The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 789 Malicious Sinking, Glacier Demon God (2)

"When we first got close to here, thick frost condensed on the glass, and it was so white that we couldn't see anything clearly."

When everyone returned to the bridge and looked at the not-so-huge pothole on the ground through the windows on the bridge, the leprechaun who was in charge of the pilot explained to them.

It's not Woda... The little goblin who followed Xi Wei not long after he debuted, is currently connecting with the central dispatcher at Edric Academy in Morag and maintaining the existence of the surrounding enchantment.

"In order to solve this problem, we used magic power to heat the glass slide, so that we can maintain a certain degree of vision."

But at the moment, everyone is not interested in the glass. In fact, their eyes are all attracted by the situation below.

"I remember, Anke, you said that the Shadow Altar is hidden in a forest, right?"

Sophia asked in surprise.

The girl she questioned also nodded with an unbelievable expression.

"The weather is so cold that I've been mentally prepared for the trees to wither...but in this situation..."

When Sophia, who was confirmed, looked down again, she no longer felt the relief after receiving Xi Wei's assistance in the wizard's robe in her eyes.

The so-called 'forest' can no longer be seen below, and there are only countless ice cones standing on the ground.

"After the leaves of the trees have all withered, the trunks themselves have been frozen by the extreme cold to create this kind of ice cone forest." Franken tried to speculate.

The leprechaun just now interrupted their guessing. It pointed to the dark pothole not far away and said: "There seems to be a strange suction there, and the air is continuously sucked in... There is a whirlwind above the cave. There is no way for the magic ship to get close to it. This level is already the limit, and I told you just now, because the air is unstable, we can't hover."

"It's not just about the air... the forest, no, it's the ice cone forest that has many strange rivers."

An Ke also said loudly at this time: "Not to mention that there were not so many rivers in the forest, the fact that they did not freeze at this temperature is already suspicious!"

"That's 'air'."

Tio, who had been shrinking to one side, suddenly spoke out, and her words shocked everyone even more.

"Tio, are you saying that those rivers...are the air being liquefied because it's too cold? Although this kind of thing is not impossible. But it's too..."

If Sophia was just a little surprised just now. Now it's a surprise.

How cold does it have to be for the air to liquefy? If it wasn't for Xi Wei who sent these wizard robes with the power of the sun flowing inside, would the academy's own equipment alone be able to resist this level of severe cold?

But Tio nodded affirmatively at first, then pointed to the pothole that was forming a tornado, and said, "Xi Wei said that it expands with heat and contracts with cold."

Edric also offered a physics class under the initiative of Xi Wei (although it was canceled due to lack of teachers after a few classes). This basic physical phenomenon was also very clear to the few people present.

Even the air outside was liquefied by the cold. Not to mention the situation in the shadow altar that is located underground and serves as the entrance to the ice-free dark river. After the air was liquefied, the air pressure inside dropped sharply. Naturally, it will suck in a large amount of outside air like a giant whale absorbs water.

Then there is a cycle of inhaling air→air cooling→air liquefaction→lower air pressure→inhaling air, and finally a powerful cyclone is formed.

The only good news is that the whirlwind has not completely formed at present, and sealing the hole now should solve the problem.

"Speaking of which, do we have to enter the shadow altar to seal? Wouldn't it be better to seal it directly on the surface together with the shadow altar?"

Fleur asked curiously. It seems that even with the perfect equipment, she still seems reluctant to take the saint to such a dangerous place.

"Ordinary formations don't have enough heat insulation capacity. Even if the entrance to the Shadow Altar is sealed on the surface, the cold current may ease, but it will definitely not disappear."

Sophia had obviously studied this issue, and took the time to answer while she was wearing the equipment: "If you don't want the entire eastern plain to enter the Ice Age, you can only seal the entrance inside the Shadow Altar."

"It's really troublesome..." Fleur sighed.

"That's not like what Megatron Xiao's little Holy Silver Sword Princess would say."

Elijah covered her mouth and chuckled.

"At that time, I was the head of the Knights Templar, the example of the entire Knights, the indestructible spear of the White Church, so naturally I would go forward no matter what the situation was. But now I am just your bodyguard... If possible , I still don’t want you to take the risk.”

Fleur looked at Her Majesty the Holy Maiden who had suffered so much, and said sincerely in her eyes.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, but it's not okay to stay behind you all the time."

Elilia showed an imperceptible sense of sadness, but immediately cheered up: "You also know the strange inheritance method of the class of 'Holy Maiden'? After the Great Migration, no one has ever I have understood the essence of the 'Saint'. It is rare to be born in this legendary era. I don't want to just live in such a daze, under the protection of you and Xi Wei, to spend my life in such a mediocre way... …Especially recently, I always feel that deep in my heart, something is jumping for joy, as if the essence of the existence of the "Saint" is looking forward to something. That's why I didn't refuse the entrustment from the sanctuary, relying on my own Willing to participate in this operation."

When she said these words, it was rare for Elilia to show a firmness that didn't match her weak appearance instead of her usual weak look.

Probably feeling the firmness in the girl's words, Fleur didn't continue to persuade, but just nodded indiscernibly.

"No matter what decision you make, I will definitely serve you by your side and resist any persecution and obstacles from any direction for you. I will never let you suffer even the slightest harm!"

Afterwards, the girl who originally had the name of Holy Silver Sword Princess knelt down on one knee to Elilia, and solemnly swore: "So, please freely pursue what you want!"

"Thank you, Fleur." A look of surprise appeared on Elilia's face. She helped up the knight girl who had been by her side since she left the sanctuary. Tears of happiness welled up from the corners of her eyes: "With you here, I have nothing to fear."

"Have the skill to say such a thing..."

Sophia on the side sighed, and interrupted the two affectionate master and servant: "It's better for you to quickly put on your equipment... We're going down soon." Good update faster!

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