The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 880: Gate of Dreamland

After Xi Wei finished describing the difficulties he encountered, Katerina showed a blatantly embarrassed expression.

"The master of dreams? The demon king who can manipulate reality and illusion is indeed a very difficult enemy... There are not many ways to enter dreams from reality, and there are not many main material planes."

She looked up at Xi Wei: "Although I can indeed do this, to be honest, it's better for you to give up."

"Do you think you can talk me out of it?"

Xi Wei raised his eyebrows, and instead of answering the girl's question directly, he asked inversely.

"Of course not."

Katerina sighed: "Otherwise you wouldn't be a legendary great mage."

The legendary great mage is the pinnacle of humanity, the dream of every magician. The road from an ordinary person to a legend is full of thorns and bumps. Without enough will and firm belief, it is impossible to reach the end of this road.

So regardless of personality, every legend has a certain degree of paranoid symptoms, and it is difficult to be persuaded by others.

Katrina, herself a legend, feels deeply about that.

"In that case, please hurry up and help me enter the dreamland."

Seeing that the other party acquiesced to his actions, Xi Wei also showed a confident smile: "It's okay, even if I am not the opponent of the devil in the dream, at least I can escape without any problem."

"Please don't say such overconfident words..."

Katerina shook her head helplessly, then put her finger into her mouth and made a whistling motion.

The strange thing was that although she didn't blow the whistle, Xi Wei felt as if he heard the melodious whistle with a somewhat weird tone.

Immediately afterwards, the space above the girl's head distorted. As a master of space, Xi Wei immediately sensed that the distortion was not a problem with the space itself. It was a situation that occurred after another time and space connected with the space above her head.

The green rays of light are intertwined, as gorgeous as the aurora, and finally form a ring. It's just that the scenery inside the ring is completely different from the outside.

This is the 'door' to another world.

"Although I don't know if you have heard of it, there is actually a saying called 'Dream Tree Theory' in dreams." Katerina looked at the colorful and changing scenery inside the door. Said to Xi Wei: "This theory holds that the subconscious minds of human beings are all connected together, and the dreams as expressions are actually connected with each other in the depths. It is precisely because of this that the fairy dragon and the nightmare can travel between dreams. "

Xi Wei nodded noncommittally, indicating that he was listening carefully, and asked Katerina to continue talking.

It's not that he was perfunctory to the girl. Although Xi Wei had never heard of the dream tree theory, he had also heard of the connection of human subconscious minds. The legendary 'Alaya' is the collection of human wills.

Of course, even if one gains the power of the law of contact in this world. It's right that Xi Wei still hasn't discovered the existence of this legendary will.

"I once saved a faerie dragon, so I also received some gifts from the other party. This dream that can communicate with dreams is one of them. But I can only control its opening and closing. How to enter the dream and how to maintain it in the dream I don't know anything about waking up, or how to escape from the dream."

Katerina's eyes became more meaningful, and she stared at Xi Wei scorchingly: "Even so, are you going to risk your life to enter it for a mere alchemy creature?"

"Didn't I not die in the future you predicted?"

Xi Wei didn't notice the change in the other's gaze, but was just observing the door.

"The future is not static. Although the Hollyan family believes in fate, in our long lineage, we have also witnessed the change of fate against the sky."

"Is that senior who changed his life against the sky called Long Aotian?"

"No. Why do you ask that?"

"It's okay, just curious."

After satisfying his curiosity and desire to complain, Xi Wei continued to stare at the circle of light, trying to analyze its composition.

"I can't keep this door open for a long time. Here I still think you should do what you can. Although alchemy creatures that can dream are very rare, since you can make the first one, you can definitely make the second one." , please don't use your own sex for a mere alchemy creature..."

Katerina makes a last-ditch effort.

But she was interrupted by Xi Wei before she finished speaking.

"No. You're a little mistaken."

Xi Wei reached out to stop her from continuing: "Dawn is not only my alchemy creature, but also my daughter."

And it is also the key to quelling the hidden dangers of this war. He continued thinking in his heart.

News of the eventual outbreak of war on the front did not reach Stein. Because of Xi Wei's poor health, he devoted far less energy to the front line than before. So much so that I didn't even know it happened.

"I understand." Seeing that she couldn't stop Xi Wei's determination, the girl could only follow the prophecy and believe in Xi Wei's actions. She gave up persuasion and started talking about dreams: " Although it seems correct that dreams are all connected, it is very difficult to find the dream you want from countless dreams. If you are by the side of the dream owner, the difficulty of breaking into the dream of the other party will be much smaller , it will be easier to change the dream... Take me to that alchemy creature."

"Don't be so troublesome."

Xi Wei snapped his fingers, and a house slowly floated in front of Katerina and Xi Wei from the open space in front of them like a submarine rising from the sea: "I have brought the house with me a long time ago. Let Let's act quickly."

--Dividing line--

"The war has begun?" St. George chopped off a screaming demonized orc rushing towards him, and frowned and asked the deserter they met in the wetland not far away.

"Monsters... Monsters all over the mountains and plains are rushing towards us! The battle line is about to collapse, and we have no way to stop them! Those so-called heroes are useless at all, and they are overwhelmed by those monsters! The entire battlefield is only screaming and wailing! Save the world Everything the army does is useless, and we will all end up being eaten by those things!"

The deserter seemed to have been frightened out of his wits, no matter how much he asked, he would just howl and say such extremely pessimistic words.

"It looks like the situation on the front line is really bad..." (to be continued)


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