The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 920 I bet there are at least two characters in this chapter that you have forgotten

Unlike Riddle's group, Kamiyu and the others encountered a little trouble. ←

"Speaking of which..." The purple machete in Jon's hand flickered, and a creature that looked like a treant was cut in half by him: "I'm not a student of your academy at all, am I? There is absolutely no need to accompany you to live and die together here!"

The half a year in Edric College has worn away the gloomy aura of the young soul tool user, allowing him to regain his once sunny personality and the ability to complain about blood.

"Well, I think so too."

Because of Jon's helping hand, Kamiyu waved his wand in a panic, and finally had the leeway to switch it to phase sword mode: "So you can go back to the ground after this fight is over, I don't mind .”

"Don't say it's nothing to do with yourself! How can I get back to the ground from this desolate place!"

Jon growled.

Seeing that there seemed to be an opportunity, several Gelaohui soldiers wearing enchanted heavy armor immediately raised their lances and stabbed at Jon.

"Your future, end it here for me!"

But Jon just whispered indifferently, and with a flash of purple light, the bodies of the two soldiers, including their heavy armor, were cut in half.

"Don't you still have a soul tool?" Kamiyu looked at the corpse that had been cut into two neatly, and said, "The power of a soul tool is really terrifying, even a phase sword can't do it so easily. Same thing."

"I'm really sorry that my soul tool can't let me return to the ground from the moon!"

Jon continued to roar, but this time the large number of soldiers around did not dare to attack by force, they just surrounded them from a distance.

"Hey, squad leader, can't your phase sword do this? I remember that the phase sword can cut off everything in theory, right?" I asked leisurely.

"Well, although this can be done in theory. However, when attacking items covered by defensive enchantments, or enchanted items like the ones they wear, the magic power used for defense on those things will have a negative effect on the magic of the phase sword. It has an impact by itself, although there is no way to cancel the phase sword, but it can still be weakened."

Kamiyu also took the time to reply.

At the same time, his brain was running fast, thinking of ways to allow his group to escape.

In fact, they are also quite unlucky. He was discovered when he passed through the defense line set up by the Ge Laohui to guard against the withered elves, because he couldn't get rid of the enemy's pursuit quickly, and finally fell to the point where he was surrounded by thousands of people.

In fact, if Jon hadn't been predicting the future through the soul tool and blocked many attacks from the enemy, the three of them would have been injured by now.

"Tsk, I didn't expect the little-known Ge Laohui to pull out such an army. It seems that they really have ulterior ambitions." In the end, Kamiyu could only sigh.

Armies of thousands of men are not uncommon. Even the smallest principality in the king's council can easily pull out this amount of troops.

But enchanted armor and weapons are different. Although they are not comparable to pure magic items, the value of such enchanted items is also extremely high. Many empires have no way to build a sufficient number of enchanted legions, let alone various principalities. .

If it is an ordinary army of thousands of people, Kamiyu is still sure to escape, but it is very difficult for an enchanted army of the same magnitude... No, perhaps it is not an exaggeration to describe it as hopeless.

"There is no way. Jon, I will use a large magic to open the way for you later. You take Juno and run towards the fourth school district. As long as you are fast enough, you will definitely be able to meet other people in the academy."

"What about you?" Jon stared at Kamiyu incredulously.

"Of course I'm here waiting for rescue." Kamiyu said confidently, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

This is of course deceiving.

Now the three of them are working so hard together, if there is only Kamiyu alone, it can almost be said that he will surely die. What's more, he also said that he would use large-scale magic to open the way-something that could be called large-scale magic. At least the third-ring level, as a middle-level magician, after fighting for a long time, he cast a large-scale third-ring magic, how much magic power is left in his body?

"Do you want to delay these guys with your own life?" Jon said in a deep voice.

"Because I'm the squad leader..." He was not surprised that his plan was seen through by the other party. Kamiyu knew very well what kind of person Jon was, and he just rationalized the current situation to the other party: "If my plan is carried out, then at least you have a great possibility of being saved; if you refuse , the three of us can only die here together, I don't care, but do you really have the heart to watch Juno die together?"

Jon has witnessed the death of his dearest person, and also experienced the feeling of his favorite person disappearing in his arms. Because of this, he no longer wants to see the people around him die.

Kamiyu knew this very well, and knew that Jon could not refuse the conditions that allowed Juno to live, so he said so.

"Those guys seem to have brought the crossbow and arrows here, and they are changing their costumes, and it will be too late." Kamiyu has already assumed the gesture of casting a spell: "Don't you still want to be a hero? How can you fall here? !"

"Damn it, you bastard, you must live for me!"

Jon looked at Kamiyu with a determined face, and said harshly.

"...Although I am sorry to interrupt the conversation between you, but Jon, you have been tricked by the monitor."

At this time, Juno raised his hand and said very disruptively.

"What?" Jon froze, looking at Juno.

The decisive look on Kamiyu's face also disappeared, and it turned into a regretful expression: "Junuo, what are you doing, I wanted to continue acting."

"Go on? What do you mean..." Jon didn't know what was going on.

"Returning crystal."

Juno uttered a word that Jon understood immediately.

Since Jon didn't join Edric, he didn't have such a convenient thing in his hand, so naturally he couldn't remember it for a while.

Juno's meaning is very clear, as long as the two of them successfully break through, Kamiyu can use the return crystal to go back to the academy directly.

Although he will definitely fail the actual combat class later on, at least his life will be safe...

"Ka Mi U!" Jon felt his entire face twitch.

"...Didn't I say peace of mind, I'm fine." Kamiyu took a step back in embarrassment.

At this time, the opponent had already changed their outfits and set up a bow and crossbow at them.

"It's all your fault for wanting to perform a stage play, it's a bit bad now!" Juno said, waving his hands.

"Both of you have homecoming crystals, right? If that's the case, as long as I can get out."

Although he was displeased with Camille's expressive acting skills, Jon was relieved knowing that their lives would not be in danger.

It's a pity that the enemy is not the kind of gentleman who would politely watch the magical girl and wait until the transformation is complete. When the three of them were talking, arrows shot towards them like raindrops!

Just as Kamiyu was about to cast a defensive spell, he suddenly found that the arrows were moving slowly in the air like snails.

"You made a lot of mistakes before." Laven, who had been secretly observing them since just now, appeared in front of them at some point: "But now is not the time for teaching."

As she said that, her wine-red eyes glanced at Jon, who was startled and almost pointed her sword at her: "The kid over there, if you don't want to resonate with the soul, you'd better not point that thing at me."

"You are also a soul tool?!"

Jon naturally knows what the resonance of the soul is - once the soul with the host is hostile and reveals the soul, it will trigger the resonance of the soul, so one of them will definitely die.

"It's nothing surprising, I've seen the blueprints of all soul tools..."

Laven, who had gone back to the age of mythology with Xi Wei, was naturally talking about the fire of St. George's notoriety.

"All in all, two points will be deducted from Kamiyu and Juno's credits. Now let's get out of this damn place."

Ignoring Juno and Kamiyu' isn't fair! They obviously didn't say anything, "It's too cruel, that's why I don't like the dean" shouted, and walked two steps directly.

Then she stopped suddenly.

"Ten points off Kamiyu."

Well, it seems that she still cares...

ps: I went to see the Women's Federation 2 with my high school classmates, and I was dizzy watching it in imax... Also, can you imagine how uncomfortable it is to have the two of us mixed in a crowd...

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