The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 800 Malicious Sinking, Glacier Demon God (6)

In the shadow altar, Sophia and his party are solemnly preparing for the seal in a few minutes. ~~~~

After a little while, the one-hour time limit will be up, and the two magicians who entered the ice-free dark river still haven't been able to come out.

"Why do the two of them still go down knowing that there is great danger down there?" Sophia stopped the movement of engraving the magic inscription in her hands, and sighed softly.

"Because not everyone is as lucky as you."

Originally, she didn't expect to get an answer, but Fleur, who had been closing her eyes to meditate because she couldn't help much, suddenly opened her eyes and said: "After the era of great migration, with the re-prosperity of magic civilization, a large amount of resources are also available. It has been exploited one after another. Compared with the period after the Great Migration Era, when humans took root in the eastern plains, and the land was full of treasures, almost all resources are now facing the predicament of depletion... and you must know better than me, As a magician, how much resources do you need for various magic items?"

Sophia fell silent, not knowing how to answer.

It is true that if they have enough talent, even without the support of external objects, magicians can make rapid progress, and finally even reach the top to become a powerful existence like a great magician.

But that's only an extremely rare situation... It's not that there will only be one person of that level in tens of millions of people, but only one person in tens of hundreds of years!

Even Tio, who is known as the princess of the sky in Edric Academy, would not have been cultivated vigorously by Xi Wei regardless of cost, and with the help of various magic items. How could it be possible to touch the high-level threshold in just one year?

Sophia knows this kind of thing better than anyone else. Because her own talent can only be regarded as mediocre, how could she not know how much she has invested in obtaining the magic literacy of the current mid-level magician?

In fact, not only her, but almost every student of Edric spent a lot of resources that would make even the richest magician envious, as the price for their rapid improvement in magic level.

Perhaps these little guys who have only been in school for a year don't know the value of those things, but Sophia, who is well-read, knows it very well. How terrifying is the amount of resources Edric has spent in the past year...

Let's just say it. Now several caravans under Edric can bring a lot of net profit to the college every year, but these money can only support the study of a first-class student of Edric at most!

God knows where that guy Xi Wei got so many valuable but unmarketable resources!

Thinking of this, Sophia was also a little sad.

Although Xi Wei always looked lazy on weekdays, unless there were students present. Only then will the dean's majesty be revealed. But she is very clear. Xi Wei always worked harder than anyone else. In order to maintain the operation of the college, to maintain the reputation of the college, and to make the future path of the students a little smoother. Xi Wei has been busy running around the entire eastern plain...even places she doesn't know, and only relaxes a little when she returns to the academy.

Because the college is his home.

It is also because of him that there is always no shortage of alchemy materials and magic items in the Edric Academy store, and those magical equipments all inspire students to study hard.

——But after all, it is only the case of Edric's family.

In fact, most of the magicians in the eastern plains are in a state of poverty.

Of course, this poverty does not refer to money.

Even a novice magician can get a lot of money in a short period of time, but for magicians, money is the least valuable thing, and almost all they need are priceless treasures.

Not only traveling mages, even academics can't escape this dilemma.

That's why the two magicians from the Mage Association were so excited when they saw so many ice-type treasures in the Shadow Altar, and even risked their lives to find more precious treasures.

After all, for Sophia and all the students of Edric College, whether it is the Extreme Cold Sparkle or the Frost Heart, they are just commodities with marked prices in the college store, and you can buy them with enough points, so even if you give up here It's just a pity at most. But for those two mages from the Mage Association, this may be the only chance in their life to get in touch with this level of natural materials and earth treasures, and it is worth risking their lives for this!

"'Opportunity always coexists with danger', there is nothing wrong with this sentence." Seeing Sophia lost in thought, Fleur rubbed the cold sword hilt on her waist, and said slowly: "But they forgot the second half." Sentence: Greed will surely lead to destruction."

After finishing speaking, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she drew out her long sword with a clang.

Not only her, but even Franken stopped what he was doing and looked at the entrance to the ice-free dark river.

"Fleur, what's wrong?"

Elilia naturally knew her servant well. Seeing her expression as if she was facing an enemy, she couldn't help but blinked and asked curiously.

"Although it is not clear, the subordinates seem to feel an evil force from below."

Holy Silver Sword Girl's face sank like water, and she replied very seriously: "If the subordinate's perception is correct, it is an evil force that is like a rotten swamp, extremely filthy!"

"I'm afraid Miss Fleur's induction is not wrong."

Franken scratched his head, made a creaking sound, and continued: "Although I can't perceive the evil power above... but the chaos of the laws below seems to have intensified a lot, so it can be seen that something has happened. gone."

"Since this is the case, then we have no choice but to give up on them. Prepare to seal the entrance!"

Sophia didn't hesitate anymore when she heard the words, and made a decisive decision immediately.

"Tio, please link to the magic ship and provide us with the magic power to seal the entrance through its star pulse furnace."


Tio nodded her head, took out the magic wand that could be said to be the crystallization of magic technology technology from Edric School of Magic, and chanted the mantra in a low voice, and the blue magic runes began to float and dance around her.

Then a wave of magic power poured into the magic circle, making the originally silent sealing circle gradually start to work.

"Professor Franken, please activate the first to seventh magic nodes of the sealing circle, and start to restrain and isolate the cold air and magic power rising from below. When it is fully activated, cooperate with me to seal it."

"This is my job, Miss Lange."

I don't know if there is a problem with the vocal cords. The voice of the skeleton mage sounded a little sharper, but he didn't care about such trivial matters. After making a mage salute to the girl, he began to prepare.

Under his control, the magic circle, which was a little out of balance due to the influx of magic power, stabilized again.

"Miss Elilia, I heard from Xi Wei that your blood can greatly increase the activity of sealing magic and increase the success rate. If possible, can I ask you to donate a little blood?"

"As the travel expenses for this visit, it's quite cheap."

The former saintess of the Pure White Church stretched out her wrist as white as jade, and without hesitation cut open an artery with a small dagger, and the silvery blood flowed out, dripping onto the magic circle, causing the magic circle to flicker out. More dazzling light.

Strangely, even though the blood was exposed to extremely low temperatures, it still had no freezing limit.

"Miss Fleur... If something unexpected happens later, can I entrust everything to you?"

Sophia finally looked at the girl who once had the title of Holy Silver Sword Princess.

"It is an honor to gain your trust."

Fleur made a chivalrous salute to Sofia.

Then a phantom of a winged angel appeared behind her, filling this not-so-big room with a divine radiance. Under the reflection of this radiance, Fleur's figure was extremely firm, looking like A silent promise to Sophia.


After arranging everything, Sophia took a few steps to the entrance of the ice-free dark river, let the gust of wind blowing up below mess her bright red long hair, and shouted loudly.

"The seal begins!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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