The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 871: The Stage at Dawn

"Abandon the baggage, the whole army retreats!"

Tiltz is the captain of the third transportation team of the Salvation Army, in charge of the transportation and supply lines between the grain production area Nibirav and the front line.

Originally, this mission was very safe. After all, the transportation and supply lines were all behind Stein City, and no enemy would bypass Stein City, the human base camp, to attack the supply line.

However, since a few days ago, the situation has taken a turn for the worse. Three consecutive supply convoys have been attacked by the enemy, and not even a grain of food has been transported to Stein City.

For this reason, Stein sent a special aid force, and this time he had to personally escort the batch of military rations.

However, an accident happened on the way.

"One big demon, three hundred-eyed giants, and so many kobolds..."

While giving the order to retreat, Tiltz scolded in disgrace: "Thousands of people sent by Stein are completely useless! Speaking of which, he clearly knew that the attacking supply line was this kind of strategic monster, why did he support it?" The army is just an ordinary army, so it won't work at all!"

But fortunately, as long as he can escape, the current situation is not the worst—the space equipment in this world is very rare, but it is not without it. Allocate space for a few pieces of equipment.

Therefore, even if all the luggage of the transport team will be discarded here, as long as he can reach Stein safely, this transport mission can barely be considered a success.

...that's how it should have been.

"Well, how could this be..."

But it is clear that batches of retreats have been carried out like a drill. The strongest archdemon among the raiders was on him like a tarsal maggot.

"Sir, run away alone first, let's hold it back!"

Seeing that the other party was getting closer and closer, Tiltz's adjutant proposed a proposal that almost killed himself, and his guards also agreed.

"Don't be silly! Even if you all rush forward, you can't be that guy's opponent... Maybe it will die faster if you anger it!" Tiltz kicked his mount's stomach desperately with both legs, trying to make it run faster Faster, but the effort doesn't seem to be doing much.

The great demon is a very powerful individual among the demons of the abyss. It is conservatively estimated that he has the same combat power as the newly promoted great magician. Although the strength of human beings in the age of mythology is generally high, Tiltz's adjutants and personal guards are at most only high. The strength of a super magician.

If you are fully prepared, relying on the number of people is not invincible. But now this kind of haste let alone be able to defeat the opponent. Even saving one's own life is an extravagant hope.

What's more, the big demon is obviously like a cat teasing its prey. It can catch up with them in an instant, but it just trails behind and approaches slowly. Create psychological pressure on them. And enjoy watching them flustered.

The big devils who do this kind of thing are generally guys who are quite confident in their own strength.

"As long as I can buy you time to hide..." The adjutant who spoke did not give up because of this. Still trying to convince Tiltz.

But at this juncture, the big devil seemed to lose interest in continuing to play with them, opening the pair which was obviously full of loopholes. But the Demon Wings, which could still let it fly freely in the sky, approached them quickly with a meteor-like gliding motion!

"There is no time to hesitate, my lord, run!"

With a roar, the adjutant had already taken out his magic device, and released several mana burns towards the pounced big demon, but the opponent easily dodged them.

The guards also pulled out their wands and swords one after another, ready to fight.

In the next instant, this imposing team was almost wiped out.

The big demon just passed over their heads, and half of the guards had half their skulls knocked off, screaming and falling off their mounts, with colorful brains scattered all over the floor.

Immediately, the air current brought up by the big demon attacked, dragging several knights who were unable to sit still because of dodging the attack, off their mounts, and in the blink of an eye, those mounts that were still running at high speed were trampled into a pulp!

And the adjutant was directly dragged up to the sky by the big devil by his shoulders, and was torn in half by the big devil from the waist at a height of tens of meters. It fell loose.

Tiltz, who had escaped, desperately suppressed his desire to vomit, and desperately urged his mount to escape.

But the great demon once again jumped towards him from the sky with a strange smile!

"No... I can't escape!"

Tiltz's heart suddenly rose to his throat, and he could even feel the chill coming from behind.

"Am I going to die here too?"

Maybe in the next moment, he will be completely pierced by the devil's bone spur?

Just when goosebumps stood up all over his body, a blunt sound sounded behind him.

This made Tiltz turn his head subconsciously.

I saw a young man wearing heavy knight armor and holding a flame-shaped sword rushing out from the side with an angry face, and knocked out the big demon horizontally.

The big demon caught off guard was like a pebble for floating water, bounced two or three times on the ground, and finally slammed into the transport carriage, leaving behind a human-shaped hole with wings on the wooden wall of the carriage. , which stopped.

"You are..." Tiltz always felt that the other person seemed familiar, but suddenly he couldn't remember where he had seen him.

"I'm just a passing mercenary."

The other party thought about it for a while, and then said stiffly.

Whose mercenary would be so strong! Tiltz complained in his heart.

Just when Tiltz was about to say something to ease the atmosphere, the carriage where the big devil was in was torn in two by a force, and the flour inside floated out profusely, like smoke bombs, causing the People can't see what's inside.

"That guy's not dead yet!" Tiltz exclaimed in surprise.

"Of course? It's better to say that if a guy who was killed after being hit by me, how could he become a big devil?"

Holding the flame-shaped sword, the young man assumed a fighting posture.

"Hey, you're the only one left, move faster!" Not far away, a voice that sounded a bit young and immature came over.

This is the only place left? Tiltz looked up and looked around in a daze, and found that the three hundred-eyed giants from the beginning had all been brought down... One head was full of arrows, one seemed to be split in half lengthwise, and the other seemed to be Beaten to death, covered in purple bruises.

In other words, not counting the extremely weak kobolds, the only enemy left to attack the supply team this time was the great demon in front of them.

"Relax, I have also become stronger these days in the dawn. Look at me to deal with this demon in the shortest time!" The young man dragged the flame-shaped sword backwards, and a faint blue flame began to emerge from the blade: " Destroy it for me, the fire of notoriety!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!


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