The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 842 Bitter Fruit

When the roar of the magic boat's engine swept across the sky, the villagers of Kuyali Village hadn't realized what they had done. Only the old village chief who had led the villagers through the severe winter disaster raised his head slightly uneasy. Take a look. ----

The first thing that went wrong was the rebuilding of the house.

Since Edric's construction team (mostly made up of magical creatures) didn't come to the village as usual, the construction aspect just stalled.

When the aggrieved villagers sent people to look for the people from Edric College, they found that they had already left the village, leaving the village with only an empty space.

At first, the villagers didn't feel anything about it. On the contrary, some people who were affected by the rumors had thoughts like 'Look, those guys are really uneasy and kind', and the group of children who bullied Misha before were even more so. In order to 'successfully drive the evil invaders out of the village', a celebration party was held-although there was nothing to eat.

They collected dead branches and fallen leaves, set up a small bonfire in the square in the center of the village, found a broken pot from nowhere, used it to boil the white snow, and boiled the water for each imp Pretending to be a celebratory drink, let them drink it in small sips.

"This doesn't taste good at all, it doesn't taste like anything." One of the little ghosts finally couldn't help complaining.

"It would be great if Misha was still here...she will definitely have candies." Another kid licked his lips and said softly.

Misha always brought them a lot of snacks and candies, which the little girl received in the cafeteria of Edric College. And I don't eat it myself, and save it for these children who thought they were friends.

It wasn't until Misha left that some of them began to miss Misha's candy.

"Shut up, she's a badass! Haven't you heard the stories of those wandering traders?" Kid Wang yelled, scratching his neck.

"But she will give me candy, and those merchants are not even willing to give me mint leaves." The first kid who complained continued to argue.

"She will also help us get hot bath water... She even gave me a head flower, which is much more beautiful than the ones sold in the market in the town." A girl touched the bright red hair on her braid. He also said with some dissatisfaction: "I didn't agree to do that kind of thing to Misha."

Her words seemed to ignite everyone's pent-up anxiety and guilt, and they all started talking in a hurry.

"Yeah, I don't think so too. Misha once helped me repair the walls and pots in my house."

"What's the matter? My grandma was about to die. It was Misha who found the magic doctor, and a bottle of red medicine cured my grandma!"

"And my cows..."

"Shut up!" Seeing that the situation was a little out of control, the child king smashed the bowl in his hand on the ground, and overwhelmed the voices of the others with a roar: "Do you think I want to do this! Even my family It was all rebuilt with the help of Misha... and the clothes on me were also sent by her... But, but. She is a bad person with ulterior motives. You can't leave bad people in the village..."

In the end. Even he was a little speechless.

Everyone here has received Misha's favor, but in the end they not only failed to repay the favor, but beat Misha away.

Before the girl left. The tears of despair and grievance in the eyes will probably disturb the conscience of many people for a long time.

In the end, the banquet of the 'heroes' broke up like this.

If the little ghosts are only psychologically uncomfortable, then what is bothering the adults in the village now is the real material problem.

When building and repairing houses every day, the villagers will also help, so at first Edric’s people left them and didn’t feel any problem—anyway, they built the houses in the village before, and it doesn’t mean that they left Ai Derick. Derek's people don't know how to build houses.

But when they officially started to work, problems came one after another.

The first is the material.

The materials used to build the house, such as stones and cement, were transported by Edric College from the place of origin through the magic ship, and the magic ship needs to pay some maintenance fees (the energy comes from the Star Pulse Furnace, which costs almost nothing), so the cost very low. Riddle used magic to shape wood and the like to a suitable size, and then let the centaur drag it back, which also didn't take much time and effort.

But without this continuous supply of materials, the people in the village suddenly found that the remaining materials were not enough to build a house.

"Build a smaller one first, and then we all go to get materials to build other houses."

Someone suggested this, and the people in the village thought about it, so they started to work together to build a new house.

But for some reason, it took Edric's construction team only one day to complete the work, but it took the villagers three days to complete it.

"This is the normal speed." The old people in the village said this, but the young and strong were already a little impatient.

When the house was finally built, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless.

Although due to the good materials used, the house has no major defects except that it is a little smaller than their old house, but compared with those beautiful and generous houses rebuilt by Edric, it is simply As ugly as cow dung!

Nobody wants to live in cow dung.

So the house can only be left idle like this.

There are not many remaining materials left, and even the food is in danger, and the supplies in the village are almost exhausted.

At this time, some villagers finally began to mutter to themselves, "It would be great if Edric's people were still there."

The actions of those little devils are naturally their acquiescence, otherwise when the little devils bully Misha, they will not stand by and watch.

And their thoughts are also very simple. They feel that they have suffered such a big loss, and the perpetrators are still showing up in the village. If they can't give them more compensation, then let them go.

As a result, after Misha and the others really left, the villagers realized again that it was not the people from Edric College who begged them to help here. No matter what the reason was, it was not their obligation to help the village. If the villagers go too far, they will naturally leave everything behind.

"What stupid thing did we do..." When some villagers began to reflect, it seemed that it was too late.

So the angry villagers wanted to find those peddlers who spread rumors, only to find that those peddlers had already slipped away...

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