The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 727: The Wandering Living Dead

In fact, Xi Wei really didn't notice that the Lord of Fear was watching them nearby at first.

If it wasn't for that guy's smart use of restless aura, Xi Wei, who was concentrating on trying to change history, would never have the energy to notice him.

Immediately after that, Xi Wei quietly whispered to Ji Luo and Lawen through the wind element.

It's a pity that the Lord of Fear's life-saving means and ability to escape exceeded his expectations. Not only did the combined attack of the two of them fail, but even the binding magic couldn't stop the strange black awn that the other party turned into when he fled.

On the bar of the Iron Ax Tavern in Stein City, Xi Wei was having lunch with Laven with a sad face. Ji Luo has long since disappeared.

"Why are you trying so hard to change history?" Laven sighed helplessly after taking a sip of ale.

Hearing this, Xi Wei stopped tearing the rye bread, with a surprised expression on his face.

But immediately he showed a relieved expression.

That's right, after all, he's done it so clearly, so with Lawen's wisdom, it's impossible not to see Xi Wei's meaning.

"It's nothing, I just don't like the so-called fatalism."

He replied lightly.

"Then why did he let go so easily in the end and let Jiro go to participate in the Battle of Taliesid?"

The girl asked again.

"I made an agreement with him that as long as he can hurt me, I will agree for him to participate in the final decisive battle." Xi Wei sighed and pointed to a sword wound on his face.

This was caused by Ji Luo's failure to hold the sword when he attacked the Lord of Fear with the Void Demon Sword and Ji Luo, because Xi Wei's mage alarm made him avoid it in time, so it was only a scratch.

Compared with Xi Wei's ability to send and receive freely. Jiro's control, which can be released or not received, is obviously weaker than that.

But precisely because of this weakness, the conditions in the initial bet were met instead.

"It's like the correction power of the legendary world..."

"So you have that scar because of the correction power of the world?" The girl picked up a French fries from her dinner plate, dipped it in salt and pepper, and didn't rush to eat it, but asked casually: "With your The ability. To eliminate this damage, it is just a blink of an eye, right?"

"No, I just used it to remind myself that 'accidents are terrible'." Xi Wei touched the scar on his face, shook his head, and said to the girl who was eating slowly.

"Then what are you going to do next? Or follow the original plan and watch the Battle of Taliesin from a distance?" The girl swallowed the French fries in her mouth: "Although I don't think it will be a big deal to do so." Just use it."

"The plan needs to change a bit..."

Xi Wei bit the nail of his right thumb. After pondering for a moment, he raised his head again: "If history can't be changed...then I'll just walk around and look at other paths."

"Other paths?"

Laven tilted her head suspiciously.

But then Xi Wei stopped talking about this issue, and started to munch on the golden barbecue that the boss brought up, which made the girl frown, but there was nothing she could do about him.

--Dividing line--

The Lord of Plague is currently the most worrisome enemy in the army of abyssal demons, bar none.

The key is that its own plague ability spread effect and fatal effect are very strong. Make people hard to guard against.

What's more, recently, there have been plague walking corpses near the city of Stein, and the humans killed by their attacks will also become similar to those monsters.

This is also the proud work of the Lord of Plague. Last time, due to a moment of carelessness, humans got its shadow. It almost became the first demon king to be cursed and killed by humans.

It's just that the incarnation of the Lord of Fear turned against a magician in the human camp, and stole the shadow of the Lord of Plague from the human base camp.

The Plague Walking Corpse was created by the Plague Lord, who felt that he had suffered a great shame because of this incident, to torment human beings.

Its tactics have been very successful, at least for now.

"It's not just being killed by the plague walking dead. Even being injured by physical contact with them, there is a very high possibility of infection."

St. George handed the report to the tall man in front of him.

If Xi Wei was here, he would be able to recognize this man as the Eleventh Knight Larry, the Knight Commander of the Emperor Sword Knights that he met in this era.

"This is what we found when we went out to wipe out the enemy. To be honest, it's not a particularly difficult situation to find, but for some reason, it was not mentioned in the previous notice from the command headquarters."

St. George reported with a serious face: "I think this kind of information must be notified to the whole army, so that they can be prepared to face these plague walking corpses."

"No need, the headquarters will naturally handle this matter."

However, Larry sighed and shook his head: "The reason why the headquarters didn't publicize it is because they asked you to deal with the plague corpses. It was because they were afraid of riots... After the completion of the city of Stein, there have been a series of There were several unexplained riots, and even the warlord knight who intervened in the investigation died mysteriously. Now is the eve of the decisive battle, and the headquarters does not want to let the army's morale become too distracted."


The character can be regarded as honest. St. George, who can even be said to be stern, frowned.

He didn't like to use this kind of tricky way of concealing information from the sergeants at the grassroots level to stabilize the morale of the army.

"I know you don't like it, but the overall situation is the most important thing. Many times we have to do things we don't want to do." Larry shrugged.

Having already become a knight commander, he is naturally much more tactful than St. George, and this kind of intelligence control that seems to be suspected of ignoring human life is not unheard of.

In addition, he has already selected St. George as the next candidate for the knight commander, and he did not hide much when he spoke: "And, once you are infected with that plague, you will become a plague corpse after you die—then what have you thought about it?" , what would happen if the infection was alive?"

"Infected while alive?" What emerged in St. George's mind was the scene of the legendary dragon Floyd being infected by the shadow of the Plague Lord, losing his mind and running wild: "Will he be controlled by the Plague Lord?"

"It would be great if that's the case. At least we don't have to worry about it, just kill them." Larry stroked his sword hilt, and said with a wry smile: "If you are infected while alive, even if your will is still Awake, but will move around subconsciously, and the body will rot at an extremely fast speed, and the rotten parts may appear bloody. Including blood, the bodily fluids of living infected people are also the way to spread infection One. In other words, once infected, that person becomes a mobile source of infection!"

"They are all still alive, but they have lost the qualification to live." Larry's hand has unconsciously grasped the hilt of the sword, and the protruding veins on his wrist make it clear that his heart is not as calm as his surface: "In order to obliterate these former companions, the command set up a special crusade force named—"

——The Knights of the Wandering Funeral.

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