The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 816: Pre-war Preparations

Edric College, Dean's Office.

Although he learned from Feite that Fomor Balor, the enemy of the gods, is heading towards the Timothy's Dark Alliance, but it's not yet time to act rashly.

"Miss Holo, do you know more detailed information about Fomor Balor? It would be even better if it's about weaknesses." Sophia asked the wolf-eared girl who was muttering beside her.

But in fact, she didn't have the chance to get an answer.

Although judging from Holo's tone of voice and the situation when she met the monster before, Holo did recognize the monster, but no matter which plane the residents are, they generally don't make their weaknesses open to the public. public.

Not to mention that the relationship between Holo and that monster does not seem to be good, even if they really have some friendship, it is probably impossible to know each other's weaknesses.

After all, judging from Holo's previous words, hell is not a good place, and the creatures living there are even more evil than abyssal demons—at least the social system of abyssal demons is simple and clear: the one with the biggest fist is the boss.

"I know."

The girl with wolf ears nodded and replied.

"I really don't know...Huh?!" Sophia said subconsciously just now, and immediately found that Holo's answer seemed to be different from what she expected.

"Do you really know that guy's weakness?"

she asked, overjoyed.

"If you want to talk about the weakness of a monster like Fermor, I really can't tell. After all, in hell, no matter how many ordinary Fermor are, they are no match for my body. I don't need to know about the weaknesses. ... But Balor, do you know what is the strongest thing about that guy?"

Holo's tone was as flat as ever.

Sophia shook her head, saying that she had never read any information about this kind of creature, let alone the best of it.

"...Is it the magic eye?" Elilia, who was listening on the sidelines, suddenly asked.

"It seems to be vaguely mentioned in the "Holy Book. Old Book" that Fomor Balor has the magic eye to fight the two demon kings."

Her voice sounded uncertain, and while playing with her silver-white hair, she said: "But I read "The Holy Book. Old Book" before I became a saint, and I honestly don't remember it very clearly. So I also Not sure if it’s right or not.”

So everyone present turned their attention to Holo again. The latter nodded, acknowledging Elilia's statement.

"That's right, it is indeed the magic eye. Balor got the magic eye before he came to hell. I don't know exactly what happened. If it is not counted as the magic eye, its own strength can only be counted among Fomor. It’s just top-notch. There’s still a big gap between them and concubines who are the strongest in hell.”

Holo continued. Her tail wags involuntarily with her words, which looks very cute.

"It is precisely because of the magic eye that I can freely manipulate some law power. This is the same as the main body of the concubine, and has become the existence of the emperor in hell. It's just because of this. If you think about it the other way around, As long as its magic eye is destroyed, it will be no different from the ordinary Formore... Even because of the loss of one eye, its strength will be greatly reduced.

"Then here comes the question: how can we take or destroy his eyes from that guy?" Evangeline immediately asked the most important question now: "About that guy's report, we I also took a look at it when I was working just now... Its resurrection depends on the heart and magic eyes, right? Then taking away the magic eyes and killing the other party is exactly the same thing. Taking a step back, even if we will The demonic eye snatched away and destroyed the other party, so who can guarantee that the monster will not be resurrected through the demonic eye again?"

Everyone fell silent again.

Indeed, this weakness provided by Holo is really too tasteless.

"Currently, the only record related to Fomor Balor is the "Holy Book. Old Book" of the Pure White Church?" After a while, Sophia was the first to break the silence.

"At least in my perception, it is true." Elilia nodded and replied.

Fleur behind her also had an expression of "I think so too"—you guy has only read romance novels, right?

"It doesn't show up in my database either."

Feite, who was floating aside, said the same thing.

As one of Edric's three sage systems, Feite has the right to browse all books in the library. If she said no, then it is estimated that there is no relevant record in Edric's library.

By the way, there is also the "Holy Book" in the library, but it is the latest revised version, which is commonly known as "Holy Book. New Testament".

"If possible, I can ask Miss Elilia and Miss Fleur to go back to the sanctuary and carefully study the chapter in the "Holy Book. Old Book" that records Fomor Balor. The information would be even better."

Sophia entrusted the two members from the sanctuary.

"No problem, I will definitely do my best to complete the task you entrusted!"

Fleur drew out her sword and performed a solemn and formal knight salute.

Instead, Elilia looked pensive.

Finally, she suddenly raised her head and asked, "Do you know the origin of the Holy Code?"

"Isn't it something that the believers desperately guarded, and this has been handed down from the age of mythology?"

Sophia asked curiously.

From the current point of view, the book recognized by the magic world as having written records for human beings today is probably the "Holy Book" of the Pure White Church.

"That's true, but it's also not true."

Elilia nodded, then shook her head again.

"The earliest version of "Holy Code" was "Holy Code. Old Book", and it was mass-produced." She looked around, and then asked: "Don't you think it's strange? I haven't listened to it since the beginning. Didn’t you say that there is an original grimoire of the Holy Canon in the world?”

Generally speaking, the effect of the original magic book will be much better than the later transcripts or even printed copies. For example, "The Book of Enoch" (the textbook of the Black Annihilation City) and "The False Book of Enoch", the former can even summon the king of hell, while the latter, as a copy, can only summon ordinary abyssal demons and vampires...

"You mean, does the Pure White Sanctuary have the original manuscript of "Holy Book. Old Book"?" Fleur finally understood what she meant: "But..."

"There's nothing wrong with it. Besides, didn't you see that thing every day?" Elilia interrupted her without hesitation.

"See you every day?" Fleur tilted her head and thought.

After a while, she asked with some uncertainty: "Could it be the book in the hands of His Majesty the Pope?"

ps: there will be another update later

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