The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 788 Malicious Sinking, Glacier Demon God (1)

After all, the current double existence is equivalent to invalidation. If one accidentally kneels down in that unknown world, then Xi Wei can only continue to act when he is alive in the age of mythology. This article is written by . . starting

Although the legendary great mage can be regarded as the pinnacle of human beings... at least in the entire history of mankind, there has never been a level stronger than the legendary great mage... but the pinnacle of human beings does not mean that one can sit back and relax, the age of mythology In the war against the demons of the abyss, the number of legendary powerhouses who fell was not small.

And Xi Wei is not the kind of person who likes to be arrogant, especially after he became a legend, he had a few extremely dangerous fights with the Lord of Fear Andurudal and Robert Velen, which made him understand that maybe in human beings He can indeed be regarded as the peak, but looking at the whole world, there are still many existences who can be compared with him.

Leaving aside other things, it would be tricky enough if that other world had Ozaki who could be regarded as having a close relationship with him... Xi Wei, who is used to being tricked by the system, always likes to think things in the worst direction, In this way, no matter how bad the situation is, he can always maintain a considerable degree of calmness, and if he is free, he can even pretend to be strategizing and sneer, "The wisdom of mortals, this level of change, I have already seen it." Expected 'what.

It's the same this time, if it's just an ordinary half-plane, maybe Xi Wei will take Shalan across there directly... After all, the half-plane and the fragments of the plane are similar to the existence of the wreckage of the world, and the laws in it It has been fragmented, and it is basically impossible to accommodate powerful creatures for too long.

Even the demiplane that Xi Wei used to imprison the three-headed dog in disguise was the result of his special reinforcement. The materials consumed in it were enough to make those big spenders from the Mage Association beat their chests and scold Xi Wei for being a prodigal.

But this is not the case this time. Their goal is to attach to an alien world of the main world. Although it is far inferior to the main material plane in terms of mystery and strict rules, it is still a complete world with perfect The ecological circle, which also means that there are likely to be some weird creatures on the opposite side...

So thorough preparation is necessary.

While Xi Wei is preparing to enter another world, let's temporarily shift our perspective to the magic ship that is moving towards the shadow altar.

Except for the magic ship that came from the system reward at the beginning and has been saved as a sample, almost all the magic ships of Edric Academy were modeled after the "Magical Ship" that Xi Wei got from Cradik's box. Created by Mapping.

In theory. These ships are completely unafraid of the scorching heat and severe cold under normal circumstances.

The issue is. The current temperature has completely exceeded the so-called 'general situation', and is much colder than most ice storages.

For example, even the highest quality magic affinity oil used by Edric, who spared no expense in manufacturing and maintaining magic ships, had already condensed due to the ultra-low temperature during the engraving. Blocked the supply and operation of magic power.

So in the end, we could only use the system-produced magic ship that was used as a sample.

"Fate. Where did you get these wizard robes?"

sailing. Feite found a group of people on the bridge and brought them to the wizard's robe that Xi Wei had sent over.

Sophia looked at those wizard robes, although her strength was not strong. It was no longer even comparable to the outstanding students like Tio and the others, but she, who was well-informed, suddenly discovered the extraordinaryness of these wizard robes.

Picking up one casually and examining it carefully, the girl said seriously.

"Unexpectedly ugly..."

"Thank you for your comment. I will pass on your comment to Xi Wei later."

Feite looked at Sofia with a smile.

"Did this come from Mr. Edric?" The saint Elilia who came with everyone looked at the wizard robe curiously, and then her expression became a little surprised. Regardless of Frey's stop, He reached out and stroked the wizard's robe, carefully feeling the power flowing inside.

"There is the blessing of the holy light flowing in it. If you wear this magic robe, you will not be disturbed by the curse and the severe cold... It is indeed Mr. Edric's handwriting. Before this, I only found it on the Pope's crown. If it is in the church, these magic robes will definitely be passed down as the treasure of the church."

"It's obviously the breath of the holy light, but the final form of expression is the wizard's robe instead of the priest's uniform. Is this also the evil taste of that gentleman..." After finding out that the saint is fine, Fleur relaxed her vigilance. , also relied on his own perception ability to feel the power from the sun in the wizard's robe, and finally he could only sigh with a complicated expression.

Although magicians and priests and priests are not mortal enemies, the values ​​of the two are completely different. It is indeed full of irony that the power of the sacred light that priests and priests have believed in all their lives will appear on wizard robes instead of mass robes means.

"Xi Wei, can't you come?"

Tio didn't care at all about the precious equipment that could make them smash their heads no matter whether they were placed in the magician or the pure white church. Instead, he looked at Feite and asked in his usual tone that didn't change much.

But the anticipation in the girl's eyes was overflowing, which made Feite a little embarrassed.

"Xi Wei has other important things to do now. After he finishes, he will definitely come over to join you."

In the end, Feite could only use this ambiguous statement to comfort the little girl who was a little lost.

"Compared to relying on the power of the assistant dean to solve this matter, I think it is easier for us to solve this incident by the dean."

Franken walked up to the girl and said while twisting the screws on his head.

He has been turning the screw non-stop since he set off. According to himself, the screw might be completely frozen when it is exposed to the super-cold air later, so he started to adjust it while he could still adjust it. Adjust the voice that you are most satisfied with and then speak...

Just as a few people started to share the pile of wizard robes sent by Xi Wei under Feite's instructions, and began to try to put them on the existing equipment, a little leprechaun with a bit of a face 'poof' A sound appeared in the room.

"Report everyone, we have come to the place that classmate An Ke said, but now the air here is not stable, and the temperature has exceeded the limit." It bowed to everyone, and said slowly: "We can't Hanging around here for too long..."

"It's okay." Putting on the wizard robe kindly sponsored by Xi Wei, Sophia said while feeling the warmth in her limbs, "Leave the rest to us." (To be continued, please search Piaotian literature, novels are better and faster!

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