The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 837: The King's Council

Here is a palace that looks magnificent. ()

The dome is high above, and the luxurious upside-down crystal chandelier reflects the entire huge space brilliantly and transparently.

If there was anything wrong with it, it was that this huge room had no windows.

There is even only one door—a double-opening sandalwood door covered with smooth black patent leather, and the door is also inlaid with golden rococo-style lace.

In the room, the most eye-catching thing, apart from the crystal chandelier on the dome, is the ring-like long purple beech conference table placed in the center of the room.

The maids, who were dressed like the noble daughters of the outside world, filled the cups in front of the participants with tea, then all retreated and left the room.

The only ones left in the room now are those who are potbellied or solemn and famous throughout the eastern plains—although the reputation of more than half of them is not a good reputation—and their absolute trust, who can Bodyguards known as confidantes.

Anyone with a little knowledge can easily recognize them here as the 'kings' of the countries in the Eastern Plains that are still divided.

And what this room represents is undoubtedly the King's Council, one of the three major powers, which is located side by side with the Mage Association and the Pure White Church!

"Greetings from Jiu Shu, I wonder if you are all right?"

Sitting at the head, a middle-aged man with a lion-like mane and flame-like red hair greeted everyone present in a deep voice.

This is a customary signal, the official start of the Mage Council. Able to make all those who are still whispering to the king at the next table stop and listen to him.

"It's very bad, Brother Joseph."

The first to answer was a man who looked chubby and honest at first impression.

No one thinks that the true portrayal of this seemingly honest guy will be the same as the simple and honest expression on his face, because all the guys who think so have disappeared without any news, as if the world has evaporated.

If the current comprehensive national strength is ranked from strong to weak, the country controlled by this chubby man can undoubtedly be ranked in the top ten.

"Oh? What's wrong?"

Bart Joseph, His Majesty the Emperor of the Horngolat Empire, turned his stern gaze like electricity to the chubby man, which made the latter tremble subconsciously.

After a pause, the chubby man stabilized his mind. continued.

"A few days ago. There was a heavy snowfall in my jurisdiction... I believe you will not be unfamiliar with that snow."

Hearing this, the other kings also nodded.

It can be said that during this period of time, 90% of the things they reviewed or had a headache for were not unrelated to the heavy snow.

"That's right. It was the heavy snow caused by the Qiyao Mage Association and the damn Magic Academy!"

The chubby man's words seemed to ignite a blockbuster. The whole meeting room was silent for a while. Then he was suddenly drowned in countless noisy whispers!

The chubby man, on the other hand, seemed very satisfied with the effect of his words, and looked at the scene of the commotion with a smile.

"Give me peace!"

Bart Joseph's roaring like a lion instantly overwhelmed the buzzing whispers, calming down the already chaotic conference room.

This made the chubby man look at him very fearfully. Then bowed his head.

"Your Excellency Kahn Bharat, if you can't produce evidence, please don't say such things. Our regime is closely related to those magicians, and to offend them for some rumors, It's not a good thing."

The majestic words resounded through the scene, causing the other kings to nod involuntarily.

Although the King's Council is the only one of the three major factions that maintains an army in the true sense, others such as the Mage Association and the Pure White Church only have a mage troop or a choral team composed of three or four hundred people at most.

But if the magicians were really angered, even the high-ranking kings like them would probably have nothing to do but walk around.

"Does this still need evidence? You see, in the past few days, we have also dispatched our own disaster relief team to rescue the untouchables caught in the snowstorm, but they have no gratitude at all. Instead, they are grateful to the magicians of the Mage Association I am grateful to Dade. The Pure White Church is taking advantage of this time to preach, trying to let its tentacles penetrate into the territory of our rule and erode our regime... And that Edric Academy of Magic, which popped up at some point, is even more It is widely praised by those untouchables, and even in their eyes, even us "kings" who are born superior to others are no longer comparable to that damn magic school students!"

He knocked on the table vigorously, and the liquid in the golden cup in front of him was swaying, as if it would be spilled at any moment: "And according to my investigation, the students in that magic academy are almost all pariahs without any noble titles! Don't you guys?" Can this insult be tolerated! Let those mudbloods stand above our noble blood!"

Many kings of bloodism were moved by him, and they seemed a little indignant.

But Bart Joseph was obviously not among them.

"Magicians cannot be kings, and kings must not interfere with magicians. This is the most basic definition of human society since the Great Migration. Once they become magicians, they have traveled beyond normal people, and there is no distinction between high and low. It is not advisable to use blood to draw them into the category of untouchables."

Bart Joseph stood up: "No matter what you want to do, the old man will not support it. If there is nothing else, the old man will leave first."

After speaking, he took his entourage and left here swaggeringly.

Many kings who also disapproved of Kahn Barat also resigned.

Originally, after the chairman of the parliament and a large number of members left, the parliament could not continue, but Kahn Barat looked around at the remaining members and licked his lips a little excitedly.

"I believe you have already noticed...Although His Excellency Joseph clearly stated that he would not support our actions, he also said that he would not object to it. This shows that those magicians have been dancing too much recently, It has touched his bottom line. Yes, just like those of us who have also been touched by the bottom line."

"Barat, stop talking such useless words, and get to the point directly!" asked a burly king with a sullen complexion.

"——How do we deal with those damn magicians?"

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