The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 90: Xi Wei's Third Lesson

"Alchemy is an extremely complicated subject, including a total of dozens of subjects such as magic creation, enchantment, pharmacy, scroll science, and magic puppet science."

Xi Wei straightened the pointed mage hat on his head, and said to the students in the audience: "There are many magicians who have devoted their entire lives to alchemy, and some of them have achieved remarkable achievements that can only be looked up to. There are great achievements, and there are also people who spend their lives mediocre and unknown."

"Of course, I don't want you to be so proficient in alchemy. After all, apart from the written test, there is not much content in alchemy in the magic Jin exam."

Huolian National Academy of Magic is a college that mainly focuses on further studies, and its promotion exams are also related to the magic promotion exam to a certain extent, just like the college entrance examination does not test carpentry work, nor does it test agricultural knowledge even though they are very useful the same.

"However, in many cases, it is still very useful to have some basic knowledge of alchemy. What we learned today, everyone probably guessed from the tools and materials I prepared."

There is a small crucible in front of each student seat in the lecture theater. Below the crucible is a small magic furnace. Next to it are balance weights, measuring cups, chopping boards, medicine knives, long-handled spoons, and many strange shapes. Obviously, this is the device and material for making magic potions.

"Well, it was originally expected to be in a group of two, but for now, let's make it a group of four." Due to the influx of a large number of people, the tools and materials for making potions that were originally prepared were obviously in jeopardy. lacking.

These items were recently purchased by Xi Wei out of his own pocket and asked the teachers and staff to go out. Although the unit price is not expensive, the total is not a small amount. If it weren't for the free meals in the college, Xi Wei might have to rely on Northwest now. It's time to live.

"It is easy to encounter monsters with special attack effects when going out for adventure, and the most common ones are 'venomous', 'hypnosis', 'paralysis', 'burn', 'freezing' and 'petrification'. Today we are going to talk about how to Make a magic potion to deal with the special state of 'petrification'."

Xi Wei waved his finger, and a picture appeared on the blackboard behind him. There were six villains drawn with stick figures on it. The first one turned green all over, with green bubbles still popping out of his head. , which represents poisoning; the second one lowered its head, with the words 'zzz' appearing on it, obviously asleep; the third villain had stripes similar to lightning around its body, which meant paralysis; The bodies of the four and fifth villains turned red and blue respectively, one head was on fire and the other was frozen; the last villain turned brown with edges and corners on his body, which represented petrification.

Following Xi Wei's explanation, the first five villains disappeared, leaving only the last one.

"As we all know, petrification is a very troublesome state. Although there are also magic or spell-like abilities such as 'rock skin' that use local petrification to enhance your physical defense, but in most cases it will make you immobile. , become the enemy's bait." Xi Wei waved his finger again, and a huge cat appeared next to the villain in the picture, and then tore the villain who was in a fleeing posture but unable to move to pieces .

"The only way to eliminate petrification is to use magic potions, apart from the corresponding level of 'Earth Element Stripping' and the 'Evil Curse Dispelling' that can only be mastered by priests."

Because of the pictures as illustrations, Xi Wei's words not only became easier to understand, but also didn't correspond well to the pictures. Even some funny pictures made the students find it very interesting, so they couldn't help but listen carefully. ..., "Then the question is, does anyone know what is the main material of the 'Petrochemical Elimination Potion'?". Xi Wei asked everyone.

Unless you have read books on Potions, it is still a bit difficult to answer this kind of knowledge at once. Even if the material is placed in front of them, they still can't name it.

Although several sophomores and third graders have taught themselves a little alchemy in order to pass the written test, and they have some impressions of this question, but it is good that they are not busy hiding themselves as they are just for fun. Thinking about being the first bird...

In the end, including Alisa and Sophia, only a few people raised their hands.

Xi Wei randomly ordered one of them.

"Is it a Mandrake, Professor?" The student who was asked to answer asked anxiously.

"That's a very good answer, one point for Ganesh." Xi Wei sent him a satisfied expression, and then motioned for him to sit down with a smile on his face: "Mandrakes, also called mandrakes, and because of their roots They look like out-of-shape babies and are called baby roots. They are the most important material for dissolving petrochemical agents. In addition, Miss Weixisi, please don’t poke their navels. Grasses have dignity... even if they have been sunburned. done."

The girl who was called by Xi Wei stuck out her tongue, and withdrew her hand with her face blushing amidst the students' good-natured laughter.

"Then, here is the formula for the potion." Xi Wei waved his finger again, and the previous image disappeared, replaced by a huge piece of paper with the amount of materials needed to prepare a standard bottle written in large characters And the detailed steps of the preparation: "Then, let's do it now. After the preparation is completed, I will give some rewards to the top teams according to the effect, and please work hard."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the busy students and took out the goblin duel invitation box, adjusted the level to 5, and opened it.

What appeared was a sea goblin.

Xi Wei glanced at it, raised his brows in dissatisfaction, and then shot the opponent with ten times as many magic missiles in seconds.

His actions surprised many students who were more leisurely before it was their turn to help with the preparation.

The first-year students didn't know what happened. The ocean goblin was instantly killed. The second-year students barely guessed that Xi Wei used a magic missile, but they were still amazed at his casting speed. The third grade students who have already passed the college promotion practice saw a little more: just now, it was cast without spells and it was instant, and it was impossible for a magic missile with standard power to kill the ocean goblin of level 5 in seconds. Lin, in other words, this professor, who is not much older than them, can actually cast an improved version of a spell without spells that is more powerful than that. Then think about how many seconds I have to chant even a magic spell with standard power. What a difference! How big is it...

Although they knew that the professors were not on the same level as them, but when even this new, obviously very young professor possessed such powerful strength, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. The professor was also convinced.

Under the amazed eyes of the students, Xi Wei finally appeared after killing the two flame goblins and one frost goblin that were opened after opening the box (...) with lightning speed. A big earth goblin.

This kind of guy with rock skin is the best guinea pig for testing whether the students' potion is effective or not. Then he started to walk in the aisle of the lecture hall for a while, correcting some of the more common and more common problems among the students. Obvious error.

Then began to have group deployment completed. ..., although I don't know why the finished product of the original azure blue anti-petrochemical potion turned purple in their hands, but considering that the test product is not human anyway, Xi Wei ordered the earth goblin to take a sip without any psychological burden. Purple liquid.

About three seconds later, the Earth Goblin kicked his legs and died in battle, foaming at the mouth like that. His body disappeared in a puff of white smoke...

Xi Wei looked at the few students who were stunned by the sight, then carefully put a label of 'very poisonous' on the outside of the potion bottle they made, and put it in the bronze storage box .

Even monsters of level 5 can be poisoned at once, and they are monsters with strong adaptability like goblins. The poison they inadvertently created may be useful at any time...

After that, Xi Wei opened the box three more times before he got a new earth goblin.

This one's luck was much better than its predecessor's. Although it was fed with the potion by the other twenty or so groups that had completed the mission one after another, it did not die from the poison.

In the end, for the sake of its hard work, Xi Wei did not kill it, but tried his best to control the force and gave it a light blow, which made it fall into a coma and canceled the summoning.

In the end, among the nearly 30 potions recovered, including Alisa and her group, five of them had very good effects, almost immediately, more than a dozen had mediocre effects, and more than a dozen had extremely weak or no effect. Yes, uh, there is another highly toxic...

After adding two more points to the members of the five groups, Xi Wei summarized the content of the class and some precautions, then ignored the students' unsatisfied expressions, and asked them to clean up their desks and announce that get out of class was over.

Potions with very good effects can be sold to pharmacies, and those with mediocre effects can be sold for more than the recovery price. You must know that this kind of potion is very short of stock for mercenaries. In this way, not only did the cost of purchasing textbooks come back, but Xi Wei also made a small profit.

Not only that, but the task of 'becoming the most popular teacher in the academy' that he received during the lunch break also showed that he had completed it.

The two-star mission deserves to be a two-star mission. Looking at the rewards that usually take a long time to accumulate, Xi Wei couldn't help showing a smile of success...! ~!

{Floating astronomy

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