The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 790 Malicious Sinking, Glacier Demon God (3)

Just as Sophia and his party entered the Shadow Altar, Xi Wei on the other side was finally fully prepared.

"Is this really okay..."

Shalan looked at Xi Wei and asked worriedly.

Now Xi Wei's arms were covered with indigo-colored magic lines, and light blue magic power could be vaguely seen flowing slowly inside.

In addition, his left eye has also become extremely strange, not to mention that the originally black pupil has turned into sky blue, and there seems to be a glass-colored flame flowing and jumping inside.

"If you're talking about the eyes," Xi Wei pulled out an eyepatch out of nowhere, covered his left eye, and turned into a one-eyed dragon: "This way, there will be no problem, and the magic lines on both arms can also be used Clothes cover it."

It's strange to say that even if he didn't target Shalan, Xi Wei's aura just now brought great pressure to Shalan, a vampire who was only half a step away from stepping into the level of a great magician, but once she put on the blindfold, Just like a sword returning to its sheath, all the aggressive momentum before disappeared without a trace.

Sharon naturally felt the change in him, and asked curiously, "What's going on?"

"It's just solidified some things, so that I can use some high-level abilities faster." Xi Wei said after considering the sentence: "It's just that I can't grasp the speed well now, which makes the surrounding laws a little skewed. That's why I had the feeling of showing my sharpness just now, if I keep going like that, even a blind person will feel that I'm not easy to mess with."

It's not that he cherishes himself so much that he wants to keep this worthless little trick a secret, it's just that this situation involves Legendary's ability to touch and distort laws. Just tell Shalan not to worry about whether she understands or not, just trying to understand the mystery that is far beyond his ability to bear is enough to make the little vampire dizzy for a while.

"However, if you cover one eye, it will be inconvenient whether it is fighting or other things, right?"

Sharon was still very strange: "We vampires can sense vitality, and advanced vampires like me can even sense the flow of blood... But human beings shouldn't have any other more intuitive way of observation than vision, right?"

"My left eye has been strengthened to a higher level by the law, and I can see things even with a blindfold. What's more, as long as you can advance to a great magician, you will know that after reaching that level, the perception of magic power has already become more important. more than sight..."

Xi Wei, on the other hand, searched the world following the alien atmosphere collected in the ruins of the palace before, and at the same time took the time to explain.

The little vampire seemed to want to say something, but this time. A puff of smoke rose into the sky in the distance. It is especially eye-catching now when it is very quiet due to the severe cold.

"It's the direction of those refugees... and the distance is about the same!" Sharan immediately discovered the source of taking care of the smoke.

Xi Wei and the little vampire looked at each other, and they hurried to the bread forest, only to see several stone giants wreaking havoc in the forest.

A Golem is an earth elemental creature that looks like a humanoid pile of rocks piled up with blocks. The body size can vary from three meters tall to eight meters tall. Some magicians consider this 11th-level slaying-level creature to be a lower-level creature of the mountain giant. It can evolve into a mountain giant after meeting certain special conditions, just like a slime can evolve into a mire monster.

Golems have a fair amount of physical resistance, despite appearing to be just rock. But the actual hardness is comparable to that of steel, and they are infinitely powerful, and they are also extremely resistant to most elemental damage. It is precisely because of this that they have a double-digit crusade level. These monsters do not have the ability to recover quickly like golems.

Although to Xi Wei and Sha Lan's level of powerhouses, stone giants are as harmless as small stones on the side of the road, but for those who have lost most of their physical strength due to famine, their bodies are still very weak at this moment, and even their hands are weak. For refugees who have no weapons other than tree branches, these monsters are already too powerful to resist.

Even so, the refugees who finally saw a glimmer of hope in this troubled world still did not flinch, even if they died in battle in front of the monster, they did not give up the bread grove and fled—they had had enough of the torture of hunger.

"Why do stone giants appear here?!" Shalan frowned. This place is not far from the vampire palace. It stands to reason that no matter what kind of monsters are allowed to run rampant in this area... not only the vampire princess, but even the night nobles That group of people would cut the rampaging monsters into pieces because they felt that their royal dignity was being trampled on. Over time, even the most mindless monsters would know the horror of this area, so they should stay away from it...

"Then there is no need to ask, it must be the cannon fodder thrown out by vampires from other factions or those guys from the abyss to test the bottom line of the night nobles." Xi Wei showed a serious smile on his face: "It seems that they The covetousness of this unclaimed land can no longer be suppressed."

"Those bastards! I'm going to beat them up!"

The little vampire waved his pair of small fists which could be described as small compared to the stone giant, and said indignantly.

"Wait a minute..." Xi Wei stopped the little vampire who was eager to try, "I couldn't explain it to you just now. If that's the case, let's let these things play out and let you see the actual performance of my previous preparations." Form is ready."

Sharon thought for a while, and finally lowered her fist and nodded.

Xi Wei grinned in relief, and he gently lifted off the blindfold, which was still warm, revealing his left eye, which seemed to be filled with glazed flames.

The flames flowing in the pupils formed the word '1'.

Immediately, the little vampire saw a huge fire eye made of glass-colored flames appear above Xi Wei's head. In the center of that fire eye, there were countless colors flickering in a strange way.

"." Xi Wei said softly.

In the next moment, all the colors in the world seemed to be absorbed by the glass-colored fire eye, and everything turned into an existence composed of black, white and gray.

In this world, the only thing that has color is the huge Fire Eye, and Xi Wei under the Fire Eye.

Shalan wanted to exclaim, but found that she couldn't even blink, let alone make a sound.

Not only her, but in fact the whole world stopped because of Xi Wei's glance!

"Sure enough, there is still a little problem with control..." Xi Wei touched his chin and whispered to himself, but even the voice has disappeared in this world, and even Sha Lan, who is close by him, couldn't hear even a single sound. There was a tinkle.

The fiery eyes above his head blinked, and in the next instant, all the colors returned to the world.

With the return of color, everyone found themselves moving again.

No, that's not entirely true... At least the color of those stone giants has not returned, they are still only monotonous gray, and they still have no ability to move. It is particularly eye-catching in the brightly colored bread forest.

And those refugees who didn't know what happened at all looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do next.

"Okay, that's amazing..." Shalan, who regained her ability to move, couldn't help but look at the top of Xi Wei's head and sighed, "That one just now, I didn't feel the fluctuation of magic power at all!"

"Because this isn't magic in the first place." Xi Wei said calmly with a smile.

Compared with magic, this ability relying on twisted laws is more similar to miracles, but it is not as heaven-defying as ordinary miracles.

Even so, this ability can imprison almost all existences that cannot break free from the law, and it is very useful when surrounded by crowd tactics.

"I wanted to show you more abilities at first...but don't play now." Xi Wei snapped his fingers, and the stone giants were blown away by the cold wind and flew into the sky .


The little vampire blinked his eyes, looking a little lost and confused.

"Because I've already found that world..." He put on the blindfold again, and squinted his exposed right eye: "That different world where your sister is likely to be." faster!

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