The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 817: Pre-war Preparations

The Pope of the Pure White Church has three treasures passed down from generation to generation. \u0026{}..{}

They are a crown, a white magic book, and a scepter.

The crown is the silver triple crown that Xi Wei once complained about as a top ball. It can greatly enhance the pope's magic power and oracle power, reduce the cost of casting magic spells, and speed up the casting speed... etc. In short, the entire eastern plain All extremely rare legendary magic items.

The scepter is carved from the largest light attribute sparkle crystal found in the entire history of mankind, inlaid with stardust-like sparkle crystal fragments of various colors, and there are two small angel halos floating on the top of the scepter, intersecting in the shape of x Not to mention the high-end and atmospheric shape, it is estimated that a casual poke with this thing can purify a large area of ​​undead...

The last book, Fleur, has never been used by the pope. Only when the archbishop in red is crowned and baptized, the pope will hold the book in his hand and pray devoutly with his eyes closed.

It's just that I didn't expect that the most useless thing among the three treasures would be the original "Holy Code".

"That one is called the "Old Book of Heaven", and it is the oldest complete book in existence for human beings, except that the outer cover of the book has been changed."

Elilia explained to Fleur: "The "Holy Book. Old Book" was translated from the ancient language, then edited, deleted, and finally bound."

"Generally speaking, magic books that are so old will have some powerful power?" Evan Jielin asked curiously: "For example, "Book of Enoch", even if it is a person without magic power, as long as they can Pay the price. You can summon the most powerful demon and make a deal with it. What is the power of the "Old Book of Heaven" you mentioned, Mrs. Elilia?"

"have no idea."

The girl shrugged and replied bluntly.

"That has always been kept by the Pope himself, and even a saint can't touch it at will. Besides, I didn't have much interest in that before, so how could I know its ability?"

After a moment of silence, she said again: "However, there are still many untranslated parts in the "Old Book. The Bible" are indeed true, but the book is described in the mythological era, and it uses many religious special features. There are not many encrypted terms and techniques that we can translate today.”

"Speaking of ancient languages, don't we have a professional here?"

Fate's eyes lit up. said loudly.

"Fit, can you translate?" Sophia asked curiously.

"Of course not. After the Great Migration, the texts of the age of mythology have long been lost. I mean, don't we have an existence here that has lived from that era to the present?"

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone in the room looked at Holo who was playing with her tail.

After realizing that she was being watched, the wolf girl shyly let go of the fluffy tail in her hand. Cleared his throat with a dry cough. As if to ease the embarrassment, he said loudly: "Don't look at my body like this. Although my body has indeed lived from that era to the present...but you don't expect a dog to learn to write, do you?"

Why do you only admit that you are a dog at this time...

Sophia complained in her heart.

This kind of sullen personality who likes to complain in his heart was probably born under the influence of Xi Wei...

"No, no, it's not Holo you're talking about."

Fate grunted dissatisfiedly, and shook his right index finger. A smile appeared on his face: "Have you all forgotten? There is an old dragon in the academy~"

——Edric's basement. Dragon's Lair (pseudo)——

Sophia took the ghost girl to the huge and empty basement (one of them) of Edric College.

Elilia and Fleur have already rushed back to the Pure White Church. Although the "Old Book. The Bible" probably won't be lent to them, it shouldn't be a problem for them to copy the chapters related to Fomor Balor.

Anyway, the words of Fermor Balor appearing in the "Holy Book. Old Book", it means that a passage of text related to Fermor Balor has been translated. As long as the text of the chapter where the passage is located is copied, it should be That's fine.

"Are there so many stones in this basement?"

The closer to the exit, the more tiny stones covered the steps.

When she came to the basement, the girl saw the twilight sapphire dragon that buried herself in the pile of gems.

"What's the matter, little girl?"

Because Sophia had once replaced Xi Wei to give gems to the other party, so the other party still remembered Sophia's appearance.

"Do you know the characters from the Age of Mythology?" Sophia asked hastily.

The dragon raised its head, and the gems piled up on its nose fell down with a clatter. Fortunately, the gems in this world are relatively cheap, otherwise Xi Wei wouldn't be able to give it so much even if he lost his fortune...

"I know a lot, what's the matter?"

"Soon we may need your help deciphering an ancient text."

Sophia replied honestly.

It’s better to be straightforward when talking with dragons. Most dragons like to be straightforward, and many dragons are not as stupid as humans. If you play tricks with them, it’s easy to get tricked.

"If possible, we may need your help in the future." Thinking of the possible battle that might happen in the near future, Sophia continued.

"Of course, we will also provide gemstones according to the previous amount."

Finally, she added another sentence.

The dragon narrowed his eyes, as if he was remembering something.

Sophia felt uneasy, and wondered if this strange dragon would help.

"Actually, it's not impossible to help you." Finally, it said lazily: "But let that guy named Xi Wei send the reward this time... Anyway, he was the one who called me to this plane."

"But Xi Wei isn't at the academy recently..." Feite reminded in a low voice.

"I know, just wait until he is free."

The sapphire dragon grinned, maybe it was a smile, but just looking at that grinning face was quite scary.

"In that case, I will trouble you."

Unexpectedly, she got the other party's promise so easily, Sophia left overjoyed.

But when Feite left the room, he found that the sapphire dragon stretched its teeth and claws and even spread its wings.

I just don't know if it's an illusion, Feite always feels that the gemstone scales on the opponent's body seem to have cracks.

After Feite also left, the Sapphire Dragon looked at the gravel around the room, and buried his body in the bright gemstones again.

"Time is running out."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but the gemstones in the room that were so bright seem to have dimmed a lot...

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