The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 91 Moonlight Lakeside

"I didn't expect there to be such a place in the forest."

Starting from the camp, after a short journey, Xi Wei's eyes suddenly brightened.

The large green grass is dotted with mid-color wild huā, and butterfly-like insects are dancing in the huā bushes. And in the middle is a lake about the size of a football field.

The dungeons of this series of Night Forest have always stayed at night, and the sky showed its full view for the first time after there were no trees or other shelters.

The bright river of stars flows in the middle of the night sky, like a dream. In the eastern sky, two moons, blue and light yellow, complement each other, and the silver mixed with a little bit of blue moonlight pours down, covering the entire grassland, and the tender green grass leaves also reflect the silver light, making the grassland It was like a layer of silver mist shrouded in the sky, very dreamy.

Both the galaxy and the bright moon are reflected by the sparkling lake water, as if there is another sky in the lake, extremely gorgeous.

This is the copy of [Moonlight Lakeside] that has been opened for a long time, but Xi Wei has never been here.

"By the way, is this really a dungeon?" Xi Wei looked around strangely.

It is not that there are no creatures on the grassland. In fact, the grassland on the shore can be regarded as a small paradise.

The subjugation level is only level 1, and creatures like horned moose and rabbits, which can be said to be inhumane, are all grazing there leisurely, and occasionally look at Xi Wei, the sudden intruder, with curious eyes. Not afraid of people.

As a dungeon that appeared at the same time as [Night Forest Olive Center], it would be too much to say that the favorite little things of these civilian hunters are wild monsters...

Through the mage hat on his head, Xi Wei reconfirmed that there were no monsters who were good at hiding around, and sat down on the grass as if he was slightly relieved.

Now it is basically certain that the enemy should be in the lake.

The lake at night is like a mirror, reflecting the entire night sky, but because of this, the deep blackness becomes its background color.

Xi Wei couldn't help but feel a little headache when he thought of his enemy hiding in such a place and staring at him.

One ring of magic I have mastered does not deal with water battles. What if the opponent directly dives into the water in the middle of the fight, how can I break it? Stand on the water and wait for it to come out...

The supply this time is just one more sonic bomb, unless it can be confirmed that the other party has floated to the shallow water surface, otherwise this thing is useless.

When thinking about how to fight the boss, Xi Wei couldn't help but get distracted again.

After passing the [Coral Sea Path] dungeon with an S-level assessment, in addition to the necessary proof of the strong, he also got a new mage robe in the treasure chest, which is the one he wore to class before.

As a rare equipment, although the mage robe named [Starlight Robe] is so rotten in terms of physical defense, it has "magic damage absorption", which can completely absorb magic below a certain power. Nullification, even if you receive a magic blow that exceeds the absorbable range, you can reduce part of the damage. It can be said that it is a bug when facing spellcasting professions in the early stage. With the shield on his ring, Xi Wei is confident that even if he is with an ordinary Mid-level magicians can also win if they stand against each other.

In addition, he also got an achievement building blueprint in the customs clearance reward.

【Fairy's Tree Shack】

【Achievement Architecture】

[Achievement buildings that can attract wild monsters to live in. Depending on the type of monsters, you can recruit them for a certain amount of money or food]

[Capacity: This shack can accommodate up to 15 monsters and monsters]

[Construction conditions: You need to have any kind of building in the Forbidden Forest or Fairy Huā Garden before you can build it]

Although it is good that achievement buildings can be built without consuming materials, but because of the last point, even if Xi Wei got this blueprint, he had to hide it in the snow. Just kidding, he didn't even have the resources to build the core building. , how can we gather to build other unnecessary buildings?......, and the garden in the courtyard is okay to say, the first two are basically achievement buildings, and they are both expensive and expensive!

In the end, he finally got an S-level customs clearance assessment, and was cheated by the system again. Just as Xi Wei thought about it more and more and felt powerless, a vortex suddenly appeared in the originally calm lake. The next moment, a giant beast poked its head out of it, opened its mouth full of sharp teeth, and bit the seemingly defenseless Xi Wei!

However, Xi Wei has been through so many battles anyway, so how could he really relax on the battlefield? The moment something changed on the water surface, he activated the traction bell that he had glued to the woods on the edge of the grass in advance. Pulling himself back, he easily avoided the giant beast's attack, which seemed to be able to crush even a rock.

"Emerald water crocodile." With the ability of the hat, Xi Wei immediately knew the name of the attacker: "This color is relatively rare... Could it be Yaten?"

The green water crocodile belongs to the amphibious and reptile species, the wild crocodile species, and has a crusade level of 13. It has the magic-like ability "tidal fluctuation". While defending, this powerful torrent can also completely crush ordinary people in the water.

I don't know if it's because it just jumped out of the water, or because of its own material, the scaly skin on the monster's body reflects the sparkling starlight, and the dark blue background is covered with black stripes, while the general emerald Water crocodiles are green.

In addition to its color, the green water crocodile that attacked Xi Wei also had an unusually large body. The head that was now exposed to the water was nearly 7 meters long, which was almost half the size of an ordinary adult green water crocodile.

The giant crocodile missed a single hit and was about to dive into the water again. Without the buoyancy of the water and the boost from its own spell-like ability, it would be very difficult to move its huge body. Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, generally It doesn't put the battlefield on the ground.

Xi Wei, who discovered this, showed a thoughtful look.

Then he summoned all ten shadow servants in the dark night sphere, and asked them to harass the green water crocodile to ensure that it would not sink too quickly. As the master of this water area, the green water crocodile would not let it go easily Pass these little things that have no strength but keep making trouble for it.

Then he took out the goblin duel invitation box, and began to summon the mouth-level goblin.

After four experiments, he successfully summoned the Lightning Goblin he wanted.

Then under his command, the Lightning Goblin hid on the shore, and kept firing electricity at the green water crocodile.

This kind of attack is definitely not very effective for the green water crocodile, but just like people are always bitten by the same mosquito, the green water crocodile is also irritated by the disgusting harassment behavior of the lightning goblin Come on, as the saying goes, the Buddha can only endure three times, right?

So the giant crocodile rushed to the shore roaring, trying to crush the little bug that always harassed it.

But it wasn't until it came ashore that Xi Wei was already waiting there with a smile on his face! ~!

{Floating astronomy

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