place.

Just when Xi Wei thought he had grasped the main point of the conversation, Evan Jielin continued.

"However, that matter is fine. The key point is another matter... about the little girl you saved, Tio Skanji."


So why! Why does Her Royal Highness, a princess, care about such things among nobles!

Xi Wei, who was completely unable to keep up with the topic of His Highness the Eldest Princess, deeply felt at this moment that his experience was too shallow to see through the fundamental shortcomings of the matter.

"Actually, Tio, it's the child of my mother and the Duke of Skanji." Before Xi Wei could recover, Princess Evangeline dropped a bombshell again: "It's also my half-sister .”

"Wait, this is too weird!" Xi Wei finally couldn't help but said, "If Tio is really a princess, why did the Duke of Skanji bring her back and raise her as an illegitimate daughter?"

Although the Huo Lian Empire is not ruled by men, for some reason, the queen is the majority, so the status of Her Royal Highness has also risen. If Tio is really a princess, then there is no reason why she would be left outside the palace.

"Because the situation was not peaceful eight years ago, but this has nothing to do with you." The girl waved her hand to signal Xi Wei not to continue entangled in this issue: "In short, you just need to know that Tio really has the blood of the royal family."

"So, Your Highness, are you here this time to take Tio back?"

For some reason, Xi Wei suddenly thought of the task of [Girl's Return]. Could it be that the imperial palace is the real place for Tio?

"Of course not." Evan Jielin's resolute voice brought Xi Wei's thoughts back to reality: "Tio just needs to continue to be the heir of the Duke of Skanji. Returning to the palace is not a good thing for her."

"But it's even worse for Tio to stay in Noeg now!" I don't know if it was because of the impact of Tio's identity or other reasons, but Xi Wei temporarily put the other party's princess status aside, and She said tit for tat: "You may not know, in fact..."

Evan Jielin made a calm movement, and then said softly: "Don't worry, we understand the situation of Noeger very well now. In other words, we came here to solve this matter."

Xi Wei took a deep breath and calmed himself down: "Then you don't have to come to me at all, as long as you can meet the lord, then the truth will not be far away, right?"

"So it's not that simple." The girl said with a wry smile: "In fact, even if I ask to meet the Duke in the name of business, Mrs. Skanji can use the illness to shirk it. If you want to see the other party, you can only Use a tougher attitude, but this will cause great damage to the reputation of the royal family among the nobles."

Speaking of this, Xi Wei also understood the other party's concerns a little bit: "But what does this have to do with asking me to come here?"

"Since the status of the public is not good enough, then it is enough to visit the Duke of Skanji with the private identity of 'Tio's friend'." The girl said her purpose unhurriedly: "But Tio's vigilance is too It's important, although I don't know how you did it, but she seems to have only opened her heart to you two, master and apprentice. In this way, our plan needs your assistance to a certain extent. "

"I see."

After a little thought, Xi Wei agreed with the girl's words: "But I still have one question."

The girl looked at Xi Wei curiously with her amber eyes: "What question?"

"Didn't the laws of the Huolian Empire stipulate that only blood relatives can inherit the title?" Xi Wei immediately asked the question that had troubled him for a long time: "In this way, if the lord's wife designed to kill Tiou, the title and fiefdom would be lost by the royal family." It's right to take it back, so why didn't she just take Tiou out of the way and set up a puppet regime, instead of doing such a thankless thing?"

"So you don't know." The girl sighed helplessly: "Mrs. Skanji is still pregnant. In other words, as long as she gives birth to a baby, she can justifiably take over Noeger. As for the details of the pregnancy Whose child is it... When the baby is born, the Duke of Skanji has passed away, so there is no way to verify it."

"Is that why she spared no effort to deal with Tio..." Xi Wei also lowered his face: "So, besides the lord, Tio seems to have no one close to him."

After all, she is an illegitimate daughter, and the lord's wife doesn't want to see her, so those servants will not take care of Tio at the risk of being put on by the lord's wife.

"You're wrong." Evangeline smiled, but that smile was surprisingly bitter: "Even Duke Skanji, Tio is not close."

"How is it possible..." Xi Wei was stunned: "It's obviously my child."

"Compared to her own child, I am afraid that in the eyes of the Duke, Tio is more like a 'chip' for bargaining with his mother." The girl sneered: "You know why Noeg already has a border guard, But do you still have the right to form your own army?"

"Your Royal Highness!" At this time, the old lady Sharon, who had been silent all this time, said, "You talk too much."

"Sorry." The girl put away the previous expression, and changed back to the previous gentle smile: "I'm a little out of control. However, I believe that Mr. Edric will never say anything, right (laughs)?"


That smile is so scary... ★It has nothing to do with the text. Thank you reader Wのi, let’s time travel together and donate~

{Floating astronomy

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