The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 872: The Dawn of Ending the War

Leaving aside the war that took place in the rear, Xi Wei and Shuguang were playing in Stein City.

"What is this?" Shuguang Lalaxiwei pointed at the corner of his clothes, pointing to the side who was selling candied luka (a kind of Northland special snack, similar to candied haws, but the inside is not hawthorn, but the taste is similar to chestnuts, called luka card thing) asked the businessman.

"Very good snack, do you want to try it?"

Xi Wei replied softly.

The little girl nodded.

So Xi Wei took her hand and bought a few bunches of candied luka from the merchant with gold coins.

Due to the recent attacks, the number of merchants in the city of Stein has dropped sharply, while the prices of goods have been rising steadily. The price of sugar luka, which usually only needs a few copper coins, has also risen.

Fortunately, the people who can live in Stein are either soldiers of the army, and the army itself will provide food, or they are like Xi Wei and the others, bold people with high skills, who came here specially to fight against the abyss. There may be a lack of money, so even though prices are soaring, under the management of the Salvation Army High Command, there is currently no major commotion.

"So sweet..."

The little girl took a bite of Tang Luka, holding her cheeks, with a faint smile on her face.

Obviously she likes this kind of temporary food that she ate for the first time.

And Xi Wei just took a few mouthfuls, then stopped talking, staring at the little girl's expression full of happiness, for some reason, his already a little irritable mood became more comfortable.

"... Maybe such a leisurely life is not bad."

he murmured softly.


The little girl who couldn't quite understand Xi Wei's words tilted her head, showing a puzzled expression.

"It's nothing. I just think that if this war can be resolved easily, it might be a good choice to go back to the later life, have a good relationship, get married, and spend the rest of my life with the person I like."

Although he subtly set up a flag similar to 'I will marry my hometown after the war', Xi Wei didn't worry too much.

After all, he almost already knew what would happen next, and based on what he knew, he took the best preventive measures he could do so far.

The so-called doing everything according to one's destiny is almost the same feeling.

However, Shuguang didn't have the ability to understand the vicissitudes in Xi Wei's words, although he nodded vaguely. But the expression on the little face is still bewildered.

"You don't understand what I'm telling you. Let's go shopping."

Xi Wei suddenly laughed, then rubbed the top of the girl's head vigorously, then took the little girl's hand, and continued to walk forward.

Shuguang wondered for a moment. Immediately showed a happy smile. Tightly hold Sylvana's palm, which is much bigger than hers. Follow him obediently.

"Mr. Xi Wei?"

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded from beside the two of them.

Xi Wei followed the prestige and saw the big and strong man Qiunes. He was wearing the Rusted Armor of the Hero Noble Phantasm as usual. It's just that with a few bags of ingredients in his hand at this time, the feeling of a housewife is in stark contrast to his burly body, which makes people feel ridiculous.

"Well, isn't this Jones?"

Xi Wei also greeted the other party.

"You haven't shown up for so many days, Aesop and I thought you had left Stein City." Joyce scratched his head and showed a simple and honest smile. At the same time, he also noticed the dawn hiding behind Xi Wei: "This is...?"

"My... daughter, her name is Shuguang."

When Xi Wei introduced Shuguang, he paused for a moment before saying so.

Anyway, Shuguang was indeed created by Xi Wei, and in a sense, he could indeed be regarded as his daughter.

"So you already have a daughter?" Jones was obviously taken aback, but then he tried to express a kind expression on his dull face, and looked at the half-face behind Xi Wei. Shuguang: "Shuguang? What a good name."

Then Shuguang shrank back behind Xi Wei in fright.

This turned Jones's big face into a maroon, and he almost couldn't help but put down the visor on the helmet in embarrassment.

On the contrary, Xi Wei finally couldn't help laughing.

But just after laughing for a while, he coughed violently.

"Mr. Xi Wei, are you alright?" Jones asked in surprise.

"It's okay, it's just a little problem."

Xi Wei waved his hand, indicating that he was not that weak: "Speaking of which, why did you buy so many ingredients?"

"Because the price of food in the city has been soaring recently, Aesop thinks it's better to buy some food that can be stored for a long time and stock it up for a rainy day."

Jones replied honestly.

"That guy's brains are not bad, but the high command should take some measures." Xi Wei said nonchalantly.

He really didn't care about food or anything else. Anyway, whether it's a storage box or creation through legendary abilities, there are many ways to get food for him, and there is no need to hoard it at all.

Suddenly Stein's city gate opened wide, and then a group of solemn cavalry slowly walked into the city.

All of them were wounded, and their mounts also suffered casualties to varying degrees, and there were still many coffins dragging behind them.

Due to the shortage of resources, the coffins are almost all uncovered, and the robes of the knights who have died for a long time can be seen inside.

The air on the street seemed to have cooled down suddenly, and the original din disappeared in an instant, and everyone silently watched the returning knights.

Obviously they were not triumphant.

"It seems that the vanguard team has been defeated." As a hero, Joynes naturally knew some of the above strategies. Seeing the appearance of those knights at this time, he looked at the large and small coffins beside Xi Wei, and sighed softly: "They were all good men, true heroes of humanity."

"Those people... are they dead?" Shuguang opened his eyes wide, looking at the corpse in the coffin, and unconsciously clenched Xi Wei's hand.

"Yes, their souls have all gone to the Qiyao goddess, who sent them to the vortex of life and returned to the source of everything."

For some reason, Xi Wei remembered what the magicians of later generations often said, and said it subconsciously.

"Why is there a war?" The girl asked softly again: "If there is no war, they wouldn't die, wouldn't they?"

"Probably because of the conflict of thinking and culture, and the greed of those in power and the like...There are various reasons for war. But no matter what the reason is, war is not a good thing."

Xi Wei stroked the top of the girl's head: "It's to solve all this, that's why you were born here..."


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