The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 87: Xi Wei's Second Lesson

"Can anyone tell me what kind of monster is the so-called 'rookie mentor'?"

On the square of the castle of Huo Li'an National Academy of Magic, Xi Wei asked the group of students who were not only not small, but also many more. It seems that watching the excitement is not the patent of the Celestial People.

Hearing Xi Wei's question, almost all the students looked at each other in dismay - generally speaking, they would only start learning monsters when they were in the third grade and were about to face field exercises.

A few people raised their hands, but even those people had uncertain expressions. Only one person raised his hand with 120,000 points of confidence.

"Well, Miss Sophia Lange, please answer." Xi Wei said to Sophia, who was looking at him with a complicated expression on her lips tightly pursed.

The girl put down her hand, and said calmly amidst the not-so-friendly gazes around her, "It's Goblin, Professor."

"Very good, one point for Miss Lange." Xi Wei nodded, and continued without waiting for the students to say anything: "Besides slimes, the most widely distributed, the largest number, strong vitality and adaptability Humanoid monsters, goblins are indeed opponents that adventurers often encounter. Many adventurers gradually accumulate their actual combat experience by defeating goblins."

After finishing speaking, Xi Wei snapped his fingers lightly, and a very old-looking cupboard suddenly appeared in the open space.

In this world where space equipment is extremely rare, many students don't even know that there are such miraculous things in the world, and Xi Wei's hand once again amazed them.

A few students who were closer to the cabinet were curious and approached the cabinet that was as tall as a person. However, before they could get too close, the cabinet suddenly vibrated violently, scaring the students. jumped.

"Okay, Miss Vichys, Mr. Pamia, Mr. Rocoal, I promise you will have enough time to have intimate contact with that cabinet later, so can you listen to me first? "

Xi Wei said kindly to those naughty students.

Although their behavior slightly violated the classroom discipline, it is not a bad thing for these students to have a strong curiosity and desire to explore. Countless great discoveries in the world are based on these two, so Xi Wei did not Going to scold them.

Those students blushed, and immediately acted obediently as everyone laughed.

"I was a traveling mage before teaching, so I also think that the knowledge can be more firmly grasped in actual combat." Xi Wei continued: "Is there any student who can come up now and give a demonstration?"

The students were silent for a while: this new teacher was different from the usual teachers, and tried too many new things—at least the first-year students never had practical classes. However, this also made most of the students a little afraid of what will happen next... It's not that they are afraid of the presentation, but that they are afraid of making a fool of themselves during the presentation and being laughed at.

Driven by the surrounding atmosphere, some students who were eager to try did not dare to be the first bird.

Just when Xi Wei thought he was going to be silent this time, a hand suddenly raised up.

In the eyes of the surrounding students containing various emotions, Alisa trembled slightly but held her hands firmly. Xi Wei knew very well that the girl who followed him out of the countryside was not good at being surrounded by people, but even so, in order to protect her teacher, she still broke the previous bad atmosphere even though she knew it would happen. raised his hand.

What a gentle yet strong boy.

Sure enough, his own students are the most caring. Seeing Alisa trembling, Xi Wei couldn't help laughing.

At this time, the second hand was also raised, of course it wasn't Tio - the little girl's magic power couldn't even do Mizuki to confirm the affinity of elements, let alone cast spells - it was Sophia who raised her hand.

The girl was holding her right hand high with an expression of 'I can't do anything about you'.

I don’t know if it’s because the two people who raised their hands are girls, so the boys feel embarrassed or because of other reasons, some boys also raised their hands, and then under the influence of this atmosphere, the raised hands are like mushrooms. It came out continuously.

Xi Wei gave Sophia an apologetic smile, and then said softly to Alisa: "Then Miss Alisa Margotroyd, can you come with me to give a demonstration?"

"I'm so happy, teacher." Alisa's voice trembled a little, and a trace of blush appeared on her face. The golden twin ponytails swayed slightly in the wind, looking like an exquisite doll Extremely Beautiful.

Xi Wei walked to the cabinet, ignored the thing and started to vibrate again, and turned the dial on the side of it, which was somewhat similar to a dial-type telephone, to the position marked '3'.

Then he stretched out his hand and opened the cabinet door, only to see a little green-skinned dwarf fall out with a snap.

The opponent was wearing some rusted metal armor, and was holding a long gun with a crooked metal tip in his hand.

This is an elite goblin with a subjugation level 3.

The rough cabinet, which looks like the paint on the outside has peeled off a lot, is actually a summoning magic item called 'Goblin Duel Invitation Box'.

It took Xi Wei ten achievement points to buy this thing from the sundries category of the achievement mall.

Just set the level of the goblin, and then open the cabinet door to summon a goblin of the corresponding level. However, this box can only summon goblins with a crusade level of 9 at most, and there can only be at most one summoned object at a time.

In fact, even if these guys are summoned, they will not act according to the summoner's order, but will challenge all creatures in sight, and will never give up until they are defeated like brown sugar.

If Xi Wei hadn't just obtained the [Goblin Warrior's Sword], a rare piece of equipment capable of controlling goblins, he wouldn't have wasted ten achievement points in exchange for this item.

"The goblin's brain is not easy to use, Alisa, block the opponent's vision with water mist, and then distance yourself from it." Xi Wei guided the girl's battle from the side, and at the same time did not forget to teach other students some Knowledge: "They will blindly rush towards the opponent, so if you are fighting the opponent in a forest or other terrain, you can pick a place where the tree roots are exposed on the ground, and they will often trip over that. Good job Very well, Alisa, let's start preparing your most powerful magic now."

When the elite goblins finally escaped from the water mist, Alisa's shining ice cone was also completed. Although this ring of water element magic is not as destructive as the Explosive Flame Arrow, it also has different effects. The vulgar penetrating power also comes with frost damage. Dealing with small creatures like goblins can even directly freeze them to death.

The elite goblin who was severely injured by Alisa's blow did not appear in various strange and bloody scenes, but turned into white smoke and disappeared without a trace-when the summoned creature received more than a certain degree of trauma, it would Forcibly cancel the call.

"Very good, Alisa." Normally, Xi Wei would touch the girl's long golden hair as a sign of encouragement, but he couldn't do so now. He said to the stunned students: "Although the subjugation level is 3, but the IQ is so low that even wild boars can't match these goblins. In fact, these goblins are not a big threat. Even the civilians The farmer also has many ways to bring down such a goblin. So, as students of the Huo Lian Academy of Magic, how do you think your wisdom compares with the farmer's?"

The students all started to make noise, obviously they all wanted to prove that they were better than those vulgar farmers who aimed at noble mages.

"Quiet." Xi Wei made another motion to indicate quietness. This time, the effect was remarkable, and the students immediately fell silent: "If that's the case, let's think about the tactics and what to do with the help of a ring of magic Knock down a goblin with a crusade level 3. If you think about it, come here to prove yourself! In addition, as long as you pass the test without injury, I can add one credit to you, and I can add two points to you if you win beautifully. There is still one and a half hours before the end of class, and the clock starts now!"

※Irrelevant to the text

Thanks to book friends Daoist Ma Yu, Laughing Fang, Gong Zhao, and Ye Hua for their rewards~

{Floating astronomy

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