The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 921 Punishment and Seal

Kamiyu and his party were the latest to arrive at Edric's fourth school district. ∮

Although Laven's time lag is very effective for the soldiers of the elders in the pavilion, the large range that needs to be opened will also make her have a lot of burden. Therefore, the group did not try to annihilate the enemy, but just left the opponent as soon as possible encircled by .

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the fourth school district, which had just been built, appeared in front of them.

"Although I'm used to the great dean's generosity, I will still be frightened." Jon exclaimed softly.

The other three members of Edric College naturally felt proud.

On the barren land, a piece of paradise stands out of place, like a famous painting handed down on the gray concrete floor with the most gorgeous strokes, which is extremely eye-catching.

After passing through the enchantment with Edric's student authority (Jon used the temporary visitor authority), the blue sky, white clouds, singing birds and flowers, as well as the fresh and sufficient air lifted the spirits of the group.

"Come back to life! The environment in the outside world is too harsh!" Juno stretched his waist, showing off his beautiful curves... Although he was half a year younger than Dorothy and Alisa, but The girl has an unexpectedly mature figure.

This also made Jon look away blushing.

Kamiyu on the side is still pestering Lawen.

"Professor Laven, I just made a mistake for a while, can the 12 credits be..." He smiled carefully, and tried to persuade Laven to take back the previous punishment: "Look, the dean loves you so much." We students, you should also be a little magnanimous in order to win his appreciation..."

As the most restless guy among the four monitors, most of Kamiyu's credits were used by him to buy alchemy materials and make all kinds of messy alchemy products. In addition, the theoretical results of this product can only be regarded as mid-range in the academy. The way to obtain credits is not much more than that of ordinary students, so among the four, he has always been the one with the most financial constraints. Of course, it hurts him to deduct 12 points all of a sudden.

"What you said makes sense." Laven nodded expressionlessly, which made Kamiyu very happy.

"However, it's useless." But Laven's next words turned Kamiyu from joy to sorrow: "Prepare me a self-criticism of at least 12,000 words, and review your own mistakes in this operation. , if I think it's passable, then let you go. Otherwise..."

Kamiyu, who is very bad at writing such written reports, nodded with a bitter face.

Forget it, at worst, let Riddle or Tanis ghostwrite it...

"Oh, if I find out that there is a ghostwriting part in the review." Lawen seemed to see through Kamiyu's thoughts, and smiled slightly: "Then the credits will be doubled."


--Dividing line--

Leaving aside the hard-working Kamiyu, the fourth school district is currently running very smoothly because of Sophia's management and the help of Fit and his three sages.

So Xi Wei began to carry out his plan to seal the source of the withered elf's power, that is, the arm of the Lord of Plague in the world tree.

In fact, this is also one of Xi Wei's biggest purposes for coming to the moon.

The world tree descended in the ancient forest sea a year ago because Xi Wei's strength was insufficient. In the end, he could only beat it back to the moon, but now that Xi Wei had become a legend, even if he was against the Lord of Plague, he would still be able to fight, let alone with just one arm?

Since I have the ability, I should simply seal or destroy that arm.

In this way, the power of the withered elves, who have lost their source of power, is not to be feared. After all, the fourth school district was established on Feiyue, so there must be someone resident here. If the wither elves were not suppressed, how could Xi Wei rest assured that his subordinates or students would stay on the moon.

It's not just the wither elves, wait until this time the training of the students is over. Free up your hands here, even the guy behind the moon beast must be found out. If the other party is obedient, that's fine, but if the other party is not obedient, you can only beat him up before talking...

As for the World Tree...Well, we need help to adjust it, and get rid of the erosion of the Lord of Plagues on the World Tree for thousands of years. Then let the fourth school district move to the World Tree...

With Xiwei's current strength, even if he walked into the wither elf camp in a grand manner. The opponent's entire family may not necessarily be able to do anything about it. But in this way, the secrecy will be lost, if I accidentally kill the whole wither elves, then the chances of the students to sharpen this time will be greatly reduced.

So he simply passed through the camp of the withered elves invisible through the wind element.

Most of the living resources of the withered elves come from the world tree. Even the dog face bugs they use for alarm.

The dog faceworm is a green creature about the size of a pitbull, but looks a bit like a caterpillar with a dog's head. It is a parasitic pest on the world tree, but its perception is very keen. And it's easy to tame, which is why it became the pet of the withered elf... For Xi Wei, it was really bad taste for the withered elf to treat these bugs as watchdogs and pets.

For those bugs, Xi Wei's legendary aura also made them tremble, and they didn't dare to make a sound.

After passing through the camp of the withered elves, Xi Wei came to the deep valley where the world tree was located.

However, to his surprise, there are countless snakes of various colors all over the deep valley, and even the mist in the deep valley has a hint of purple, which is very poisonous at first glance.

"Speaking of which, the Lord of Plague seems to be the king of snakes." Scratching his face, Xi Wei muttered to himself in a daze.

When the world tree came to the main material plane, there seemed to be a large number of snakes assisting in the attack.

I just didn't expect such a situation to appear on the barren moon.

Of course, ordinary poisonous snakes would not dare to attack Xi Wei at all. Those who dare to attack him must at least have the strength of the abyss serpent... However, there are no particularly powerful snakes in this abyss.

I don't know if the plague lord's Yig's power couldn't attract those powerful creatures, or if the wither elves killed those monsters on purpose so that the snakes wouldn't threaten their lives.

But this did not prevent Xi Wei from sealing the arm of the Lord of Plague.

However, when he came to the World Tree, he found that the other party seemed to be waiting for his arrival, ready to go.

"...I see. It seems that after the World Tree and the Plague Lord's arm have been bound for so long, has a certain degree of self-awareness appeared?"

Xi Wei didn't care about this, but guessed in surprise: "Or did the Lord of Plague deliberately keep part of his consciousness in his arm?"

After a while, he smiled again: "Forget it, anyway, no matter what the possibility is, you will die here today..."

ps: Those who lose their integrity in the book review section will give me self-respect!

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