The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 841: The King’s Council is not the only one who died

Little Missha had no idea why things had gotten so bad.

A day ago, they were heroes from Edric College, who helped the people affected by the disaster rebuild their homes, and were loved and loved by the villagers from the bottom of their hearts.

But today, everything changed suddenly.

People who saw her no longer approached her enthusiastically to say hello as yesterday, but kept a distance from her, gathered together to point and whisper to her, and did not spontaneously offer some snacks and treats as they did a few days ago. Tea... Although what the villagers provided was definitely not comparable to what came out of the cafeteria of Edric College, when Misha received it a few days ago, she was really happy from the bottom of her heart.

Not only that, but even the way the villagers looked at her was a little strange.

Having been displaced among the refugees for a long time, and working part-time at the Luo Lan Chamber of Commerce for more than half a year, Misha is still very sensitive to others.

She knew that it was definitely not a kind look.

The little girl shook her head vigorously, patted her cheek with a cold little hand, threw all those distracting thoughts out of her mind, and tried her best to cheer herself up.

"I'm already a student at Edric College, and I still have work to do after that. Now is not the time to waste time on such trivial matters."

She muttered something softly like self-hypnosis, then took a step and walked out of the village as usual.

Just after walking a few steps, a snowball hit her on the back, causing the little girl who was caught off guard to stagger a few steps and almost fell into the snow.

Several children from the village who saw the snowball hit Misha played their crowns in the background to celebrate.

The one at the head looks a bit like Kid King. The older boy even yelled at Misha proudly: "You scoundrels, get out of our village quickly, or don't blame me, Uncle Tom, for taking care of you!"

"Bad, bad guy?! It's not... ahh!"

Misha was startled at first, and then she stammered and tried to refute, but was hit with a snowball on the forehead by the kid king.

Although there were no small stones mixed in, the hardness of the snow after being squeezed was comparable to that of ice, and it was very painful to hit the forehead.

Misha's forehead was smashed into red, and the cold snow flowed down her cheeks and into her neck, making the girl's petite body tremble uncontrollably. She clutched her forehead, tears of grievance swirled in her eyes.

But those village children laughed without any sympathy. What's more, he picked up the snowball like that kid king. Throw it at Misha.

The mage robe used as a uniform by Edric College will not get wet when worn, and it can also reduce the power of blows received by the wearer. At last Little Misha had to put on her hood and run out of the village.

And behind her came the cheers of those brats who seemed to repel the invaders, which made the girl feel like a knife was twisting her heart.

After running far away, they came to the station of Edric College outside the village. The grievance in her heart was released all of a sudden. Tears flowed down continuously.

"Misha. What's wrong with you?"

Riddle, who was holding a letter and kept reading, raised his head and asked in surprise when he saw the little girl's appearance.

Misha was sobbing. On the one hand, he intermittently told Riddle and another centaur in charge of what happened to him in the village.

"Those damned stinky brats!" The centaur Ganard waved his strong and muscular arms angrily after hearing this: "If I meet them, I must give them a good look!"

"Just now, the owl from the college brought us Professor Sophia's letterhead, which mentioned that because of the recent rumors, maybe the villagers would become hostile or even malicious to us... But I didn't expect it to be so serious. degree."

Riddle shook the letter paper on his hand with a serious expression. As the most honest of the four old class monitors in the second year, he would not make jokes during the conversation like the other three to defuse the tense atmosphere, but He is undoubtedly the most reliable one.

Following Xi Wei's example, he stroked his smooth chin with his hand, thought for a moment, and then asked the girl: "You are being treated like this by those village children, and the adults in the village will not come out to stop it... this kind of Are you willing to do it?"

The girl looked not much older than her, but because she had followed Xi Wei on adventures, she had learned a lot, and her calmness and maturity far surpassed that of many grown-up Riddles. After a while, she bit her lip and shook her head. Shaking his head, obviously unwilling.

These days, in order not to tarnish the reputation of Edric College, she has been working hard every day to help the homeless villagers.

Sometimes it is to help when building houses, sometimes it is to deliver meals to the busy villagers and aiders from Edric, sometimes it is to find the necessities for the villagers to survive, and sometimes it is to rush to Ai Delik. The leader of the rescue point set up by the Derek Chamber of Commerce and other rescue teams rushed to get the rescue items...

I get up before dawn every day, and work until the two moons in the sky are about to sink in the west before I take a break.

Even if it was Riddle and Ganard's advice, the girl just responded with a smile, and what to do in retrospect.

When the villagers accepted Edric's assistance and got along with them, the girl who was originally only trying to maintain Edric's reputation became more motivated, and even enjoyed the feeling of being needed.

But I didn't expect that it was just the so-called rumors that shattered all of this. The hardships and sweat she put in here were all denied by the villagers who once thought they were friends. What remained of her was only malice.

"What do you want, Riddle? Say it first, I will definitely not continue to help those guys!" Ganard frowned and said viciously.

"Of course." Riddle nodded: "Let's prepare to evacuate."

"Huh? Really? I thought you would let us stay with the reason of 'since you are not reconciled, use your actions to re-accept yourself to those villagers'."

The centaur Ganard said in surprise.

"We are magicians, not servants of those people." Riddle touched Misha's head: "Misha, maybe you are suffering because of being misunderstood by those people now, but remember, magicians have always been We stumbled through people's misunderstandings. If you want to become a magician, maybe one day you will be more uncomfortable with alienation and malice than you are now, but only in this way can we become stronger in the ordeal! This is us Mr. Xi Wei Edric told us a long time ago."

After a pause, he continued: "As for this village, their farmland is still in permafrost, the progress of house reconstruction is not halfway through, and the food can only last for three days at most, not to mention the fuel and other supplies that are all provided by us. .What do you think will happen to them when we're gone?"

"...Will this be too much?" Misha stopped crying a long time ago, and said with some hesitation.

It seems that my school girl is still too kind. But compared to those guys who are scheming and thinking about some intrigues all day long, it is better to be a pure and kind junior.

After Riddle evaluated Misha in his heart, he said seriously.

"This is the bitter fruit they planted themselves, and it is only natural for them to taste the bitterness themselves. It is too easy to get them to think that everything we do is taken for granted. This kind of wrong perception must be the first time. Wake them up and let them know that we don't owe them anything, that everything we do is done out of kindness, not obligation!"

"Well said!" The centaur Ganard raised his hands in agreement: "The vegetables here are unpalatable!"

The reason why you wanted to leave suddenly lowered the tone created by Riddle a lot, hey...

"Isn't there a saying that says, 'Many people only understand the preciousness of something after losing it', and the current situation is exactly the same."

Seeing that Misha seemed to be hesitant, Riddle continued: "No one will cherish something that is easily obtained."

"I see..." The girl nodded with a vague understanding. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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