The Dean Has Arrived

Text Chapter 939: Dirty Sacred Tree, War on the Moon (6)

Of course, Xi Wei took out so many wands not just for fun.

As part of his collection, the wands stuck on the ground are all high-quality products—at least, they are all of a level that is almost impossible to buy using ordinary means on the human market.

Amplifying magic power is a standard feature of almost every wand. Although it looks like it is just inserted randomly on the ground, Xi Wei actually arranged the most special magic circle in the most reasonable way - there is nothing special about it. The ability and effect are simply to increase magic power.

The Life Master doesn't have any truly powerful skills... No, that's not right. In fact, after the opponent has mastered a certain degree of the laws within the World Tree, he can use the 'Laws and Divine Words' similar to the spoken words. For ordinary people, this is already an ability that can be called a decisive blow.

But to Xi Wei, this move is just as flashy as the ultimate move in divine magic, the 'Great Prophecy'.

Facing someone who is not as strong as you, you don’t need to use this trick to win. Facing an opponent who is at the same level as you or even stronger, this magic stick skill will undoubtedly have no effect—— Unless your opponent is a muscle pervert who doesn't even know a single bit of mysterious skills and simply strengthens his body to the point of killing gods...

But Xi Wei had to admit that the Master of Life was still one of the strongest enemies he had faced so far, except of course the few out-of-spec guys from the Third Eldraqi Ancestor.

There is no other reason, it is purely because of the regeneration ability that is so strong that it is almost impossible to kill.

In this case, the battle will undoubtedly become a protracted one. Even if it is a legend, magic power is not unlimited, except for planning the use of one's own magic power. Xi Wei's main method is to greatly increase his magic power through the magic circle.

"The twenty-third time..."

Now Xi Wei had piled up a hill of sawdust and severed limbs in front of him, but the dragon-like monster had once again resurrected from the pile of debris.

"It's useless, stop struggling!"

The blood-red dragon eyes of the master of life showed unconcealed murderous intent: "I will crush your body, your bones, and your internal organs bit by bit, and let your screams become the best accompaniment for me to ascend to the masterpiece." !”

This is not incomprehensible, no matter how good-tempered a person is. After being killed more than twenty times in a row, your psychology will always be a little distorted...

Dodging the other party's not very strong breath, Xi Wei snapped his fingers and opened a space door before the other party could react. In this fraction of time, a meteorite flew out of the door and hit the giant beast that was the master of life. body. Its upper body was completely turned into powder. In addition, a huge crater appeared on the ground. The lower half of the giant beast's body was still lying in pieces inside, and the interface with the upper body was almost completely charred.

But even so, life force poured into the pit from all directions like a spring. The missing part grew out of the ground again, and the scene looked extremely strange...

"Didn't I say it's useless?" The life master's confidence became higher and higher with each resurrection.

It once again began to spit its breath indiscriminately around.

While Xi Wei was avoiding, he kept collecting the information he wanted.

"...It's more like 'regeneration' from the broken body than recovery. So, could it be that all the cells in this body are 'universal cells'?"

Before Xi Wei traveled through time, he had seen some reports about universal cells.

Humans... no, almost all animals start from fertilized eggs and grow into complete individuals.

During the growth process, a fertilized egg can divide into more than 200 somatic cells with different shapes and functions. The various body tissues that make up animals.

But this division is one-way and irreversible, and it is impossible for nerve cells to become muscle cells. It is also impossible for red blood cells to turn into white blood cells.

However, some people have hypothesized that if the original 'universal cells' can be replicated, can all parts of the human body be regenerated? In this case, as long as the diseased organs are replaced, wouldn't humans be able to live forever?

Until Xiwei's time travel, humans had not been able to come up with a method to mass-produce universal cells at low cost.

But the earth's affairs now have nothing to do with Xi Wei. What we should be concerned about is the guy in front who can regenerate infinitely.

Plants are different from animals. Many plants exist even on already grown individuals. There are still universal cells. Some plants can even regrow a new plant as long as a few roots are left behind.

The Nine Holy Ring God Mu Tianyanlong was originally a monster between animals and plants. Xi Wei wouldn't be surprised if it was filled with universal cells that could regenerate indefinitely as long as it provided vitality.

What's more, the World Tree itself is a warehouse of universal cells. As long as genetic samples can be provided, anything can grow. This possibility is not impossible.

"But even so, the body of consciousness should still reside in that monster..."

As the inference was improved step by step, Xi Wei's mind became clearer and clearer.

A plan emerged in his mind.

"No matter what you do, it's useless! Do you know the meaning of 'Tianyan' in the name Shenmu Tianyanlong?" Although the Master of Life couldn't hear what Xiwei was talking about, he still subconsciously sensed that Xiwei was speaking. Consider strategies to deal with it: "'Evolution of God's Will', every death is not only rebirth, but Shenmu Tianyanlong will also gradually evolve and gain the ability to deal with various deaths. The same method of death will only work on me at most. three times!"

"Do you actually need to evolve three times to learn how to defend against a certain move?" Xi Wei distanced himself from the opponent, and the old god said on the ground: "You are far behind the Saint Seiya."

Although the Master of Life doesn't know what a Saint is, this does not prevent it from understanding that what Xiwei just said was a mockery of it.

"That's enough, I've had enough fun, go to hell!" The huge monster rushed toward Xi Wei again.

The Yingzhang Magic Eye on Xi Wei's head, which was originally used to dodge attacks, suddenly turned into a magic eye that can detect information about objects and even point directly to the source of laws.

"I've had enough fun... More importantly, I'm starting to worry a little about my lovely students. So I really need to put an end to it."

Tong easily dodged the fierce attack of the giant beast, and Xiwei used a traction anchor to pull himself in front of the unprepared Shenmu Tianyanlong, and stroked the opponent's head like a pet.

"You, you damn guy! How much do you want to tease me!" The giant beast was angered by Xi Wei's actions and ran rampant in the wide space.

However, Xi Wei had already escaped through the Yingzhang Demonic Eye that lit up again.

Just when the master of life was about to use all his strength to trample Xi Wei into a pulp, he was horrified to find that he had lost control of his body.

"I told you, it's time to settle things." Xi Wei's voice sounded in the ears of the master of life again.

"You, what on earth did you do?!" It was frightened and angry, and wanted to bite Xi Wei to death. But for some reason, it couldn't even move its little finger.

"Because your body is growing indefinitely, the massive increase in neurons has completely disrupted your original nervous system." Xi Wei sighed and put away the wand around him: "Those two blows just now were not for humiliation. You... I am just injecting the genetic sample I wrote into your body and mobilizing all the 'universal cells' in your body. Since this action will not cause your death, your evolutionary ability cannot be activated, and you will It can only keep growing like this until it fills the entire space inside the World Tree. At the same time, your consciousness will also be imprisoned by this body. Do you know what this means?"

With that said, Xi Wei began to walk towards the place where the core of the World Tree was originally located.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank you for spending a thousand years to remove the original self-defense ability of the core of the World Tree. Otherwise, even I would have to spend a lot of energy to occupy this thing."

Putting the curse of the lost dog behind him, Xi Wei finally showed a smile: "I accept the control of World Tree." (To be continued)


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