The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 726: Lord of Fear

Andurudal is the Demon King.

To be precise, he is the Lord of Fear from the Canyon of Desire in the Abyss.

Unlike other demon kings, although his strength is indeed the weakest of the seven demon kings, he also has a powerful strength that is beyond the reach of ordinary big demons-this is a necessary prerequisite for becoming a demon king-but he prefers fists to fists. Use your brain to solve problems.

'A guy who has no brains but strength is just a fool! '

This is what he said to his subordinates after he overthrew the former demon lord of Desire Canyon by inciting the great demon riot, and stepped on that guy's head.

The former demon lord had nearly a hundred demons under his command, and the number of low-level demons was even more numerous. His own strength was also very strong, almost comparable to those three guys in the Styx. If the Canyon of Desire is captured by force, it is estimated that Andurudal will pay a considerable price.

But under his careful calculation, he overthrew the previous demon lord without even making a move in the whole battle, and his power expanded several times. From being weaker than other demon kings, he became comparable to other demon kings.

The Abyss is not the Prime Material Plane, and does not have morally bound rules like the societies of humans or most intelligent creatures. In this dark place, the lords of various places are the supreme gods to the residents, and their words are the rules that must be followed.

Andrudal's favorite thing to do is to spread fear. Everywhere he goes, even demons are no exception, and he feeds on the emotion of fear. Hiding in the dark and greedily sucking on his fruits.

This is also the origin of the title of 'Lord of Fear'.

There are many forces of all sizes in the abyss, and the vast territory ruled by other demon kings is his forbidden area. Those monster-level guys have personally warned him that if Andurudar enters their territory without their personal consent, they will not Will pay attention to the reason, but will directly kill him.

As for those small forces, after casually destroying a few, he also felt a little bored. It's like no matter how much you like a game, if you always play on easy difficulty, you will soon get bored. He has been extra patient with this for more than two hundred years.

Finally, just when he was so impatient that he was about to plot a plan that would drag the entire abyss into chaos. In order to create greater fear. Suddenly the Plague Lord found him.

The other party told him that he and the Lord of Death had discovered a way to go to the main material plane, and decided to organize an expeditionary army from the demon world to go to that plane, and wanted to ask him if he was interested.

The answer is naturally interesting.

Wait until you pass through the rift in the plane. After coming to the main material plane. Everything here really did not disappoint him.

The natives of this plane. That is to say, although the intensity of negative emotions of those creatures who call themselves humans is not as strong as that of the abyssal demons, they are far richer than those simple-minded guys.

Greed, lust, selfishness, cruelty, discrimination, jealousy, desire to destroy...

It was the first time that Andurudal, who took playing with people's hearts as his job and fed on negative emotions, felt so satisfied.

This plane is really great!

It is different from those who play aggression with great fanfare. After Andurudal came to this plane, he used the power of illusion magic to transform himself into a human being, mixed among them, provoked all kinds of negative emotions, and caused conflicts and riots.

This time he was in the city of Stein again, eyeing two humans.

One of them is the latest 'hero' selected by mankind.

He likes the system of the "Hero Project" very much. The cohesion of human beings in this era is still very good, and there are often fighters or magicians who have made great achievements in the battles with the demons of the abyss.

However, the Hero Project limited the titles of heroes to only 88, so many people with extraordinary meritorious deeds were unable to obtain the title of hero.

And once an existence of this level is successfully provoked, the damage it will cause is far stronger than that of ordinary people. As a by-product, the panic of the masses will also be much larger than usual.

Of course, this is not the case now.

The man who won the title of hero was extremely tough in mind. Although Andrudal was keenly aware of the insurmountable mental barrier in his heart, he couldn't make use of it in a short time.

But another person is different.

Although I don't know what's going on, but that man is obviously very powerful. According to the human classification method, he should belong to the great magician who is only a thin line away from the legendary great magician, but his mind is wavering, and it seems that he is in In a dilemma.

This kind of person is often the best to use.

In addition to these two, there is also a human girl who looks like an outsider. Unlike those two men, the human girl was extremely vigilant, and Andurudal knew that she was almost spotted by her when he was following them.

But even if it is the weakest, Andurudal's strength is also at the level of a demon king, especially his stealth ability is superior to other demon kings.

So after he became serious, the human girl could no longer detect his aura.

Those humans first went to a hotel, and the great magician seemed to have set up a sound barrier. In short, Andurudal, who was hiding next door, could not hear what they were talking about.

It's just that judging from the expressions on their faces when they came out later, I'm afraid their conversation was not pleasant.

It's okay to be unhappy, so I can take advantage of it!

Andurudal showed a cold and twisted smile, licked his lips, and followed secretly.

Sure enough, not far from Stein City, the two started fighting.

According to Andrudal's observation, the heroic boy's strength can be ranked first among human beings, and he is doing his best with his hands. On the contrary, the great magician is obviously holding the mentality of learning from each other, and obviously put a lot of water.

Under normal circumstances, the final result of this form is that the boy is pressing down on the magician to fight, but now the boy can't even touch the corner of the magician's clothes!

The great magician's strength exceeded Andrudal's expectations.

This made him even more excited--incomparably strong, but not determined, this kind of perfect candidate for him is not something that can be met casually!

As the battle continued, both of them seemed to be on fire. Although the great magician was still releasing water, he struck a little harder. It didn't take long for the young hero to suffer a lot of injuries.

That's right, that's it, just be a little more impatient... not enough! This tyrannical mood is not enough!

Andurudal licked his long and narrow lips, and then secretly activated his spell-like ability—anxiety aura.

Sure enough, the great magician was affected by the aura of anxiety, and his fighting methods became more and more brutal. Even though the hero boy was already scarred, he had no intention of showing mercy.

In the end, both of them used extremely powerful moves, as if they were going to have a showdown. To Andurudal's surprise, the great magician seemed to be able to control the power of the void.

Just when the two attacks were about to hit each other.

The rift in the void opened again, and both of them disappeared.

In the next moment, Andrudal felt a sense of danger that made his scalp tingle for the first time in his life.

Cracks in the void opened on both sides of him, and the two people who had just disappeared appeared there in vain, and then two extremely powerful magic swords were about to hit his body in the next moment!

"Goo—!" Without even having time to think, he showed his true form as a demon king, and used the tricks he needed to save his life, abruptly receiving the joint attack from Xi Wei and Ji Luo!

There was a clang, and the short horn, which was the representative of demon power, spun in the air and drew a parabola, and landed in the grass beside it.

Andrew Dahl stood up from the side in embarrassment, with a ferocious expression on his face, and he kept muttering viciously: "Bastard bastard bastard! You low-level creatures! I will kill you! I will definitely make you regret being born in this world! "

Except for sometimes being noticed by the knights because of causing a big commotion, and using power to eliminate those knights in order to prevent their identities from being exposed, Andurudal has never shown the true nature of the devil. He was so embarrassed, even one of his horns had been cut off, how could he not get angry.

However, he also knew that even if he continued to stand in a stalemate near the human base camp, it would not be good for him, so after glaring at Xi Wei and the others viciously, they disappeared into a black awn. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

ps: Sorry, the broadband is not turned on in the new house. I rushed to the old house to code and upload this chapter, and now I have to go back to the new house. The chapter that promises to be updated can only be put in three days later... Really bad Excuse me.

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