The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 838: Rumors Abound

This is the dean's office of Edric College.

Xi Wei put down the snow-white quill in his hand, stretched his waist, and groaned like liberation.

At his feet, a sleeping green dragon about the size of an ordinary cat yawned, raised its eyelids slightly and found that nothing had happened, closed its eyes again and fell asleep, and seemed to feel a little uncomfortable in the posture As if, he also arched towards the corner of the wall by the way, rubbing off two coats of paint.

Above the wall where Nuoer was lying, the magic sword Schulte, which had been drained of its flame power, was hanging on a decorative stand. The sword, not to mention the unopened blade, is actually covered with rust.

Without Xi Wei's explanation, probably no one would believe that this sword is also a legendary magic sword.

Several pots of unknown plants were placed in several corners of the room, adding a little greenness and vitality to the room.

The bookcase next to it contains various interesting gadgets and many books or briefings that Xi Wei thinks are valuable for collection.

The dean's room is not too big, and the decoration is not very luxurious, but here, Xi Wei can feel a sense of peace that he will never be able to feel in other places, just like returning home.

Although objectively speaking, Xi Wei has only been away from here for less than a week, but to him, it has been a very long time away from here...

The launch of the artificial sun went very smoothly, and the flame drawn from the sword of the giant Schulte was full of momentum. Judging from this speed, the fuel inside was enough to burn it for three days. If everything goes well, it can be started after three days. Take back the artificial sun. And once there is any accident—for example, if the ice and snow do not melt as expected, the next batch of fuel raised can only be sent to the artificial sun through Xi Wei's space magic to provide a longer period of time. combustion.

At present, the information from various parts of the Eastern Plains seems to be very good. As long as the flow is controlled when the snow melts to prevent floods, then the disaster relief operation can be said to be successfully completed.

After Xi Wei replaced Sophia as the nominal commander-in-chief of this operation, he also returned to the situation of doing nothing. After all, neither the Mage Association, the Pure White Church, nor the King's Council could really follow his command. Almost all It's their own work, and it's good enough to remember to send up reports on the current situation in each region (and not necessarily the real situation) on time...

Xi Wei was also happy to be at leisure. After reviewing all the reports every day, he started to do his own business. Anyway, the prestige of Edric Academy has already been spread through the artificial sun, and now even children know about Edric Academy, and many mage apprentices with certain magical talents regard Edric Academy as a holy place, even There is a faint meaning that surpasses Horn Hager.

This is also normal, after all, in this big incident, it was Edric College who contributed the most and finally solved the incident.

It's a pity that Goddess of Fate doesn't seem to like letting Xi Wei relax.

"Yo, Xi Wei, you look very idle~"

As always, the ghost girl floated in from the window in an unusual way.

For this, Xi Wei's nerves had already been trained to be extremely strong, and he would not be surprised by such a trivial matter.

"What's the matter? Haven't you been too busy recently?"

Xi Wei shrugged his shoulders: "Although I really want to ask this question...But based on the timing of your appearance every time, I'm afraid something happened again?"

And 80% is not a good thing.

Xi Wei added another sentence in his heart.

"Since you have already guessed it, I will make a long story short."

Feite shook his head, and his black twin tails swayed endlessly with her movements: "Actually, there seem to be bad rumors circulating among the residents of the Eastern Plains recently."

"...Doesn't this kind of thing happen every day?"

Xi Wei lay down on the table bored, and spoke listlessly.

This is a fantasy world of swords and magic. When people encounter phenomena that cannot be explained by common sense, they either push it to magic or worship it as a miracle. Some strange things will also be regarded as "premonitions" or something, and spread widely as rumors.

Some time ago, old man Shaman, the chairman of the Council of the Mage Association, approached him and told him a prophecy, so Xi Wei could pay attention to this aspect.

As a result, he discovered that there are many messy rumors among the people... As far as he knows, there are more than one hundred versions of the prophecies about the end of the world that are currently circulating among the people, and there are all kinds of weird ones...

It was precisely because of this that Xi Wei finally gave up paying attention to some public opinions among the people.

"If it's just the usual rumors, we naturally don't need to worry about them, but most of the rumors that have surfaced recently are directed at the Magic Academy and the Mage Association."

Fei Te explained: "For example, 'the cold current is from a failed experiment of the Mage Association', 'the midwinter is the reason why the gods punished the Academy of Magic for leaking the world's mysteries (referring to magic)'. The conspiracies directed and staged by various magic academies are aimed at blinding the common people's vision and gaining their support, so that they can have enough names to intervene in the administrative power of the nobles' and the like. Some of them are even true Restored the truth,..."

"This is really not good."

Xi Wei scratched his head: "If there are only one or two, it can be regarded as a normal phenomenon, but if there are so many at one time, there must be something wrong... If the Mage Association and the Academy of Magic are defeated by rumors, they will benefit. The biggest one is of course the Pure White Church."

"You mean, are these rumors spread by the Pure White Church? But they have been preaching in the disaster area recently, and there are indeed methods and suspicions of committing crimes..."

Feite imitated Xi Wei's way and touched her chin, but she didn't notice that her hand had passed through her chin at all, and she was still thinking carefully.

"No, I always feel that something is wrong." Xi Wei also frowned: "Although this kind of plan can indeed gain temporary benefits, for the Pure White Church, even if it really does that, the final result will be certain It will also be a lose-lose... The Mage Association is not the kind of force that can swallow it..."

Having said this, Xi Wei suddenly froze.

If it is said that the Mage Association will not swallow their anger because of these rumors, and it will definitely conflict with the Pure White Church, which will eventually lead to mutual losses, which is also in the plan of the mastermind behind the scenes, then the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes is ready to be revealed? r1152

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