The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 839: The Hollow Card of the King’s Council (Part 1)

There are two biggest beneficiaries of slandering the Mage Association, the Academy of Magic, and dragging the Pure White Church into the water. !

Heretics who believe in evil gods (dark wizards are also included), and the last party of the three major forces, the King's Council.

Judging from the wide range of rumors and the speed at which they spread, it is difficult for heretics or dark wizards who can only operate underground. In other words, it is very likely that the King's Council is deliberately spreading rumors.

After listening to Xi Wei's speculation, Feite raised an objection after thinking for a moment.

"But even if it is as you speculated, the methods of the king's council are too obvious. There are not many idiots among magicians. After a certain degree of thinking, they must be able to come to a conclusion similar to yours. Can it also be seen as someone blaming the King's Council... Maybe it's the Pure White Church using our way of thinking to deliberately create such a feeling?"

"Didn't I say it before? The Mage Association is not a force that can swallow their anger. Many magicians...especially those majoring in combat magic are very irritable. After learning about this, they will definitely organize themselves to fight pure white Protests by the church even led to violent incidents. Regardless of whether this incident was done by the Pure White Church or not, it will definitely suffer a considerable loss because of it... The current pope should not be so stupid as this."

Xi Wei shook his head first, denying the speculation that the Pure White Church was the culprit behind the scenes, and then said with some uncertainty: "However, what you said is also reasonable. It is still not completely sure that it must be the King's Council who did this."

After pondering for a while, he finally made a decision: "In short, first inform our students who haven't come back to pay attention to the development of the situation. If I'm not wrong, they are likely to receive some insults or malicious pranks later. Violence, let's not overreact to that so as not to make the situation worse."

As he spoke, he picked up the robe that was draped on the bench, and put it on in twos and threes.

"Are you going out again? That girl Sophia will be angry?"

Feite did not stop Xi Wei from moving, but said with a smile on his face.

"Ahem, this time it's business." Xi Wei gave a dry cough in embarrassment, and then said solemnly: "I will go to Hohenhag. If there is anything to do before then, just contact me through the college beacon."

"Understood. Have a nice trip."

"Travel or something... Now mine only takes a second to get there. It's not a journey at all."

With a wry smile, Xi Wei stretched out his index finger and swipe out of thin air, a space crack appeared out of thin air, and then he nodded to Fei Te and walked into it.

The surrounding environment changed drastically in an instant. It's like walking into an antique shop from an ordinary bookstore. All kinds of magical items of unknown use are piled up in the room. It looks very messy.

The owner of the house had already noticed Xi Wei's arrival, and sat leisurely on a velvet recliner, looking at Xi Wei, who was an uninvited guest.

"Hello. The only legend of mankind in fifty years."

The old man Shaman put his hands on his lower abdomen, half-lying in the soft chair and grinning, showing his gums that had lost a few teeth compared to the last meeting, and said with a smile, he seemed to be in a good mood.

"Sure enough, among the human beings in this era, you seem to be the only one who can see my true state at a glance."

Xi Wei was not too surprised by this.

After all, the other party reached the peak of the great magician and stayed there for decades. He must have more or less understood the difference between a great magician and a legend. It is not surprising to be recognized by him.

"But I didn't intend to hide it at all." Xi Wei said casually, and at the same time fixed his eyes on the other party: "You should already understand the purpose of my coming here this time, right?"

Although the Mage Association is only a very loose force, its intelligence capabilities must be much stronger than that of Edric Academy, which was established not long ago. Due to insufficient information, there is no way to determine the behind-the-scenes of this rumor. Pushing hands, but relying on the information network of the Mage Association, you may be able to get some inside information...

"According to our investigation, it seems that people from the King's Council started the rumor this time. But to be honest, I don't suggest you to provoke them."

As expected, the old man Shaman had already guessed the question Xi Wei wanted to ask, and he answered it immediately.

"Why?" Xi Wei asked back, frowning.

In fact, he has long been curious about why the King's Council and the Pure White Church and the Mage Association are listed as the three major forces.

The Qiyao Mage Association has a mage council composed almost entirely of great magicians, and its combat power can level the entire eastern plain two or three times.

The Pure White Church not only has a chant team and several knight orders, but also has an unclear connection with the Kingdom of God.

Both can be regarded as profound and powerful.

Not so with the King's Council.

Although at first glance the King's Council is the only force with an army, as if it has the entire human society, but the so-called army can only scare ordinary people or mage apprentices at best.

The gap in the number of people is not an irreparable gap for magicians - when Xi Wei was a great magician, he was able to kill 100,000 orcs by himself. One can imagine how strong a magician is.

Even though many countries have secretly supported some magic academies in order to cultivate their own magician power, they are obviously not qualified compared to the behemoth Qiyao Mage Association.

Even as far as Xi Wei knows, there are several countries where the royal enshrined mages are all members of the Qiyao Mage Association...

So, why is it that an obviously weak force like the King's Council can still exist in human society?

"The answer is the world axis."

Xi Wei, who asked these questions, got such an answer.

The old man Shaman said in a deep voice: "Mr. Edric, you should also know that human beings suffered a terrible disaster before the great migration, which almost led to the complete destruction of our civilization, right?"

Xi Wei nodded.

It's just that his avatar left in the age of mythology didn't survive to that age, so he didn't know much about what happened at that time.

"Although I don't know exactly what happened, but what is certain is that one of the legendary thirty-six world axes supporting the world was pulled out by a human being, which almost caused the collapse of Middle-earth! And the person who pulled out the axis of the world is the leader of the great migration, the first and only king of mankind in this era, and the founder of the king's council, Turandot the Great." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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