The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 801 The Daughter of the Sea, The Vast Music Score (6)

Surrounded by the endless sea, the breath of the ocean and the sound of the waves blow against our faces, and there is a wonderful refreshing feeling in the hot sun.

It connects with the sky, and the distant and fuzzy sea level makes people feel the vastness from the bottom of their hearts.

The magnificence and magnificence of the sea were displayed in front of Xi Wei.

"This sour, slightly fishy smell is the so-called smell of the sea..." He took a deep breath and sighed.

"I think if Miss Sharon next to you didn't vomit due to seasickness, you should feel a completely different taste..."

Nios, who was at the helm, said with a wry smile.

"Xi Wei, I can't do it anymore...When I see my sister...Please tell her...I love her very much...Puffa (breathing)..." The little vampire had a painful expression on his face.

"The voice of dying is wrong." Xi Wei said seriously.

"I think there's something wrong with what you care about..." Neos complained with embarrassment.

During the Skoura chain, the villagers were shocked by Xi Wei's ability to heal Neos' leg injury in an instant, and they all expressed their hope that Xi Wei could stay on the Skoura chain for a while .

Their purpose was nothing more than to hope that Xi Wei could heal himself who was injured in the battle.

However, Xi Wei naturally refused without hesitation. He just treated a few dying people casually, and after pulling them back from the death line, he left the Skoura chain with Neos and the others.

From Xi Wei's point of view, this time he will be attacked by the evening squid. This group of people asked for it entirely on their own... You said you caught the mermaid and you caught it, but you were afraid that others would not know it and wanted to hang her on the cliff. In the end, you were looking for and catching the mermaid. People naturally stared at this place.

It is also worth mentioning that when Neos and Misaka met, Misaka's injuries were caused by those murlocs.

"Their target is Mishaka's songbook... Mishaka's songbook is called 'The Cord of the Sea', and you have seen the specific power before."

Inari, who was leading the way for the boat, said this to Xi Wei.

However, Xi Wei still felt that something was wrong. During the battle, the sea cable summoned by Mishaka looked really powerful, but in the end it was finally broken free by the dusk squid. Based on this ability alone, it seems that it is not worth the Twilight Squid and the other party's desperate efforts to snatch it...

It's just that since people didn't plan to talk about it, Xi Wei didn't delve into it. Just keep an extra mind when you act.

"Speaking of which, do you plan to go to the gathering place of the murlocs first and meet the god of the other party, or go to Haiyan first?"

The two mermaids are now leading the way in the sea, after walking for a while. Inari asked suddenly.

"Well... Haiyan will stay there anyway and won't run away anytime. So it's better to meet that so-called god first." Xi Wei thought for a moment before making a decision.

"In addition, I am very concerned about one thing...the gathering place of the murlocs should be underwater, right?"

"That's right. That's true." Inari nodded.

"So do you guys have anything to dive in?". Xi Wei rubbed his forehead, and asked with some embarrassment: "Because I didn't expect to fight in the water, so I didn't bring diving equipment."


——Murloc Palace——

Although the name here carries the word palace. But in fact, it is just a primitive house made of jagged undersea rocks and coral reefs.

Kash is the king of this murloc...or the original king.

Its five limbs are strong (the fifth limb is the tail, please don't get it wrong), its scales are hard, and it can hunt the megalodon sharks that are raging on the seabed by itself. It has always been regarded as a hero in the clan, and finally defeated the elder The unbearable former Murloc King is also a matter of course.

It's a pity that after the god of the murloc descended, his status as a king was completely wiped out.

In the eyes of God, a king is no different from a pariah.

At the beginning, Kash was still thinking about luck, and wanted to fight to the death with that god, but after witnessing a sea overlord, the peak mountain whale whose body was as big as a large island was turned into dust by that god, it also went out. The mentality of fighting against the opponent obediently became a god (gou) envoy (leg) of the opponent.

And the murloc palace, which was originally a place where only murloc kings could live, was naturally confiscated by the gods and became the murloc temple.

Fortunately, this god is not a pure tyrannical evil god. After gaining enough reverence and faith, he bestowed a new ability—the ability to use sea beasts.

This made the murloc who had been overwhelmed by the merman instantly stronger!

But even so, Kash still felt that there was something wrong with that god.

So it began to investigate secretly, and the more it investigated, the more frightened it became.

Although the common saying has always been that the murlocs have strong limbs and a simple mind, this is actually not the case among murlocs. Most murlocs with strong bodies have better brains than those of their thinner counterparts. This is the main reason why murlocs have always insisted on survival of the fittest.

As one of the few murlocs whose intelligence can be compared with that of human beings, Kash can only make preparations secretly while trying to make sure that the other party does not know that he has investigated the truth.

Once the other party finds out about his little tricks in private, his fate will definitely not be bettered by that Fengshan whale...

It's just that the gods are on the side, and its actions can be regarded as difficult.

until this morning.

The god found it suddenly, and handed over the entire jurisdiction of the murloc gathering place to this apparently obedient servant.

And the god himself took a few other dog legs to perform another miracle... As for what he was going for, Kashi had no way of knowing, and he didn't want to know.

It only understands one thing - the opportunity it has been waiting for has arrived!

Just when it let go of its arms and legs in ecstasy and was making final preparations, a few patrolling murlocs suddenly entered the palace, reporting to it that a human ship had broken into the waters where the murlocs gathered deep in the sea.

Although Kash has the heart to not care about human beings, in his heart, there is no doubt that there is only one biggest enemy, and that is the god who appeared out of nowhere.

But that god will definitely leave eyeliner at the gathering place. If he doesn't show anything at all, he will be in trouble if he is found to be abnormal.

On the contrary, it is not afraid of being exposed in its own preparatory activities. Unless the god comes in person, it is confident that even if the chief priest of the clan comes in person, it will only think that it is playing with some gems excavated from the seabed.

So it raised its head and gave an order casually.

"In the name of God, let our sea patrolling gods dispatch to tear the ignorant guys who dare to break into the territory of the murloc god to pieces. For the glory of God!"

"For the glory of God!" The murlocs immediately raised their hands and shouted frantically, with bubbles coming out of their mouths. (to be continued...)

ps: In fact, this chapter was coded yesterday... The problem is that I forgot to post otz after uploading

I'm really sorry, so there is another chapter tonight...

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