The Dean Has Arrived

Main text Chapter 88 get out of class time

The practice class went very smoothly. Under Xi Wei's on-site guidance, more than half of the students successfully defeated a goblin whose crusade level was limited to level 3.

The other students failed either because their magic was too weak or because they were unlucky and got the Goblin spellcaster.

Although the magic of goblin spellcasters is much weaker than that released by ordinary magicians, unless there are magic items like Eliza who can cast immunity, these first-year students will have to go through even if they want to release magic missiles. Chanting will do.

And although goblin spellcasters can't do it instantly, they usually only need to say "wow" or "quack" like the secondary fireball spell. Compared with the students' chant of at least three or four syllables Singing the obvious is much faster.

Therefore, many students are not incapable of defeating the opponent. They are often interrupted by the opponent before they can finish singing, and then fall into a state of being suppressed by the opponent's firepower.

Here I have to mention Sophia.

She was one of the few students to defeat a goblin spellcaster with nothing but magic missiles.

Unlike some students with a strong sense of combat who use positioning and spellcasting skills, Sophia simply discarded the power of the magic missile, and performed a simplified quick chant of the spell, coupled with the powerful control over her magic, making the magic missile Going around the front of the goblin spellcaster, he gave it a hard blow to the back of the head with a sap.

After the opponent was stunned, she seized the opportunity to connect a magic missile with a complete spell, and easily killed the goblin spellcaster.

Simplified spells are not a secret, and it is easy to find many such materials in libraries. However, this simplification at the cost of reducing the power of magic has made it an extremely unpopular existence in the library. Therefore, except for Sophia, who has a mixed taste, not many people really know the existence of this simplified spell.

Originally, in this world dominated by elemental magic, the measure of a magician's excellence depends on his ability to master magic. Although it is not to say that there are no scientific research talents, it is obviously easier to become an excellent fort than to become an academic magician who is erudite and well versed in astronomy and geography...

After all the students who were able to use magic had practiced a battle, Xi Wei took the goblin duel invitation box back to his own space.

The reason why Xi Wei exchanged this thing was not just for fun or to show off in front of the students—although the achievement of 10 points is a bit expensive, it can still be used as a meat shield for a period of time when attacking level 9 goblins . In addition, the magic power consumed by summoning is not very large. With this kind of mine detection death squad, the danger of future dungeons will be much less.

"Although magicians possess powerful and mysterious magic, we are often very vulnerable. That's why we need professions such as magic swordsmen to stand in front as the mage's retinue, so that we can sing magic with peace of mind. However, there will inevitably be times when we have to face the enemy alone, so combat skills and experience are very important at that time." Xi Wei seriously explained the meaning of this lesson to the students, and then He showed another very friendly smile: "And instead of always shrinking behind others, don't you think it's better to let yourself have the ability to face the enemy alone?"

When have the students of the Academy of Magic been incited by the professor with such an excited tone?

There was a buzzing commotion in the crowd, and both men and women were generally in agreement, and some more enthusiastic boys directly shouted "Yes", "Magicians are the strongest", "We don't need a place." behind others'

Seeing that his words had achieved an effect beyond imagination, Xi Wei nodded in satisfaction.

After he successively corrected several more common mistakes in battle, the bell for the dismissal of get out of class rang again. Because outdoors, the sound of the castle's two bell towers was more deafening than usual. However, compared with the boring class in the past, when the students were looking forward to the end of get out of class, now they are all full of unfinished looks.

Even those students who did not attend the first class felt the sense of accomplishment that through practice, let the knowledge that they have been staying in the written form be deeply imprinted in their bodies.

It's like playing a game. If you let a player keep fighting monsters, even if his experience value soars, but there is no upgrade prompt, and he can't see his level, then no matter what, his enthusiasm for the game will become monotonous day after day. Repeat while cooling to freezing point.

However, if there is an upgrade prompt, and each level will make him clearly feel the difference, the sense of accomplishment that he can get rewarded through his own efforts will make him want to stop, coupled with the superiority of being able to despise low-level players and wanting to catch up The aggressiveness of level players will constantly flog him and make him addicted to it.

Xi Wei is very clear that what he wants to do is not to let these students continue to accumulate experience points, but to turn their experience into levels, so that they can see their growth step by step, and keep their eyes on the students who are not far away from him. Far, the next level within reach.

When they look back suddenly in the future, maybe they will find that they have already walked so far on the road of magic without knowing it...

In short, after Xi Wei announced that get out of class was over, not only did no one leave, but many students begged Xi Wei to continue talking for a while.

"Meals and lunch breaks are also an important part of magic learning." Facing the students' requests, Xi Wei didn't immediately refuse or accept them, but said solemnly: "A good work and rest time is a must for a magician. Only in this way can you lay a good foundation for your body, and in many cases, a healthy body is a very important capital. You don’t want to suffer from strange diseases such as coughing to the point where you can’t even chant mantras completely?”

Under Xi Wei's persuasion, those students reluctantly left the square and went to the auditorium for lunch.

"Teacher, thank you for your hard work." Alyssa did not leave with the crowd, but came to comfort Xi Wei in a sensible way.

"Well, I'm fine...Thanks, Tio." Xi Wei nodded towards Alisa, then took the towel Tio handed him to wipe off his sweat with one hand, and stroked the little girl with the other hand head.

It is already the time of spring harvest, and the weather is not hot, but Xi Wei has been outside for so long, and he has to keep inputting magic power into the goblin's duel invitation box when he is giving lectures to the students, although with his total magic power It's not a big deal, but I'm sweating a lot.

Tiou narrowed her eyes, enjoying Xi Wei's touch like a kitten. Alisa looked at Tio enviously.

Just as Xi Wei, master and apprentice, were enjoying this moment of tranquility, a young girl's voice broke in.

"So you are a teacher." Sophia stared at Xi Wei and said in a complicated tone.

"Yo, Sophia~" Xi Wei beckoned to her, which made him end his stroking on Tio early, and made the little guy look at Sophia with some hostility: "You did a good job just now, especially the control of that magic missile .”

"Of course." The girl was not proud, but said in a natural tone: "After all, the spell is simplified, and the difficulty of control is also reduced along with the consumption of magic power. Compared with this..." The girl looked at it strangely. Looking at Xi Wei: "Could it be that you have been coming to the library these days just to collect materials for class?"

"Almost ~" Xi Wei shrugged. In fact, many of the precautions for facing goblins that he talked about in class today were from the book recommended to him by the girl yesterday.

"Teacher, do you know each other?" Alisa looked at Sophia and asked Xi Wei.

"Well, this is the librarian Sophia? Miss Lange... Wait, Lange?" Xi Wei suddenly noticed that Sophia's surname was displayed on the wizard hat.

The girl had an expression of "did you just notice it now?", she had already called her by her full name in class before...

"Forget it, it's not a big deal." But without waiting for Sophia to say anything, Xi Wei resumed his previous expression, and then said to the girl, "Do you have any plans for lunch break? Like tidying up books or something?"

"That was done at night. And there were other librarians over there during the lunch break."

The girl replied, but then she looked at Xi Wei suspiciously: "Why are you asking this?"

"Take you to dinner...well, and I want you to do me a favor during the lunch break." Xi Wei showed a mysterious smile: "Alyssa and Teo are coming too~"! ~!

{Floating astronomy

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