The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 86: Xi Wei's First Lesson

Sophia took a few books related to spell science and found a seat in the corner of the classroom to sit down.

Although she decided to listen to the new professor's class, she brought a few books that she was still studying because she couldn't guarantee the quality of the other party's lectures. Use them to pass the time when you are finished - even if you don't like what the professor is talking about, it is not only extremely rude to leave in the middle of the class after you have chosen a class, but it is also disrespectful to the professor. It violated the school rules to a certain extent.

But it doesn't matter if you read books in class, and most professors have no taboo against this kind of behavior.

There are still about twenty minutes before the start of class, and the classroom is sparsely populated, probably just past double digits.

Coming so early does not mean that Sophia is very interested in the new professor's class. She just doesn't want to come too late and be surrounded by many people when she enters the classroom, let alone those who have good intentions for her in the eyes of those onlookers. Not too much.

After a while, the number of people in the classroom began to gradually increase-the number of people interested in the new professor was still quite large.

※Irrelevant to the text

Thanks to the book friends Chongyang Jiuzhuan, Qiqi and Qiqi, hepel, and Maple's pursuit~

When there were more than five minutes before class time, a figure that appeared at the door suddenly caught Sophia's attention.

Xi Wei wore a brand-new mage robe and a pointed wizard hat, and walked into the classroom in a very eye-catching attire in the eyes of the students.

Sophia, who was hiding in the corner, felt a burst of shame for him because he didn't take other people's strange sights seriously at all.

"What is that idiot doing!" She complained in a low voice helplessly, and when she was about to call him to her side, she found that Xi Wei seemed to have noticed her and waved at him.

That action made all the students stare at Sophia in the direction of Xi Wei's wave...

This put Sophia, who was standing halfway, into an embarrassing situation where she couldn't sit or stand.

Being watched by so many eyes makes the girl feel uncomfortable as if there are caterpillars wriggling on her body.

Fortunately, this torture was quickly terminated by the bell that represented the beginning of class. Until now, the girl was planning to find the instigator who made her suffer and give her a good lecture, but something that surprised her happened.

Xi Wei was standing behind the podium, with a slight smile on his face, he said to the students with different faces: "Hi everyone, I am Xi Wei Edric. Welcome to my class!"

Except for Arisa and Tio, the other students were all surprised. Suddenly, the stepped classroom was filled with various whispers.

After all, Xi Wei looks too young. Even Professor Barnick, who claims to be the youngest among the professors, is actually over 30 years old, and he only applied for the position because he broke through from a senior elementary mage to an intermediate mage a year ago. Professor's.

Even Sophia covered her small round mouth with both hands, and couldn't believe Xi Wei's words... Until just now, the girl only regarded Xi Wei as a third grader.

"Be quiet." Xi Wei pressed his hands down to signal the students to be quiet, but as a new professor, those students didn't seem to buy him. Not only did the whispers not disappear, but they became more and more loud.

Xi Wei was not angry either, but lightly brushed off the brim of the mage's hat, and then said with a smile: "Mr. Dursley, Mr. Johnny, and Miss Logani, if you can't control your volume, then I have to deduct a credit from you."

Because of the ability carried by the speculative and wise mage hat, even if Xi Wei didn't know this group of students at all, he could easily know the name of the other party. For a teacher, this is obviously an extremely useful ability.

The three he just named were the ones who spoke the loudest, and were suspected of fanning the flames and wanting to see Xi Wei's jokes.

The Huolian National Academy of Magic's promotion system is a credit system. Except for the final exam, each teacher can add up to five credits to a student in each class, and vice versa.

Although five credits are not considered a lot, it doesn't mean that you can lose it if you lose it. If you miss one or two points in the final promotion exam, then they will really cry to death...

So even if Xi Wei threatened them like this, the three of them could only shut up and stop talking.

After having three role models, the other students also kept their mouths shut obediently - although Xi Wei's smiling face is not scary now, who knows if he will be deducted credits if he is offended...

Seeing that the scene had quieted down, Xi Wei nodded in satisfaction.

In the densely packed lesson plans that have already been written, there is not much time reserved for controlling the scene, so he did not procrastinate, and began to write and draw on the blackboard by using the hands of a magician to control an object similar to chalk, while he himself He didn't have time to spare, but began to explain what was written on the blackboard.

The fact that the palm of the hand is divided into two uses, and the spell casting has not failed, convinced the students who were still a little bit dissatisfied, and began to listen to Xi Wei's lecture.

In fact, what Xi Wei is talking about now is not complicated, it is better to say it is very simple.

In his opinion, since he didn't know what these students had learned, he might as well start from the beginning and give a detailed explanation and analysis in the form of a review of the multiple first-level magics starting from the magic missile.

In this way, they can naturally learn what has not been said, and even if they have said it, they can review the old and learn the new.

Soon those first-year students who already had some knowledge of magic found that although Xi Wei spoke very quickly and covered a lot of content, it was well-organized and vaguely contained a system, often between two different magics. The conversion of explanations is very natural, and even many theories can list several magics that are also within the scope of the description as examples.

This kind of methodical and eloquent feeling, coupled with Xi Wei's three-day conception and rehearsed many times of witty explanations as a supplement, made many students feel a sense of enlightenment while feeling full of fun. .

It's like the magical world that was still half-hidden with a pipa, but suddenly took off its mysterious veil, allowing them to have a glimpse of what's going on.

Many students even began to take notes spontaneously in order to prevent themselves from forgetting Xi Wei's explanations—generally speaking, except for a very small number of studious students, this phenomenon can only be seen when the professor reveals the key points of the magic theory assessment before the exam arrive.

In just the first class, Xi Wei's prepared explanations of theoretical knowledge completely conquered these teenagers and girls who dreamed of becoming powerful magicians.

And this professor, who looked only a little older than them, also gained their admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

"Then, that's the end of the first class." As the bell rang announcing the end of get out of class, Xi Wei's voice woke up those students who still hadn't finished.

Even though Xi Wei had tried his best, he had only covered less than half of the content in the lesson plan... It seemed that his previous preparations seemed a little too much. Fortunately, it will not affect the subsequent courses.

He walked to the door, and then turned around and said under the expectant eyes of the students: "Next is the practical class, students who want to continue the class, come with me."

After that, he walked out of the classroom.

{Floating astronomy

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