The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 881: The Corner of the Battlefield

When night began to cover the battlefield, the battle line that had been roaring all day had a little peace. ▲∴ w.

Hibert, who survived, was maintaining his weapons in the trenches.

His own enchanted sword had long been lost in the battle, and what he now held was a weapon that looked like a military shovel—this was the relic of his big comrade-in-arms, who was killed when he was fighting with a ghastly warlord. The monster's hands, covered with bony spurs, broke its neck.

Of course, Heibote then gave the half-dead Evil Warlord a sword, and avenged that comrade-in-arms.

The vanguard and reconnaissance unit of the Salvation Army, that is, the unit designated "Mayflower" is all good players, and even the hero is assigned a full four people. Although they were caught off guard by the Abyss Army, after paying heavy casualties, Anyway, the front line was stabilized, and the enemy was not directly pierced.

Of course, the disorderly attack of the abyssal army is also one of the main reasons why they can hold on - even the devil can't make those simple-minded monsters do what they order.

It's just that the heavy casualties have obviously brought about a decline in morale, and the heavy atmosphere in the trenches is one of the most obvious manifestations.

"Have we been given up by Stein?" A teenager sitting in a corner hugging his knees and huddled suddenly broke the silence and said.

Heibert knew him. This kid was a recruit, but because of his good performance in the training camp, he was assigned to their Mayflower unit with an exception.

It's just that this actual battle seems to have left a lot of psychological shadow on this brat.

Naturally, Hibot didn't try to find the area of ​​the opponent's psychological shadow. He just poked his head out and looked at the dark sky, feeling that there seemed to be something looking at the ground, and then retracted into the trench: "Why do you say that? ?”

"We held on for a whole day! But Stein didn't even send a support army!"

The recruit roared, as if he wanted to use this behavior to vent his fear and anger: "They must have given up this front, and we are definitely just being abandoned by them to delay time!"

"From the moment you join the army, you should be prepared to be considered an abandoned child."

At this time, the last person in the trench spoke.

He was missing a hand, and the wound was bandaged with a dirty military uniform. Although the bleeding was stopped, it also increased the possibility of infection. The chaplains accompanying the army were almost dead, and the initial scuffle made it difficult for many people to protect those priests who were not capable enough to fight. This also led to the subsequent death of a large number of soldiers from their injuries due to lack of medical treatment.

But that doesn't matter, what matters is what's in that person's other hand.

It was a knight's spear that was so long that it almost occupied most of the trench. Although it was covered with heavy blood stains at this time, the elf patterns and gleaming runes on it still gave off an elegant and unique feeling.

This is a heroic treasure, and its owner is naturally a hero.

"This is different!" The recruit boy poked his neck, he didn't have the admiration for the hero in the past, but just stared at him: "Your weapon can let you easily break through the encirclement of the Abyssal Army, so you can say such words !"

"I won't escape." The hero said in a deep voice. Without the slightest hesitation or confusion, he looked straight into the recruit's eyes and repeated again: "I will never leave my comrades and run away."

The recruit, whose momentum was completely suppressed, suddenly felt speechless.

"Hey, although it's not polite to interrupt your conversation, I always feel that the sky outside is a bit strange."

Heybert poked his head out of the trench again, and then retracted, interrupting the confrontation between the two.

"What's wrong?"

Knowing that Hibot was one of the first to notice the abyssal army's raid, that hero seemed to attach great importance to his discovery.

"It's too dark."

No sooner had Highbert finished than the recruit kid laughed.

"It's night now. It's dark at night, that's something children know." He grinned, thinking it was a joke that Hibott was using to brighten the atmosphere.

But apparently the hero thinks otherwise: "What does that mean?"

"There's no moon today. Not a single one. But there's no stars either... I can't even see the clouds! If I must say it, I feel like we're..." Highbot paused, as if searching his guts for something. Appropriate language: "It's like being locked in an upside-down iron pot!"

"I see."

The hero nodded, and said thoughtfully: "Because I am a magic swordsman, I am not very familiar with magic and the spell-like abilities of abyssal monsters. So before I set off, my best friend, a man named Aesop The great magician once told me something to pay attention to."

As he spoke, he imitated Haibert's action just now, sticking his head out of the trench, and looked at the gloomy sky. Confirm your own judgment.

"The current situation seems to be part of it... If I'm not mistaken, then the Mayflower troops may have been shrouded in an enchantment called 'Dark Sky'."

"What is the function of this dark barrier? Is it possible that it can only make the sky darker?" The recruit boy asked curiously, his age-appropriate thirst for knowledge eased his fear of war a little.

"Of course not. In addition to enhancing the power of shadow magic and some specific dark spells, the dark sky can also isolate some magic fluctuations. As far as I know, all telematics spells communicate through magic fluctuations."

After a pause, his face became a little serious: "In other words, it is very likely that Stein has not been able to obtain the information that we have been attacked by the Abyss Army until now!"

With that said, the hero looked around at the two people around him.

"I think we'll have to send someone to Stein."

The entire trench fell silent.

The sudden shrill screams and angry roars broke the precious tranquility of the night, causing the entire front to boil again.

The beating sound of a gong also sounded, along with warning sounds mixed with local dialects.

"What happened?" The recruit was startled, and picked up the long knife in his hand, his body trembling slightly.

"Someone was attacked by Ghost Face Owl, and the Abyss Army's attack has started again."

After listening carefully to the content of the warning, Hibot spoke to the other two.

"There is no time to hesitate, you two try to break out backwards, I will explain to the commander of Mayflower! Gentlemen, the future of mankind depends on you!" The hero also pulled up his knight spear. King Horilong , said solemnly to the two comrades who behaved completely differently. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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