The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 64 System Restrictions?

Afterwards, Xi Wei chatted for a while with the princess from the north, and the great magician whose achievements were high enough to make ordinary magicians look up to him, before he politely got up and said goodbye.

After Xi Wei closed the door and the silent magic circle at the door took effect again, the girl suddenly asked the great magician beside her, "Mr. Sharon, what do you think?"

"Magic talent can only be considered good, and it is still far from good." Mrs. Sharron thought about it for a while, and then said: "However, he has a deep understanding of some basic magic, and some of them even vaguely point to the essence of magic. Essentially, as a traveling mage, this kind of comprehension ability can also be called a genius."

During the chat just now, the old lady exchanged some magical insights with Xi Wei intentionally or unintentionally, and then she was surprised to find that although Xi Wei's theoretical knowledge seemed to be only around the second-ring magic, he had formed his own system, almost All the magical Xi Wei below the second ring can express their opinions about themselves, and they can even conduct in-depth analysis that makes Sharon realize something.

From this point of view alone, Xi Wei's magic level far surpassed the students she met in those magic schools who would only rigidly accept the explanations of traditional magic academic circles.

Seeing Liexin delighted, she even made a cryptic proposal to let Xi Wei become her student, but the other party refused without hesitation with the same cryptic language and politeness.

"Really, the teacher thinks highly of him." Evangeline held her chin, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Sharon wanted to accept Xi Wei as a student, and she had naturally heard it before. The girl knew that for her teacher who was a great magician, ordinary geniuses were no surprise. I still reluctantly became the other party's disciple because of the status of this princess.

But this time, not only did she take the initiative to accept the traveling mage as her disciple, but what was even more incredible was that the other party actually refused...

You know, Sharon is the head of the royal priest of the Huolian Empire, one of the only two great magicians in the empire, and she is also the patriarch of the Lange magic family!

It was such a person with countless halos who actively wanted to accept him as a student, but he actually refused!

For Yiwen Jielin, who was born in the royal family and used to do everything possible to use all the available resources and power around her, Xi Wei's actions were no longer arrogance or reckless, and what he had to say was simply unreasonable !

It's like the actions of a completely unreasonable person.

Is Xi Wei unsophisticated? Obviously not.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, except for the time when he lost control of his emotions because of Tiou, Xi Wei has always maintained a polite appearance, and easily avoided some tentative traps in the girl's words.


"Although the information collected before mentioned that he has traveled more than half of the eastern plains, but his knowledge of many things is too rich." The girl sighed softly. Even if she has a royal library at home and has been trying to absorb new knowledge in her spare time, she can clearly know from the short chat just now that her knowledge is not as rich as Xi Wei - that guy said casually Words can draw out an interesting or profound allusion, and it is the kind of time and place with justification and evidence...

"In short, let the intelligence department collect more information about him." The girl who had no idea simply gave up and continued to think, and said with a final word: "Teacher, let's take a good look at the performance of that Mr. Edric in this incident. Bar."

After leaving the room, Xi Wei heaved a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Sharron is fine, but Her Royal Highness's words are full of various traps. Although I don't have any particularly serious problems, if I expose myself that is different from ordinary people, no matter how I think about it, I won't There are good things waiting for him.

So he can only pretend to be stupid, and use all kinds of knowledge and allusions acquired because of his promotion to divert the topic.

But the most important thing is not this. Mrs. Sharon's words just now implied that she wanted to accept him as a student, and Xi Wei naturally heard it.

According to his own wishes, there is nothing wrong with becoming a student of a great magician... At least there will be a tiger skin to talk about in the future, right?

However, just when he was about to agree, the tattoo on the back of his hand suddenly turned red.

This was the first time that Xi Wei had such a change since he got this tattoo. He was startled and naturally opened the Magic Academy system to see what had happened.

"'You can't be someone else's apprentice'... Is this the limitation of the system." Xi Wei sighed with some regret.

But it's normal to think about it, since it is a system that makes Xi Wei the head of the magic academy, it is naturally impossible for a head to ask someone else to be his teacher.

So even though it was a pity, Xi Wei still had to reject the other party's proposal with a very serious attitude.

After Xi Wei refused, the tattoo turned back to blue again. This made Xi Wei very curious about what would happen if he accepted the other party's proposal... However, considering that curiosity killed the cat, Xi Wei decided not to experiment with this possibility.

Soon, Xi Wei adjusted his mentality and stopped moaning, and walked out of the staircase corridor quickly.

And the first thing he saw was Tio standing alone in the corner, staring blankly at the extremely lively banquet not far away.

For some reason, Evan Jielin's words came to Xi Wei's mind again.

[Compared to his own child, I am afraid that in the eyes of the Duke, Tio is more like a 'chip' for bargaining with his mother. 】

Chips... Xi Wei chewed the word silently for a while, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Being used as a bargaining chip by his biological father, alienated by the servants, persecuted by the stepmother, and even suffered life-threatening at one point.

Even though he was still so young, there was no one around him who was kind to him. This is probably why Tio always looks so indifferent to everything.

"Tio," Xi Wei scratched his head, then greeted the little girl with a nonchalant smile.

The girl turned her head, and the expression on her face changed slightly.

Before she could say anything, Xi Wei reached out and stroked her long silver hair: "Why is she here alone? Where's Alisa?"

"There." The girl pointed to the side of the banquet: "Take the food."

This banquet seems to be sponsored by Her Highness the Princess. Of course, no one knows about it except the goblins. The banquet is also a common form of buffet, but the food is very expensive.

It seems that Alisa went to eat because she couldn't resist the temptation of food.

"Then why don't you go together?" Xi Wei asked curiously.

"...Noisy, I don't like it very much." The girl replied softly.

"Really." Xi Wei looked at the quiet girl, as if he had made some decision, the smile on his face faded: "Tio."


"Are you willing to be my student?" He bought a student ID card with the few money resources left: "Although it is not a good place now, but are you willing to build our own home with me?"

A single idiot didn't notice how ambiguous what he said, so he just took out an admission notice and handed it to the girl, quietly waiting for the other party's answer.

"...I," the girl looked at Xi Wei with calm eyes like a pool of stagnant water, "I can't give you anything."

"I only need Tio, and it has nothing to do with Skanji, the Duke, or Noeg." Xi Wei said softly, maintaining the posture of handing out the admission letter.

"But..." The girl lowered her eyes, as if she was afraid of something.

At this moment.

"Tio~ I brought a lot of food here!" Alyssa's voice came over, and the girl with blond hair and double ponytails was carrying a pile of various foods into a hill. The plate that had collapsed staggered towards this side: "Let's eat together~"

"Wow! Miss Alisa, be careful!" The fat goblin waved his arms worriedly, looking as funny as a toad.

Xi Wei turned his gaze away from his first student, and then said in a voice full of laughter: "It seems that I am not the only one who is expecting you to join us. How about it, Tiou?"

"...Really, is it okay?" The silver-haired girl also recovered from the other side, lowered her head, stared blankly at the marble-paved ground, and asked in a trembling voice: "... Even if I am like this, can I really do it?"

"Isn't the answer obvious?" Xi Wei replied without hesitation.

So the girl finally raised her head, and tremblingly accepted the admission notice in Xi Wei's hand.

"Then, you are welcome to enroll, classmate Tiou." Xi Wei seemed to have let go of some burden, his smile relaxed all of a sudden, and he stroked the girl's hair and said.

"……is teacher."

★Irrelevant to the text

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